Parrot fish

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The fact that the Blood Parrot Fish is an artificially bred species (the fish described in the link you have posted) is a little controversial, but generally accepted. The fact that the fish is then subjected to a brutal process of chemical colouration is distasteful to the vast majority of aquarists who are aware that it occurs (and I suspect most of the people who have such a fish were not aware of the process, at least not when they bought it). You have to realise how much this fish offends people who like fish, you would'nt go to a dog forum and brag about how you had just bought a dog that had been shaved and tatooed blue because you liked how it looked, well the same applies here.

Anyway I was under the impression that if a fish was dyed, the colour would fade over time (if it lived long enough) and eventually end up at a faded version of it's natural color, so you will probably end up dissapointed anyway.

Edited to tidy up my tirade :S
angel_eyes0857 said:
case is closed then
Sorry kid,but it just doesn't work that way :lol:

You may start a thread but you can't control the outcome.And while you are certainly entitled to your opinion,you should understand that others may not agree and are free to say so.

You chose to post about this fish on a board where the majority of people care about fish as living creatures rather than only as as unique ornaments.Most here don't support cruelty to living creartures.That's just the way it is.

I think that is a very pretty fish. I love the blue color. Although some may disagree with the dying. I don't agree with it either, I would never want a my dog to be dyed a different color, nor my fish because of the pain they have to go through. But if you found a fish you enjoy looking at and taking care of then I am happy for you. We all have our own opinions. :nod:
first off... and i'll explain myself in MORE DETAIL

i first noticed these types of fish in a LPS that is 1/2 hour away. they are pink and yellow , in a huge tank. i foudn it pretty amusing that when i put my head near the tank, they back up and when you move away they come back and keep doing it as if they are playing.
i then noticed that there was some in the smaller tanks in the petstore.
i already have a 10 gallon tank with 8 fish in it, when my parents decided to buy a bigger tank. they got a great deal on a 20 gallon tank.
my dad was in love with this beautiful blue, personality filled, fish that was swimming around. all we knew at the time was that it was called a parrot fish.
him and mom got the tank and we came home and set it up... and while later we bought that parrot fish and the tiger guarmi.
i always read about species of fish that i am curious about. I had no knowledge of this fish when my parents purchased it.
I looked up Parrot Fish and as you guys should know, cause of how experienced you sound.., i couldn't find a thing on this fish. I wanted to know where they were from and how they got their distinct colours.
A couple days after them buying this fish, dad said to me that they are very rare and that they are injected with color...adn most of them originally are red, or white. I thought it was wierd at first, and didn't know if it was true or not.
Anyway, we automatically assumed that it was when they were eggs or whatnot. Who knows... and who knows that what you believe on the internet is true.. no one can tell me 100% surely, that the fish that we have in this 20g tank has been injected with color and put in acidic stuff or whatnot... unless you have done it yourself to your fish to experiment, which I hope you haven't.
I then took those pictures tonight to show off in this forum, only because I know their are a lot of nice people in here that would respond. At the exact time, I didnt realize that they werent colored when they were eggs... as i stated in the beginning messages.
Yes, I do think that injecting color by however they do it, is sad... but i didnt know that is exactly how, and i still don't know. All we knew was this was a gorgous fish and my parents wanted it. Later we realized they are man made, and then we later realized they are part of a cichlid family. (when we were trying to figure out what to put in the tank with her)
If dyeing fish a certain color, was so wrong and so harmful, people wouldn't do it. Can you imagine the other things in this world that scientists do that no one knows about? and I am sure there are people out there that would buy a tattoo'd dog if that was their style. No, its not mine, I'm not really a dog person but I'm sure someone would say "hey how cool is that" , buy it, and not think so in depth about how it was done.
We now have this blue beautiful fish in our tank, and shows no sign of stress or pain... and just because someone made it a blue color, doesn't mean im going to go flush him down the toilet. One, I see nothing wrong with the fact that we learned about this fish AFTER we bought it... and two, I like my animals (and this fish isn't even MINE) too much to throw away the money and get rid of them while they are alive. No thanks, maybe someone else would but not me.
Bottom line, if it is true that most fish die while getting dyed, and some live on and continue their lives, well then I got one hardy little fish! He is amazing to look at, and I don't plan on dwelling how he/she got their color. I am concentrating on keeping the water results perfect and making sure she/he is fed and taken care of!!!
and is closed cause I have nothing else to say about this. you are entitled to your own opinion, as I am mine, so we'll leave it at that. You had your say, and I had mine... and everyone else...
and might I add that a fish doesnt have a very long memory span so it's not like he /she is in any pain for remembering what happened earlier in their life. and this dyeing is done very early. The longest a fish can remember is 3 months. oh, and if she loses her blue color, no we are not going to be disappointed because it is our pet, and that doesnt change nothing.

