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  1. R

    New Puppy

    Sorry , You miss understand i didn't say i didn't have the time i said my other dog was lonely because a year ago i lost another dog and so i got this one to be her companien. and i am happy to say both dogs are getting along great and the new puppy is house broken now.. and spoiled rotten.
  2. R

    my meeting

    thanks again all now it is just a waiting game to see what is going to change first.. and how long it will take..
  3. R

    New Puppy

    Hey everyone , Just wanted to tell you all i added a new member to the family this week. I got me a new Puppy she is a red dachshund her name is Puppy ( Tippy's Puppy) she was a gift for my other 7yr. old dachshund that stays at home while i work by her self so she needed company now i just...
  4. R

    my meeting

    Well, I am sorry it took so long to get back to all of you guy's but i had just gotten back to my store when they sent me to another store to help them clean up on a remodel. Now to tell you about the meeting it was fun but i was so tired i was glad to come home.. As for all those who gave me...
  5. R

    new to walmart!

    thanks once again everyone.... i am guessing some of you don't know me but i do hand out leflets that i got off this forum about cycling and fish them selfs.. also i am taken them with me for the suggestion... rdd1952 just to let you know i will have a job after this and wm is a company that...
  6. R

    new to walmart!

    ok so it wasn't the best choice but at least they are listening when there is concern on cycleing.. this stuff is only 5.95 in our store.. as for the other bio spira i have tried it and i like it alot.. but it is $11.95 plus it has to be refrigerated.. i leave for my meeting i told you all...
  7. R

    new to walmart!

    well, all this info you guys gave me i did talk to a few upper management about these things. and well this is a first of meny we are now going to carry a product called cycle.. it is the benificial bacteria for new tanks.. don't know much about it yet but if you know anything tell me please.
  8. R

    you know where i work.

    well one more week and i am off to the meeting i want to thank all of you that have posted here for me.. and i hope things change for the better soon.. also would like to let you all know i have already begun i sent an opion survey out last week to home office with a few things on it already one...
  9. R

    you know where i work.

    not an animal farm yet but i hope to have one soon.. although the rabbits are not here at my house had to give them to a friend a while back i am allergic to them.. so i bought a motorcycle instead.. now i am finding i am allergic to my cats but they aren't going as easily as the rabbits. it...
  10. R

    you know where i work.

    wow you guys are doing great , i got a letter last night about my meeting in june to tell me who's who is gonna be there .. they have concerts three out of the 4 days we are there.. anyways. it is gonna be great.. it is gonna be alot of running too. and i will have all these posts to take with...
  11. R

    you know where i work.

    wow you guys are doing great , i got a letter last night about my meeting in june to tell me who's who is gonna be there .. they have concerts three out of the 4 days we are there.. anyways. it is gonna be great.. it is gonna be alot of running too. and i will have all these posts to take with...
  12. R

    you know where i work.

    First of all betta momma, I have to say good for you making that guy change all that out. second did you happen to get his name while you where there.. he could have gone and got the light that he needed that is where i get my lights from.. all he has to do is take it to a manager and have...
  13. R

    you know where i work.

    that was a horriable story of that walmart . the directions on betta's are given to us and this info that person gave guppydude was not what we get on the info sheets . betta's are the only fish that we do get info on with out asking that is .. that person should have known this and was just...
  14. R

    you know where i work.

    i got to tell you this is a fabulous idea i will take this one to work and email this all this for sure and take it to the meeting when i go.. thanks this is something even i would enjoy but then again i might not leave it alone for a bit.. lol
  15. R

    you know where i work.

    ok i really like all of your ideas i am printing it out as you give it to me and i am taking all this info with me.. info on bad stores with bad tanks.. info i have gotten since i have been on here like the cycleing info and fish info that i have downloaded.. as inchworm said give me pro's and...
  16. R

    you know where i work.

    if anyone has a store # and would like me to add that to my list i would be glad to .. ones that you know that there tanks are bad i could give them a heads up on what we all here are looking at when we visit out local wm store..
  17. R

    you know where i work.

    that is a good idea but not weekly i think we can get one monthly or at least every six month's that is better then what we have now..ty
  18. R

    Wild rabbit rescue :(

    those bunnies look about 14 days old not much older i raised rabbits for about 5 years.. you need to get a small bottle for milk. then get mothers milk or even kittens milk will do at this age.. see if they will eat some rabbit pellets.. i would go to a farm supply store they sell it by the...
  19. R

    you know where i work.

