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  1. K

    Blue Saphire Angel Fish

    hey all, a local breeder (brisbane australia) is selling blue saphire angel fish. They look awesome but..... although i am a newbie, i cant say that i have seen such an angel fish before...Do they exist or are these dyed or something??? Cheers all
  2. K

    Dwarf Gouramais And Bolivian Rams

    yep, had my brain switched off there kat...brazillian indeed...dont know where my mind was there!! tank is quite heavily planted and has drift wood, caves etc its 3 ft long...and seriously i LOVE the Bolivians !!! i hear a brazillian ram is quite painful ;-)
  3. K

    Dwarf Gouramais And Bolivian Rams

    hey all I Currently have a 40G tank with 6 harlequins, 6 kuhlis, 2 bristle nose and 2 brazillian rams (thanks for the suggestion on the rams kitty kat...awesome fish!!) Am thinking about completing the tank (and tell me if i am over stocking here!) with 2 dwarf neon blue gouramais. Could anyone...
  4. K

    Too May?

    Cheers Kat they had three types at the pet store bolivian butterflys (which i assume is just another name for em!), Balloon rams (which looked pretty cool) and the blues... But if the bolivians get that big, thats what I'm after! CHEERS!
  5. K

    Too May?

    hey Kat, so far i have seen you giving great advice on nearly every post i have read....Us newbies REALLY appreciate your advice, so a big thanks from all us newbies out there! you suggested a couple of rams to me on a previous post last week, I had a look at some today in the lfs (and bought...
  6. K

    See Though Fish...

    OMG why the hell would they do that to something as amazing as a see through us humans are never satisfied!
  7. K

    Too May?

    so there i was thinking i had the fish for my new tank sorted.....then i saw these glass catfish today... and it looks like the cardinals i was going to get in a few weeks will need to make way for the glass catfish does this sound okay for a 40G tank? 17 harlequin rasborras (already in tank)...
  8. K

    See Though Fish...

    hey thanks for the replies, very much appreciated looked on google and Kat is correct they are glass cat what very cool looking fish cheers Clint
  9. K

    See Though Fish...

    saw these amazing fish at the pet store today...but can't remember their bloody name!...they were quite long 1.5inches roughly, and very thin. They had completly see through bodies. anyone know anything about their name! or if they are communal fish , difficult to keep etc? cheers
  10. K

    Bigger Fish For Community Tank

    has anyone got any suggestions for a couple of bigger fish for a 40G tank thank currently has 17 harlequins 3 kuhlis and 10 neons. Been told that german or bolivian rams are the go, saw some today at my LFS and they are very nice looking fish, but was told they dont grow much past a couple of...
  11. K

    Testing Kits

    In australia i just bought a seachem pack for my new aquarium.its called headstart and has prime, stability (to prevent new tank syndrome) and clarity (clears the water) seems to be the go so far and is certainly helping with the cycle. if you get impatient and cant wait to do the whole fishless...
  12. K

    Chocolate Chiclids Breeding

    ...yep sounds like a no...hope your fishes mouth turned out okay! thanks for the help mate
  13. K

    Fliter Media

    hey mate, just bought the same filter as you, only cost $55 austalian, which was bloody cheap, which made me think it would be bloody cheap. It has arrived, but is not yet in use, seems to be built fairly well...hows yours running?
  14. K

    Chocolate Chiclids Breeding

    hey Mate, dont know the answer to your question but am hoping you can answer one for me! i hear that choc cichlids are quite tame and docile, and was contemplating using them in a communal tank with some smaller fish (harlequins and the like) whats your experience with the chocs?
  15. K

    Cost Of Keeping Tropical Fish

    here you there mate..two weeks ago i bought a second hand 3foot tank and stand for $120....repainted it bought everything i need for it bar the fish and worked out today i am 850 bucks down far........and yep the missus is on my case....As for whos right and wrong.......she's right about...
  16. K

    Suitable Bigger Fish To Live With Neons And Harlequins

    In a never ending father/son battle that I and my six year old are having on what to stock our new 40gallon tank with (he wants neons and harlequins, i want bigger cichlids) I am after some advice for a comprimise. Thought of angels or discus, but am being told that it would be unfair on them in...
  17. K

    Siamese Fighting Fish

    thanks, best i cross my fingers and hope for some docile ones!...thanks very much for the advice
  18. K

    Siamese Fighting Fish

    thanks for the be more speciic would they be okay with cardinals and harlequins?
  19. K

    Siamese Fighting Fish

    i read somewhere that it is okay to keep female siamese fighting fish (3 of them) in a community this true????
  20. K

    Using Goldfish To Cycle New Tank

    Cheers mate...should have known are right the discus does have a bloody small mouth!....thats made me happy, really like to have a couple of discuss...thanks for the advice
  21. K

    Too Many?

    hey all, so have set up a tank, and am about to start the fishless cycle...time to think about last! I have a 150litre tank (which is about 30 gallons i think) and am think of the putting the following into it 12x harlequins 12x cardinals 3 or four clown loaches and either a couple...
  22. K

    Using Goldfish To Cycle New Tank

    Thanks , the tank holds 150 litres which is around 30 gallons. The angle fish idea is a great help. really want a couple of bigger fish in the tank...Have been told discus are also fairly compatible with harliquins aand neons.......your thoughts?...
  23. K

    Using Goldfish To Cycle New Tank

    Thanks for the advice, will hold off on the neons for a while....finding this forum a lot more helpful than "pet shop advice"....One guy told me to get some discus fish with the smaller fish another told me discus will eat the rasborras, and that i should get a couple of choclate...
  24. K

    Using Goldfish To Cycle New Tank

    thanks for the welcome!...i have many questions.......have gone from "put fish in water and feed"knowledge level to "bloody hell"level in 10 minutes flat from reading these forums...all sounds good though and have just learnt that fish are like any other and attention required
  25. K

    Using Goldfish To Cycle New Tank

    yeah i do, trying to find a home for the goldfish, and am starting a tropical collection in the big tank....just in the process of understanding what goes with what etc etc... My six year old is determined to have some harliquin rasborras and some neons in the big tank, but i would also like...
  26. K

    Using Goldfish To Cycle New Tank

    hey thanks for the replies ! wow, there i was thinking 3 goldfish (they are fancy) would be okay in the 40 litre (10 gallon) tank... They have lived happily for a couple of years in there...I now officially feel bad that i have crowded them. Dont want to be cruel to them, so will leave them out...
  27. K

    Using Goldfish To Cycle New Tank

    hi all My son and i currently have a small 40 litre tank with 3 goldfish in it. They have lived happily for 2 years. We have now decided to step it up and have purchased a 3 foot tank. Just been reading up on the whole cycling thing (which is all new to me!) what are your thoughts on using the...