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  1. D


    hello i posted how half all of my 22 fish died when i did 50% water change i did everything i should of done and everything died and i am not sure on what happen i am thinking mabye there could of been something in the bucket i may have used anyways i have a four foot fisn tank that is around...
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    Dying Fish

    i dont have any test kits for that
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    Dying Fish

    hello i have had my freshwater tank runnig sence last year today i did a 50% water change and added the water condtion into the tank with cold water then a few hours later about 8 fish where dead my tank is 250 litters and is a 4 foot tank and some of look therre about to die what on earth is...
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    Rummy Nose

    its been cycle sence march so if i got 12 of each schooling fish does that mean i can have 5 schooling fish with 12 in each group so that would be 56 fish lol?
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    Rummy Nose

    well i have rosy teltra i have 10 then i wanna get the sissor tail one then the blue empra teltra and then more and more teltra i love them
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    Rummy Nose

    i want to get some rummy nose fish how many can i put in a 200 littre tank
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    Columbian Shark Fish

    are there fish are to find do most lfs kept them ?
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    200 Gallons

    hello i have a 100 gallon fish tank and i want to upgrade to a 200 gallons tank is a 200 gallon still very small ? any how many fish can i kept in it ?
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    Sliver Sharks

    hello i added a pair of sliver sharks to my 100 gallon tank is my to small for them ?
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    Water Change And Water Levels Still High?

    ok you guys read to much on what you read on the internet to much so you go oh that must be right so you go on freshwater froums like this and soon as you see something that is quick you try and be a hero and say oh no dont listen to this guy i have looked after tangs and some of the hardest...
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    Rye's Fishless Cycle

    sounds good to me
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    Green Goddess's First Fishless Cycle (240 Ltr)

    sounds good to me but u didnt need to cycle a freshwater fish tank only saltwater
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    Small Filters

    hello no you do not need to go out and get a new filter kept on useing the one you are do howver just make sure you are doing weekly water change lets say 15% so mabye take out about 8 to 10 litters it will take u 5 mins a week for you to do that and make sure you are cleaning your filter every...
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    Water Level Going Down

    evaporation just kept on checking what levels for a little while and add new water make sure you dont add tap water cheeers david
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    Center Fish For 8 Gallon Tank

    add a pair of guppies or pair of small teltra fish
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    What Am I Doing Wrong..?

    in the first week you will get alot of this from your light and dont kept your light on 24/7 as this will make your tank green and brown all over brown is normal for the first week week 1 to week 2 then you will see a change you will howver need to clean it off to make your tank look nice again...
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    50 Us Gallon

    why just up grade to a 50 gallon up grade to a 100 gallon which would be 400 littres 6 foot kept anything in that
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    Mollie's Being Beaten Up?

    hello there molly fish are kind of brackish water fish meaning they need a little bit of salt. howver you have other fish in there that do not need salt dont add sea salt just add the freshwater salt just go to your local fish shop they will help you out the type of your fish you have dont...
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    Water Change And Water Levels Still High?

    ok dont get caught on this cycle thing ok a cycle in a freshwater is not as bad as a saltwater cycle so there is no real way of getting a cycle going in freshwater because in saltwater you need liverock so in freshwater the only way to get a cycle going is by adding fish so your doing fine dont...
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    New To The Site Old To The Hobby

    Hello my name is David i am new to this fish forum i have been looking after freshwater fish for about 12 years so i know a bit about them so if you need help just ask me. today i got a new tank because last year i gave up on freshwater fish because i found it to easy so i went to looking after...