

Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2003
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st. clair. county, il
I just purchased a heater with a titanium housing and I was just wondering if there was any way to paint the outside of the housing so you would not see it as much
Thanks Greg
Not really cause if the titanium bit is the part that gets hot the paint will just bubble up and fall off
The titanium needs to be able to transmit heat to the water. I doubt it will get so hot that the paint will melt when there is so much cool water right next to it, but I wouldn't reccomend painting it because firstly you don't want paint in your tank and secondly it might not transmit heat very effectively. You could try just hiding it at the back on its side or getting a piece of wood to put in front of it?
a couple of my LFS's stock heater guards, basically a tubular plastic frame to stop the heater getting broken (your normal glass ones) or from breaking the tank glass, or from fish burning themselves on the heater. you could try one of these painted or camo'd with plants or as you want.


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