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  1. D

    Quick Cycle ?

    I don't think there's anything wrong with doing this. I say go for it. I can't see any problems :)
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    My Planned Mbuna Stock

    I just had to comment on this statement and say how true it really is. Mbuna can and will be very unpredictable even if your dealing with a 'peaceful' species. I have had friends, for example, keep yellow labs with very aggressive species like auratus and the labs were the ones taking control...
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    How Many People Keep Small Fish In A Big Tank?

    I have a 100 g aquarium which is stocked with tetras, platys, plecos and cories. I love it but I can't say that I prefer it over having larger fish because I have never tried it myself but would love to give it a shot. :)
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    My Planned Mbuna Stock

    I believe that this 'ratio' also depends on how you stock them initially. If you buy three of one species and gradually stock up every few weeks, depending on whether you do actually get males and how large your tank is, it could end in disaster. My first mbuna setup was going to consist of...
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    Clown Fish Not Eating :fish:

    You would probably be better off buying a small school (ie. minimum of three) but I don't know how big your aquarium is so I'm not sure whether your tank would handle the increasing bioload. Dylan ?????I'm not biting or anything but how big is your tank?????
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    Bristle Nose... Are They Hard To Keep Alive?

    All I could think of is maybe she got shocked and stressed a bit whilst being moved from one auqarium to the other but I'm not too sure at all actually. Dylan Sorry for your loss though; bristlenose are some of the best :)
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    What Would You Have?

    At the moment I would want to start two new projects. I used to have a smaller tank for mbuna but now I would have the following: 1. 540 L (aquarium at my lfs.) I'd fill it with heaps of limestone rock, 3D rock background and sand as substrate. Stocking would be my favourite fish; 8x Metriaclima...
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    Newbie Has Some Chemistry Questions..

    Really I think your water should be fine. Yes it is a big change but I think your fish should be able to cope. The bogwood would b what is causing this but I would leave it in there it has many benefits in the setup you are trying to achieve. When you say the total Ammonia came down, how far is...
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    Newbie Has Some Chemistry Questions..

    Your Ph of 6.2 to 6.4 is fine for a SA setup, actually it's very good. Just make sure that the Ph of the water from which you buy your fish isn't too different to this. If it is accustom them to it over time. I think you should be fine though. Good luck! Dylan
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    Clown Fish Not Eating :fish:

    It is probably too terrified to move because it is on it's own. How big is your tank? You should ideally be keeping clown loaches in groups of 6. This is probably the cause of your problem. Dylan
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    Crazy Ph Change!

    I really don't think that the rock lowered the Ph. In fact I have never ever heard of a rock lowering Ph, it should increase it actually. The Ammonia is probably from the rock seeing as alkalis in water will try to neutralise acids. Ammonia is produced when an alkali and ammonium salt are heated...
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    Nitrate Keeps Dropping To Zero?

    I don't think anything is wrong. It sounds like your tank is doing exactly what it's suppose to do. Once you have performed a water change it only makes sense for the nitrates to drop, however, when you say that they read 0 they actually are still there, it's just that they are so dilute in...
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    Kribensis, In Community Tank?

    I don't think one or two Kribensis would be particularly happy. A slightly larger group of five would be much better but I don't know whether you are going to be doing weekly water changes or not which is really the main principal to stocking. More water changes means more fish and vice versa...
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    Newbie Has Some Chemistry Questions..

    I'm not completely certain as to whether your test kit for ammonia is correct or not but if it is as you say it is then I think you are right in thinking that the reading of 4 is ammonium and not the ammonia as your fish would probably be dead with any Ammonia. That is good. In regards to your...
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    Saying Bye To Alot Of My Fish's

    Wow, they look like really nice fish! Good luck with them settling in! :)
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    New Aquarium - Fish Dying

    Just a thought, is the water that you pour into the tank during your water change around the same temperature as that that is already in the tank. Becuase if you were pouring much colder water into the tank then they would definately get stressed out and go into shock. Just a thought :)
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    How Can I Persuade Him?

    Sorry, should have added: unless you are willing to come home from uni to service your aquarium(s?) when they need it? :)
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    How Can I Persuade Him?

    Could I ask whether the university you are going to allows pets or not? If they don't then I kind of understand your dad's argument depending on how many tanks you already have. Only becuase all the maintenance will fall on him. But if you are allowed them on campus then I don't see a problem...
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    I Think I Need To Euthanize My Dwarf Gourami

    Real pity he didn't make it.
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    Breeding Red Tailed Black Sharks?

