my meeting


Fish Crazy
May 14, 2004
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Well, I am sorry it took so long to get back to all of you guy's but i had just gotten back to my store when they sent me to another store to help them clean up on a remodel.
Now to tell you about the meeting it was fun but i was so tired i was glad to come home..
As for all those who gave me ideas to take to the meeting i have to tell you they did listen to and read all of them they loved the idea of the keosh sorry about my spelling you know the info center and they loved the idea of given out hand outs too. now you have to know they are not going to do this all in one day but they are working on somethings that we talked about the conditions of the tanks and tall that i talked to the one in charge of the fish and he told me just to send him the whole list and he would check on those stores that where on my list..
As far as some of the ideas we had he said thanks for all of them and i even had a few of the Pets dept. managers ask for this web site to help them out too.. they where also in agreement about the info on the fish..
one of the things that they where already working on is you know those tags we have on our tanks they are changeing them to include more info bigger tags with all the info they can on them. so give it time and hope this helps out if you guys have any other info please fell free to email it to me.. thanks for all the support.
thats great news!
Thanks for all your help and contribution so we can help the fish that are given improper treatment

speaking of those tags. I like the ones they have already (although more info would not be a bad thing) The problem I find with the current ones though is that the way they are held onto the wall covers the top line of text. It just so happens the the first line is the one with the adult size on it. I think this may be why WM sells a lot of Common Pleco. Just a thought.

I'm glad it went well. I hope they do come to this website. I'm sure that everyone here would be very happy to help clean up wallmart. Congrats on the success.
thanks again all now it is just a waiting game to see what is going to change first.. and how long it will take..

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