new 29 gal. or 55 gal. set up.


Fish Crazy
May 14, 2004
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well, i was talking to my manager today and told her about the fish we have and stuff. she asked me why i didn't set up a tank in our breakroom. :) i told her because our old manager didn't want me spending the time.
so she told me next week after we do the inventory and it is over i can set up a tank in the breakroom.. yeah
Hi rabbitlady :)

That's wonderful news! :clap:

This will give your coworkers at Walmart an opportunity to appreciate the fish and to learn some basic information about them. Then, if they have to cover for you in the pet department, the customers will have a better chance of getting good information from them.

In case anyone on TFF doesn't know rabbitlady, she is one of the more responsible Pet Department managers that Walmart has. She's been a regular on TFF for some time now to learn information about good fishkeeping techniques both for running her department and to pass on to her customers. :thumbs:
rabbitlady and I met here a couple nights ago. I applaud her for being responsible and wanting to do the right thing. We need to start a campaign with Walmart to have a Live Fish District Manager (someone like her) that visits all their district stores and their fish warehouse to make sure all their fish are properly handled and cared for.

rabbitlady, I do apologize if I was rude the other night when I replied to your post. I was having a bad week with Walmart and their fish care or lack there of.
rdd , not a problem. i have one of the best fish dept.s in our district but, like so many of you have said there aren't to meny out there.. i have talked to my fish warehouse where we get our fish and they are one of our problems they don't listen when we talk sometimes and don't really care all they want are sales.. that's the sad thing cause i have talked to them about some of our other stores and how bad there tanks look but nothing seems to be done about them.. :(
maybe if like i said before more of you guys out there will not only talk to your store managers write those letters to our president maybe it will open there eyes..
not really sure, hmm! think maybe sharks i get all kinds of sharks and maybe some swords for color... tell me what do you all think?
i like the black fin sharks and bala sharks too.. i get some albino sharks maybe.. or
maybe do oh, i don't know have to think about it..
have a few weeks to think about it.
i am gonna set it up tomarrow and let it start cycling.. :) inventory went well so this would be a good time to start..
The sharks you described are too big for a 55 gallon tank. Assuming the tank is heated, you could try a planted tank with low light plants like Java Fern, ect if it has at least watt of flourescent light per gallon. If you want to go that route, find out what kind of canopy the tank will have. If you're just using what's avaliable at walmart it may not be the greatest light. If you can't grow real plants you could try a tank with hardy fish like Gouramis, Cories, Tiger Barbs, ect... Feel free to ask anything you want, people here are always willing to answer any questions.

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