    Thanks for the info once again! Dylan :)
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    Quick: Bolivian Rams And 1 Cm Fish

    I wouldn't risk it myself.
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    Air Flow

    Hmmmm, I would experiment a bit and see what works. If the plants are fine with all pumps then I would leave them but if they seem stunted or another negative impact then I would take one off and see how that goes. I think it's more about finding a balance. Dylan :)
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    Air Flow

    I don't really think you can put too much flow in a tank unless the fish that is in it can't actually control where they want to swim and are just being dragged around by the current. But a lot of flow can be great for certain species. Dylan :)
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    What Next... How About Angelfish?

    Neon Tetras sound great. They're actually very easy fish to keep. If you don't like the Bolivian Rams then you could always find another dwarf cichlid that grows to the same size and requires the same water stats. Dylan:)
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    Breeding Red Tailed Black Sharks?

    Really? Oh, that's interesting... pity they're such great fish. If only all fish would breed as easily as guppies.....:) That would be funny! :) Dylan :)
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    I Think I Need To Euthanize My Dwarf Gourami

    You never know! :lol: Someone might work in a lab or something... I don't think the blender idea would be pretty for anyone... I have always been told freezing is the easiest but then people also say that the ice melts and they revive themselves? Don't know. BUT I have heard that throwing them...
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    Breeding Red Tailed Black Sharks?

    No-one at all? Really?! Ok then, has anyone ever tried it and been unsuccessful?
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    At My Limits?

    Yep, have just added that then. Hopefully over the next 5 months or so these guys will eventually be ok to sell or something. Thnaks again for your support! Dylan
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    At My Limits?

    Bit of an update (even though it's only been an hour or something) I have come up with this interesting idea and have just put it into practice. I have a small acrylic tank that is rather light and so in my large tank I slowly added water into it as its base was on the surface. I continued doing...
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    At My Limits?

    No, I definately want these guys to grow up. Just enjoy watching the little fellas grow. I am very near having one completely set up. Now I just need a few more things. My lfs won't do that. I've already tried and they just won't accept it. Yes, I will have to plan a bigger tank for the future...
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    Breeding Red Tailed Black Sharks?

    Hi, Just out of curiosity has anyone ever actually been able to breed Red Tailed Black Sharks or had a friend do it or anything like that? Just wondering, because I know they are very rarely bred in the home aquaria but has anyone on here ever done or heard of this occuring? Dylan :)
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    I Think I Need To Euthanize My Dwarf Gourami

    Honestly, I say wait one more day and see if he improves or not. If he does then maybe he will make a recovery but if he doesn't, well, don't let him suffer any more. I've never had to do this before so I don't have any personal experience but make sure he doesn't suffer too much before you do...
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    At My Limits?

    Yes, I agree with what everyone has said. I do have two other small (well, very small- a 20L and I think a 30L?) aquariums that aren't in use at the moment. I could use those for the fry I just need to buy a heater and an air-pump to give some circulation because I suppose I could just do a...
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    At My Limits?

    Hi, For the past 6 months my 4ft. 375L aquarium has been running happily, thankfully without disease (yet- I'm always on the lookout) and I was wondering wether my stocking for this tank is at it's limits or over. Here is what is currently stocked: - 30 Neon Tetras - 10 Black Phantom Tetras - 10...
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    Bacteria Survive In Cold And Hot?

    It does make sense that they would have far more energy at higher temperatures (and hence, do more) and much less at colder temperatures (do less) but I suppose it would depend on the specific bacteria. "it does state at the front that the publication can't be reproduced without consent...
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    Need Help ( Perfect Tank For Discus)

    It sounds good but get 6 corys instead, they are very social and aren't happy in smaller groups. I think driftwood would be best for this aquarium and have seen aquariums set up in the way you are describing with discus and it looks fantastic! Good luck, I hope you're successful!
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    Cracked Glass

    Oh, no! I really feel for you. I hope it's only a really small crack...:) Good luck
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    I've Found Eggs! (See Pics)

    Congratulations! They look very cute, I hope they go well for you!
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    New Tank - Stocking Suggestions?

    Hi, I like the sound of your ideas but all my recommendations rely on that you don't overstock and school schooling species etc. and make sure the tank isn't overstocked with all of your fish. I'm giving you what I beleive is compatible with the fish you already have (other people may have...
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    "You can specifically target a certain section of DNA that you know doesn't do anything (yes you CAN be sure it doesn't do anything)." True, however, this is after years of research and experimenting. I don't see danger in this specific example at the present as it has been done so many times...