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  1. Q

    Iced My Fish :-(

    I am very sorry for your loss. I get sad whenever I lose any fish. I've never had to euthanize one... I couldn't bring myself to do it... My dad had a dojo weather loach he had to euthanize... poor thing got stuck in a small hole in a water feature... he had done this before and managed to...
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    Figure 8 Puffer Tank

    I love all your puffers! So cute! I need to name mine too hehe. My puffers are all camera shy! lol I've been trying to get pictures of them. I have two avacado puffers and a GSP. The GSP loves to play in the bubble wall. He'll swim down to the bottom then let the bubbles carry him to...
  3. Q

    Hey Everyone!

    welcome to the forums^^
  4. Q

    My Tank Setup

    Nice set up^^ The tiki head is a little freaky lol but I love your neon school. Very neat^^
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    All I Wanted Was A Relaxing Afternoon!

    A couple of weeks ago I woke up to 20 gallons of water missing from my tank. Opened up the cupboard to see that the boyfriends cat had chewed holes in the air tubing and there was 20 gallons of water on my floor... I spent the next week cleaning up and resetting up my tank....
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    What Is The Best Way To Clean A Fish Tank?

    yeah its amazing how dirty that gravel can get omg
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    What Fish Should I Get?

    I've had issues with Gourami's being aggressive. Although they are beautiful fish. My first tank... I had angelfish, pictus catfish, corys, male and female swordtails, two lyretails(very beautiful fish), a few neons, and a plec. I later got a male betta. They were all really happy together...
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    Common Pleco

    I have a common plec in my brack tank.... I've never had a problem with him uprooting things... My scats have been worse about that.... My plec stays to himself and hides out in a fake tree stump decoration I have had in the tank.
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    Today I Went To My Favourite Lfs And...

    Today I went to the LFS and purchased two mono argentus and a mono sabae I had ordered for me. Tomorrow I'll be going to my LFS to purchase the two Figure 8 puffers I've had on hold since last week.
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    Closing Down Tank

    Also check with your LFS. You may be able to put up fliers at least. They may even be willing to take the fish and tank and resell them. You may be able to get a store credit or even see what they would give you for it. Just a thought^^
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    My New Tank And Set Up !

    OMG I love your tetra school^^
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    What Is The Best Water Treatment

    I use API Stress Coat +.
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    Pictus Catfish

    We had a pictus cat for a long time. He did just fine with our tetras and such.
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    Bottom Dweller/algae Eater

    I have a regular pleco in my brack tank and he does great.
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    Air Stone Or Not?

    I have air stones in all of my tanks. It helps keep some water movement which I like. In my 29 gallon I have two air stones. One along the back and one sitting sideways-besides giving a good aesthetic my puffers love to swim down to the bottom and let the bubbles carry them up to the top and...
  16. Q


    oh cool^^ I couldnt leave my fish behind so if I would have moved away to college...I think mine would have went..but I went to a local college so I didnt have to worry about it^^ Good you wont have to worry about it either^^ Also, as I am sure other members will tell you. We love pictures...
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    Welcome to the forums^^ Everyone here is really helpful and friendly! Are you going to take your tank with you to college?
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    A Little Dream Of Mine.

    When you get it going please post some piccies^^ I would love to see how it turns out!
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    Should I Try To Adjust Ph?

    My tank is brackish and I keep it at 8.2ish... whenever my ph would go higher than 8.0 in my old freshwater tank I would have issues with fish getting sick. Our LFS recommended a product to lower the ph that we put in during water changes...the name of it eludes me atm. I know API makes...
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    New To Fish!

    Welcome to the forums^^
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    What Do You Do With Your Snails?

    I put them in with my puffers to eat.
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    I Need Some Fishy Advice

    I have a plain old pleco in my tank. He's pretty cool.
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    Value For Money - Tapwater Conditioners

    I use API Stress Coat+. Its got a pump so you pump it one time for every gallon of water. I think I spent 7 USD for the bottle I have. Its lasted me for quite a while. I also use API Proper PH 8.2. I just bought a new bottle yesterday for 7 USD.
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    What Do You Do With Your Old Aquarium Water?

    I use mine to water my garden and my house plants.
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    Emergency Tank Move

    Yeah it was attatched to an air stone inside the tank..... and I know my bad.. putting the pump lower than the tank... but I didn't have any other place to set it... She's never chewed through the air tubing on my 29 gallon... The floor is dry now... luckily we didn't have to tear up the...
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    Emergency Tank Move

    Thank for the advice. I made sure to add stress coat to both the tanks after the fish were moved. Everyone seems to be settling in... the one fish is still upside down and breathing heavily...but I'm hoping he'll calm down and be alright.... If anything else comes up I'll be sure to post...
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    Emergency Tank Move

    So this morning my boyfriend and I woke up to about 18-20 gallons of water missing from my 55 gallon brackish tank. Further inspection showed the cause was an air tubing that the cat had chewed through and now water was coming out of the air tubing and onto the surge protector and the floor...
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    What Would U Put In A 90 Gallon?

    I would move my brack fish in there. I would love to see how big they get!
  29. Q

    New Tank - Compatibility?

    I always prefer angelfish^^ I know some people will say they are a smidge aggressive..but I've never personally had an issue with this. Swordtails are pretty fish too.
  30. Q

    Which Of Your Fish Have Had The Best Personality?

    Mine would have to be my Big Green Scat... I just call him 'Big Green'. He thinks he's big stuff.. whenever someone is near the tank he throws up his spines and moves back and forth really quick. When I clean the tank he has no fear lol he pecks at my arm. He was the first brack fish I ever got...
  31. Q

    What Do You Keep On Top Of Your Tank/s?

    Nothing on top of my 55 gallon tank. On top of my 29 gallon...usually just a cup of whatever I'm drinking while sitting and watching tv^^ lol All of my fish stuff is in the cupboard under my 55 gallon tank.
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    Newb Alert

    Sounds like some neat tanks^^ Please post piccies^^ :fish: :fish: :fish:
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    New To Forum But Not Fish

    Those KOI look huge! btw welcome to the forums^^
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    Those are the tank sizes I have. I've always wanted to put my tanks in the wall. Thats very cool^^ Your tanks are very cool^^
  35. Q

    Afternoon All..

    I love your tank. Its very unique and the kuhli loach! We had one of those in our tank a long time ago. He was my mom's favorite! I haven't seen one in a long time. Thank for the pics!
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    Fish I've Seen At Walmart...

    We have fish at our Wal Mart...and isnt any better here. There is never anyone back there caring for the fish. I was looking at the fish one day and there was a tank full of them with ich. A family was looking at the fish and were discussing getting one of the ICH infested fish...
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    What size tanks? and What do you have in there with your F8s? That is really cool. Thats something I would love to do one day with my tanks.
  38. Q

    Hello All

    Dwarf gourami's are touchy. Of the fish I have had in my tanks....I had powder blue dwarf gourami's....and they would be the fish that got sick and wouldn't make it...they were beautiful... but were very touchy... this is in my experience of course. Tetra's would be pretty to have in the tank...
  39. Q

    Whats Ur Best Fish

    My favorite fish is my large green scat. He was the biggest in the tank when I bought him and he has such personality. He likes to show off whenever I come near the tank. He throws up his spines and moves back and forth really quickly. When I maintenance the tank, he pecks at my arm. I know...
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    Suggestions For Community Tank

    I've never had issues with angels and bettas together. I had a blue betta that I had for quite a while with a couple of smokey blushers angels. Never had a single issue. Not to say that there isn't.^^ Of course, my angels never tried to have babies either lol.