Rummy Nose


New Member
Apr 30, 2010
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i want to get some rummy nose fish how many can i put in a 200 littre tank
well i have rosy teltra i have 10 then i wanna get the sissor tail one then the blue empra teltra and then more and more teltra i love them
You could probably fit 50+ tetras in there in the long term if you are not planning on any bigger fish and have good filtration.

So you'd probably be looking at shoals of 12 of each species.

Ensure tank is cycled before hand and add fish slowly, few at a time.

its been cycle sence march so if i got 12 of each schooling fish does that mean i can have 5 schooling fish with 12 in each group so that would be 56 fish lol?
the fish would greatly prefer larger numbers of their own species, rather than lots of species, but fewer numbers. they would also demonstrate more natural behaviour

edit: i misinterpreted ur post, yeah u probably could get away with ~60 fish and 5 species

as an example something like

10 flame tetra
10 black widow tetra
10 rummynose tetra
10 cardinal tetra
8 bronze corydoras

would be fine

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