Quoting you:

If dyeing fish a certain color, was so wrong and so harmful, people wouldn't do it.

If that is how you view the world, then you should read the newspapers.

i do, and i dont see DYEING FISH - SHOULD BE "ILLEGALIZED"
and again, as i mentioned. i'm done with this topic. unless someone has something good to say :rolleyes: :)
There is clearly no way to convince you about how cruel it is to dye fish :no:

I'm just wasting my time, i am off this topic.

I see your point, you had no idea that the fish was dyed before you got it. So your fish has had a rough start going through the dying treatment. But I am glad you like it, and can give it a good life now. :) What's done is done, no matter how wrong it is. The fishes that it has happened to can't be changed back, no matter how sad it is, that it happend in the first place. The fish still has to be taken care of and I see that you enjoy it a lot and am not worried that it will be harmed. ;)
yeah thats great...
i didnt know about it... honestly i really had no idea...
but i do intend on helping my parents out on keeping this fish alive and healthy... and yes, whats done is done... no goin back.

Ok, since you said that, i think you are making the wrong assumption. I am breaking my promise for one more post to see if this can clear it up.

It is ok if you bought it NOT KNOWING it was dyed. But now that you have it, you say that dyeing is ok and all that. Now THAT is what i disagree with. Seems to have been a misunderstanding around here.

i never said i agree with dyeing fish...
at least i dont think any of my words sounded like that...
i said a few opinions and stuff..
no, none of us knew about this before we bought the fish and yeah, maybe it would have been different if we knew about it...
but you can't go back in time now
and we didnt know that parrot fish are actuallyc alled "blood parrot fish" or else i would have found them on the net before purchasing but we couldnt find anything
Yep, and I am sorry if people were harsh to you, they just see fish dyeing as cruelty which I believe it is to. That means their hearts are in the right place, not wanting anything to suffer through pain. So don't think badly on this forum. People mean well, sometimes they just don't understand. Like they didn't know that you didn't know the fish was dyed in the first place. So now they know you didn't know about it and that you will help take good care of it, so it has a better life. And hopefully they will be a little more nice. :thumbs: If that makes any sense to you :p
angel_eyes0857 said:
i do, and i dont see DYEING FISH - SHOULD BE "ILLEGALIZED"
and again, as i mentioned. i'm done with this topic. unless someone has something good to say :rolleyes: :)
Actually there have been efforts to ban the practice.People who know far more about this than you or I do have studied it in depth and have concluded that it is a cruel practice which should be stopped.This is a link to a reputable publication.

This was so close too being a yelliung match I think, It's good you kept your cool through it all angel, I see your story and would not hate my fish for being colored and as long as you plan to take care of it good for you. It just sounded like you were ignoreing the cruelty of the dyeing. Noone is asking for you to get rid of the fish, just please don't buy another. If you like the fish then by all means find one none dyed. And Fish cannot be generalized with the memory thing. It's like comparing your brain power to that of a horse or dog's. Niether is that fact proven

Enjoy your fish, it's all right too say "hey cool how cool is that" when you don't know about dyeing but after that then your just being ignorant
(not meaning you angel)
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