
I'd say too small for any cichlids, sorry. :/
Perfect for a little shell dweller setup, but that's about it.
Aggre 1 pair of shell dwellers nothing more if your after cichlids you going to need a bigger setup

55 gal would be great you could put 2 pair and a few community like bristle nose or catfish ect in there but a 10 is way to sall you will end yup with a fish that will be deformed and only last 6 months if you lucky

cichlids like to have there own space if they dont they will kill kill kill until they have it it just there nature nothing can be done with it

but a nice pair of shelleys will do you fine
Shell Dweller Aquarium

Select one pair from one of the following species:

• Altolamprologus sp. "Compressiceps Shell"
• 'Lamprologus' brevis
• 'Lamprologus' ocellatus
• 'Lamprologus' stappersii


Select one pair from one of the following species:

• 'Lamprologus' similis - trio
• 'Lamprologus' multifasciatus - trio

Julidochromis Aquarium

• Julidochromis transcriptus - 1 pair
• Synodontis petricola - 1 or 2

• Julidochromis ornatus - 1 pair
• Synodontis petricola - 1 or 2

Apistogramma Aquarium

• Apistogramma cacatuoides - 1 pair
• Tanichthys albonubes "White Cloud Minnow" - 4

• Apistogramma bitaeniata - 1 pair
• Brachydanio rerio "Zebra Danio" - 6

• Apistogramma agassizii - 1 pair
• Tanichthys albonubes "White Cloud Minnow" - 4
get a pair of apistogramma or a pair of german rams with a school of rummynose tetra and some plants and bogwood...that would be a sick looking 10 gallon....
G_Sharky said:
get a pair of apistogramma or a pair of german rams with a school of rummynose tetra and some plants and bogwood...that would be a sick looking 10 gallon....
NO!! a ten gallon is too small for any pair of new world cichlid, apistos like to be in three and white clouds are coldwater,and danios should be in a tank no less then 20gallons. DD
will kill kill kill until they have it it just there nature nothing can be done with it

In nature the fish have plenty of room to escape the wrath of other cichlids! This is what many fail to realize.

A pair of any monogomous shelldweller, a foursome of harem breeders will work.

NO!! a ten gallon is too small for any pair of new world cichlid, apistos like to be in three and white clouds are coldwater,and danios should be in a tank no less then 20gallons.
Solid advice if you want to treat your fish well.
will kill kill kill until they have it it just there nature nothing can be done with it

In nature the fish have plenty of room to escape the wrath of other cichlids! This is what many fail to realize.

This is true but like I said if there space is invaded the strongest fish will win and the other will end up dead unless its able to escape but in this case in a 10 gal it will have no where to go so its only inevitable that the result will be death

and like i said its in the nature of the fish to defend whats theres in this case it will be the territory thats at stake

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