    you all mostly know where i work i think by now. any ways i have a chance to go to a meeting in june and i hope to bring up some of if not all of your concerns about the place that i work and how you all have helped my dept. become one if not the top pets dept. in our stores. i am going to say...
  20. R

    ACFs, Channel Cats, Clown Knifes

    i don't think anyone has to worry about the clown knife fish and my store they aren't doing well.. so i did't order any more of them. but i have to say the channel cats are doing really well. and the frogs are doing great.. these frogs are the coolest of cool we feed them feeder fish today and i...
  21. R

    ACFs, Channel Cats, Clown Knifes

    thanks for all the info .. i am so lucky to have found this forum. we keep the channel cat in the koi tank and we sell them as pond fish.. i also have the info on there that they get really really big.. and that they are channel (cold water) fish.. i will print the info for them so i can hand...
  22. R

    ACFs, Channel Cats, Clown Knifes

    thanks so much inchworm. i am so glad that you guys where here i saved most of the fish that time and haven' t had another problem like that again.. i always make sure that everyone who buys from me knows what they are getting and if i don't know details i come in here and return with info for...
  23. R

    ACFs, Channel Cats, Clown Knifes

    thanks inchworm. also can you help me find info on the albino channel cat and the clown knife fish again..
  24. R

    ACFs, Channel Cats, Clown Knifes

    hey just a little not to let you guys know we got this month's fish of the month it was the albino clawed frogs. i just printed some info for my customers to read before they buy one.. also got a fish called a neon dwarf rainbow so i am looking for info on that right now.these frogs are the...
  25. R

    new 29 gal. or 55 gal. set up.

    pic's r n go check it out in the photo section please.....
  26. R

    hey i got it

    no i think i will leave them like that .. every time i try to plant a plant it dies on me.. weather it be in a fish tank of other out door but then again i may have my partner do that and see what is what with them..
  27. R

    hey i got it

    and the last one .. hope you all like it .. everyone there loves it..and they are reading the info i put up there for them to read about the cycleing.. yeah
  28. work1.jpg


  29. R

    hey i got it

    here is #2 of the new tank what do you all think
  30. work2.jpg


  31. R

    hey i got it

    well here it is i hope you all like it will add more plants later in the background..
  32. work.jpg


  33. R

    new 29 gal. or 55 gal. set up. new post on set up of my tank at work.. pics to come later
  34. R

    new tank set up today

    i will do that raechal thanks.. i only carry the common ones at my store but i might be able to get my fish guy to get me one of those special order..
  35. R

    new tank set up today

    sorry i thought i posted the size it is a 29 gal. it looks so pretty. pleco goes in later yes. i will add him in a few weeks or just as needed. this is so cool you guys just don't know working where i do all this and get paid. :)
  36. R

    new tank set up today

    well, that is it i got the new tank set up monday and went to my lfs and got some packaged bacteria yesterday and put it in. so now just waiting to cycle. it really looks good i got live plants in there like 5 swords and i did a large log (fake) and natural gravel. i will post a pic soon so you...
  37. R

    new 29 gal. or 55 gal. set up.

    not really sure, hmm! think maybe sharks i get all kinds of sharks and maybe some swords for color... tell me what do you all think? i like the black fin sharks and bala sharks too.. i get some albino sharks maybe.. or maybe do oh, i don't know have to think about it.. have a few weeks to think...
  38. R

    new 29 gal. or 55 gal. set up.

    rdd , not a problem. i have one of the best fish dept.s in our district but, like so many of you have said there aren't to meny out there.. i have talked to my fish warehouse where we get our fish and they are one of our problems they don't listen when we talk sometimes and don't really care all...
  39. R

    new 29 gal. or 55 gal. set up.

    well, i was talking to my manager today and told her about the fish we have and stuff. she asked me why i didn't set up a tank in our breakroom. :) i told her because our old manager didn't want me spending the time. so she told me next week after we do the inventory and it is over i can set up...
  40. R

    Some one gave me

    Hey just got home from work cleaned all the fish tanks today and i mean all of them.. haven company wed. and wanted to have them spotless. and they are :) need to buy lots of plecos this week and catfish too. anyways just wanted to tell you all this lady came in today and said someone had sold...