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  1. B

    as much info on

    im looking for info on Aulonocara kandeensis there doesn't seem to be a terrible amount on the net does anyone know of a info page about these ?
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    Pseudotropheus msobo

    Finally something to motivate me to finish my tanks im gettting a pair of Pseudotropheus msobo magunga's these aren't avalible in australian stores yet so luck me 10 more Astatotilapia latifasciata "Crimson Tide" cant tell sex at this stage but i all ready have a pair so if i get another pair...
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    Astatotilapia latifasciata

    thanks for the input all the egges died but after i read that info it seems i was tumling to hard but im going to leave her in the tank on her own cause i am hoping she still has a few left i rearraged the 80 gal so as i can keep a better eye on these fish there is one more female in there and...
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    Rare fish

    Astatotilapia latifasciata have a look at the link title
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    Rare fish

    here is the topic i need some closer on this thanks in advance
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    Astatotilapia latifasciata

    well i was doing a 100 % water change on their tank today and when i scooped her in the net she spat all her eggs and i dont think she has any left in the mouth also i had no idea she had them or i would have left them be I got all the eggs up and put them in a brine shrimp hatcher to keep them...
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    Help please

    buy a plastic 44 gal fill it up leave it round the side of the house or if you tank is near a window put it near the window leave the lid off it so bad stuff can disapear into the sky get a small submerible pump with a hose on the end and pump straight from the drum to the tank might cost ya...
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    What cleanup crew?

    i have 2 bristle nose in with my africans and if they dare go near the plec the show them what for a bit funny really when the plec are smaller
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    DIY plywood tank

    go to you local tile store and the will have a product that the use behind your wet areas eg: shower bath ect its a paint type product some have fibre glass flex through it but its not a absolute must to have them i found the ones with out fibre glass though it apply better. Some come in a two...
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    This is true but like I said if there space is invaded the strongest fish will win and the other will end up dead unless its able to escape but in this case in a 10 gal it will have no where to go so its only inevitable that the result will be death and like i said its in the nature of the fish...
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    30 Gallon

    because there are so many we really need to know what kind of fish you like eg: colour temperment aggresive or calm active ones ones that hide size how many you would like to keep do you want a pair do you want to breed tell us some of these and im sure we can narrow the search for you but...
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    Aggre 1 pair of shell dwellers nothing more if your after cichlids you going to need a bigger setup 55 gal would be great you could put 2 pair and a few community like bristle nose or catfish ect in there but a 10 is way to sall you will end yup with a fish that will be deformed and only last...
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    My DIY Tank

    The orange light on the camera i can turn the flash off but not that one so im afaird its going to happen everytime i take a photo at night tank is a 75 gal but with a sump so its around the 100 110 mark sumps are great no cords or heater in the tank its in my shed and the glass on there was...
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    My DIY Tank

    OK here we are in this tank i have 4 x Astatotilapia latifasciata 2 female 2 male 2 x Blue Morri unsure of sex but i think i have male female 1 x Male Convict 1 x Male JD 2 x Bristle Nose 1 male 1 female This is the full tank shot Right side Left side Here is a male Astatotilapia...
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    filter for 150gal tank

    Get the bloke building you tank to put in a weir. you fill the tank up to the bottom of the weir holes then fill the sump right up turn the pump on and you will never overflow as all the water on the return to the sump is the same amount the pump is putting in to the tank simple if you dont...
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    Astatotilapia latifasciata

    JD is fine ive never seen a more placid fish he has his little hole and pokes his head out now and then, all the others dont seem to bother him and he keeps to him self, they are around the same size and if there is any trouble at all there more tanks i can put him in
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    Astatotilapia latifasciata

    ok i have a definate 2 males and one female as i have 4 of these not sure what the 4th one is but the female wich i know is now i though there for a while i had all males but i saw one was looking real thin which suprised me cause the fish are feed before i am anyway i caught her in the net and...
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    i hate my wife some times

    Hope your wife doesn't see the topic title !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl: or she will be :crazy: :angry: :blink: :grr:
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    Not really cause if the titanium bit is the part that gets hot the paint will just bubble up and fall off
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    Finished lid and lighting, yay

    good i dea cause the stuff you used to water proof the hood will no doubt be flammable to and wont take long to burn