Saying Bye To Alot Of My Fish's


Fish Crazy
Aug 15, 2010
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Well I traded half of my stock to chase after more Discus!! Going to miss my 4 dwarf parrots, 6 cory sterbei, 6 cory aggazi, 4 german blue rams and my 1 angelfish once he heals up. But at least I know they are going to a good home.... But already I'm in love with my guys!!! Can't wait till they are eating out of my hands like my current 2 discus! I'll take more pics once they get more comfortable with there new home! :)


My other 2 guys giving there new friends a welcome! :rolleyes:
The one on the right in the 2nd pic is stunning. I'd love to try Discus one day. I just can't justify spending that much money on a fish for a tank, i couldnt go for cheaper discus, i think they look poor. If i did discus i'd have to go all out for it. FTS when they settle ;)
They look likedecent discus mate

That one on right in the second pic is identical to two I bought from my LFS recently. As they are growing they are looking really decent. Maybe from same supplier?? You may find the new ones bullied for a while so keep an eye on their feeding as they can quickly stop feeding if bullied but they usually snap out of it and settle

How many do you have in total now?

Why sell the corys they look nice with discus?
They look likedecent discus mate

That one on right in the second pic is identical to two I bought from my LFS recently. As they are growing they are looking really decent. Maybe from same supplier?? You may find the new ones bullied for a while so keep an eye on their feeding as they can quickly stop feeding if bullied but they usually snap out of it and settle

How many do you have in total now?

Why sell the corys they look nice with discus?

I got the Discus from the same breeder ( Dale Jordan Discus ). Was recommended from a Discus breeder here that they carried the best quality and healthiest discus in the country. Today was the first full day they've been together, still the new commers are a little shy to come out but my first 2 was the same. There is a little aggression but I think they are just working out there pecking order. I have 7 Discus in total ( My breeder who I traded with insisted on giving me 5 ). So now I have 3 Red turq, 1 Blue turq, 1 Snake Blue, and 2 yellow pigeon blood.
I only sold half of my stocking of Cory's to make some more bio load room for the new Discus. I already starting collecting equipment on a new setup if things go well with these guys. After watching these guys all day.... I know the discus bug bit me! :crazy:
Don't worry new pics will come once they get comfortable!
cool aren;t they, I;m really enoying mine#

and when they settle andswim around as a group that adds to the sight :good:
Got 3 of the 5 new comers to meet me whenever I come towards the tank!!! Just the 2 yellow pegeons left, probly going to take a week or so before they come around! :)
Looks like you got some realy nice fish. They have great shape nice color you look healthy. I will say You should ues a QT tank on new fish. I LOVE the blue snake skin I want one so bad. I have a small red snake skin. I am happy to see you got more discus because just 2 is not good enough.

I hope you keep them I cant wait to see what they will look like in a few months congrats. :good:
Looks like you got some realy nice fish. They have great shape nice color you look healthy. I will say You should ues a QT tank on new fish. I LOVE the blue snake skin I want one so bad. I have a small red snake skin. I am happy to see you got more discus because just 2 is not good enough.

I hope you keep them I cant wait to see what they will look like in a few months congrats. :good:
Actually they have been in a quarantine tank for over a month before I picked them up. I bought 3 ( the 2 yellow pegeons, and snake skin) early december. I had a good friend keep them in his 90 gallon quarantine with his 20 so odd other discus that he had purchased for his new 180G setup. I traded half of my fish stockings for the 2 red turqs so he can stock his new setup with cory's and rams too. Actually met this old chap when I bought his fish stand. He is pretty old school though, and been in the fish hobby for over 30 years now. Yet he doesn't even use water testers :shout:
Well then it all sounds perfect. I hope you post some new photes as they grow.
ive heard good things about dales fish . those look nice . the 1 at the top in the new pic has real potential. nice round shape , good eye size and nice even shape around the head and chin. with good care that should grow into a real beauty .
And everybody is now comfortable! All of them are really active during feedings and swim about now! :good:



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