I Think I Need To Euthanize My Dwarf Gourami


New Member
Oct 12, 2010
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It started with a little busted mouth from a fight. But it got really bad after that. Now it can’t swim straight at all and stays at the bottom. Its scales are starting to rise up, they are not falling off and its not getting bloated they are just sticking out, and now there is a white spot forming on its side. Right now I have a divider in the tank to keep him separate but I'm not sure what else to do. I thought the whole not swimming correctly might have been a swim bladder problem so I tried the pea thing hoping it’s just constipated considering I haven’t seen it poop ever since this whole thing happened. I just fed it the pea today so ill see what’s what tomorrow. The only good thing out of this is that it still wants to eat, the only problem is that it can never get to the food, it sees it tries going for it then either pushes water out of its mouth and pushes the food away or starts flipping out and goes the other way. So even if the pea thing worked I still have a scale and white spot problem. So I’m running out of options here. Can anyone help me save him or should I take him out of this world?
Honestly, I say wait one more day and see if he improves or not. If he does then maybe he will make a recovery but if he doesn't, well, don't let him suffer any more. I've never had to do this before so I don't have any personal experience but make sure he doesn't suffer too much before you do it. Then again, who knows, he might just make a very rapid recovery starting soon....hopefully...
Good luck :)
It doesn't sound very hopeful i'm afraid.

The bloating and scale raising is called pine-coning and very rarely if ever to they recover from it :sad: and by the sounds of it it has another infection on its side...

Both of these could possibly be caused by poor water quality etc.
well after watching him closer i see the white spot just seems to be a spot where he lost afew scales. i think im going to give him one more day if he doesnt look better id rather not have him suffer more. but the question is how. ive heard the whole knocking him out with oil then killing it with vodka but i have niether and dont plan on spending more on the fish than what its worth. i heard of putting a bowl of water in the freezer and waiting till ice is just starting to for then drop him in it to put him in shock instantly, the quickest yet messiest way would be a blender/disposal lol it sounds bad but it is a intant death. if the freezing thing works could i just drop him in snow i have plenty of it outside. and yes before you ask ive done my research thats why i have all these ideas for it. the best thing anyone ever said and is by far the quickest is liquid nitrogen but who the hell has that on hand at any giving time. and help on making it quick and painless is good for me. or any last minute help that might save his life is just as good
the best thing anyone ever said and is by far the quickest is liquid nitrogen but who the hell has that on hand at any giving time.
You never know! :lol: Someone might work in a lab or something...
I don't think the blender idea would be pretty for anyone... I have always been told freezing is the easiest but then people also say that the ice melts and they revive themselves? Don't know. BUT I have heard that throwing them straight into very cold water or really hot water (personally I prefer the cold) will instantly kill them, sought of like paralysis. This is the best method I have heard of but someone else may have a much better idea?
As unpleasant as it is, I think the best method is the same one used to dispatch any rabbits with mixy. With rabbits it's a brick on the head but with fish, put them in a clear plastic bag (otherwise you cant see whrer you're hitting) and drop something very heavy on the head. It's instant and doesn't come with any risk of revival. Small fish can be put in a bag and hit hard against a wall. As I say, it's not pleasant but it's instant.
It started with a little busted mouth from a fight. But it got really bad after that. Now it can’t swim straight at all and stays at the bottom. Its scales are starting to rise up, they are not falling off and its not getting bloated they are just sticking out, and now there is a white spot forming on its side. Right now I have a divider in the tank to keep him separate but I'm not sure what else to do. I thought the whole not swimming correctly might have been a swim bladder problem so I tried the pea thing hoping it’s just constipated considering I haven’t seen it poop ever since this whole thing happened. I just fed it the pea today so ill see what’s what tomorrow. The only good thing out of this is that it still wants to eat, the only problem is that it can never get to the food, it sees it tries going for it then either pushes water out of its mouth and pushes the food away or starts flipping out and goes the other way. So even if the pea thing worked I still have a scale and white spot problem. So I’m running out of options here. Can anyone help me save him or should I take him out of this world?

hi there the best way to PTS your fish would be to overdose it on koi sedative http://www.absolute-koi.com/subcat518.html

buy a small bottle about 2-3 pounds remove your ill fish in to a bowl then overdose it on koi sedative, will be the most peacefull and humain way
i wouldnt give up on him just yet. Do a large waterchange and then 20-30% waterchange for the rest of the week everyday. See if he shows improvement by next week. Scales will grow back and bloating may be from SB as you mentioned, especially if there was a fight. Fish can surprise you in their resilience to what seems to us like certain death.
best of luck!
well here i was ready to put him down once i got home and now he is swimming around normaly and upright, he still spazzes here and there but its much better. he still looks like crap but hopefully the scars will heal. i found someone to take the bigger dwarf off my hands if this one lives through it. im sure he is the one that started the first fight that busted his mouth and he is just getting to big for the little guy to keep in check
Glad he's looking better. Perhaps it was shock that made him look so poorly and he's got over it a bit now? Whatever the reason, at least he's on the up!
Glad he's looking better. Perhaps it was shock that made him look so poorly and he's got over it a bit now? Whatever the reason, at least he's on the up!
well just when you think hes getting better he dies. ohh well thats life at least i didnt have to kill him
well here i was ready to put him down once i got home and now he is swimming around normaly and upright, he still spazzes here and there but its much better. he still looks like crap but hopefully the scars will heal. i found someone to take the bigger dwarf off my hands if this one lives through it. im sure he is the one that started the first fight that busted his mouth and he is just getting to big for the little guy to keep in check


Please enlighten me.
Sorry for your loss :sad:
but when the scales stand up there is very little hope. it sounds like an internal parasite which is caused by a wound and the poor water quality, i had it with a few of my guppies. i find just putting the fish in a bag and squashing them most humane thing to do.
well here i was ready to put him down once i got home and now he is swimming around normaly and upright, he still spazzes here and there but its much better. he still looks like crap but hopefully the scars will heal. i found someone to take the bigger dwarf off my hands if this one lives through it. im sure he is the one that started the first fight that busted his mouth and he is just getting to big for the little guy to keep in check


Please enlighten me.
like he would be sitting nice and quiet at the bottom of the tank then the next thing you knew hed be zig zagging in every direction faster than ive ever seen my fish swim sometimes so fast he would fly out of the water and crash into my top on the tank. then just sit there again. he did it like once an hour from when i was watching him. right before he died though it slowed down alot id only see him do it once or twice in a day

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