New Puppy


Fish Crazy
May 14, 2004
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Hey everyone ,
Just wanted to tell you all i added a new member to the family this week.
I got me a new Puppy she is a red dachshund her name is Puppy ( Tippy's Puppy) she was a gift for my other 7yr. old dachshund that stays at home while i work by her self so she needed company now i just have to get her to accept puppy.. lol
i will have photo's soon see ya
Congrats on your new puppy! :) And good luck in having them get along :thumbs:
Cant wait to see some pictures.
That's lovley - can't wait to see some pictures. Dachshunds are gorgeous :)
And I bet it will give the 7year old a new lease of life too !!
Aww how wonderful, I love daschunds :wub: . The puppies are just adorable too. I am very happy for you. I own a miniature daschund. I have a thread on here with pictures of him in it if you care to have a look :D
Thats great, but I would have gotten an adult, as you say you don't have time...
sounds cuuuute, I think we need pics!

:/ however, I completely agree with Eva (Iridescent)... your 7 year-old dog is not going to housetrain, feed, obedience train, clean up after, exercise, or socialize your new puppy for you!! Puppies=looooads of time. every day. they need to go outside to potty every hour, and they need *your* love and attention. Imagine leaving a human baby at home alone all day with a 3 year-old :p
Sorry , You miss understand i didn't say i didn't have the time i said my other dog was lonely because a year ago i lost another dog and so i got this one to be her companien. and i am happy to say both dogs are getting along great and the new puppy is house broken now.. and spoiled rotten.

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