Whats Ur Best Fish

Got to be corydoras,they're just so full of fun,and reminds me of naughty little puppies,the way the scamper about and wiggle their tails,always looking for mischief :lol:
Either my big Angel or my parrot fish, the Angel eats straight out of my hand and always gets proper excited when i come near the tank because he thinks it's meal time and the parrot is just so gormless looking, makes him extra likeable :lol:
2 Koi Angels.... totally wicked!

I love my standard male kribensis. He's about 4 inches long and a total bully, but very beautiful and active.

I don't really have a favourite, though. I have a lot of bettas with different personalities and it's very hard to chose between them.
My geophagus sp Red Head Tapajos, they are full of spunk and are great to watch. The sand sifting is really cool and they are such an interesting fish shape too. I can't wait to get a group of 5 into my main tank

Also my most expensive fish at £7 each :)
My favorite fish is my large green scat. He was the biggest in the tank when I bought him and he has such personality. He likes to show off whenever I come near the tank. He throws up his spines and moves back and forth really quickly. When I maintenance the tank, he pecks at my arm. I know he's not a freshwater fish but he is my favorite. ^^

I do also really also like my dads black ghost knife. I love how he pokes his nose out at feeding time and then flees back inside his castle.
Channa oh yes channa....I love my channa pleurophthalma she is a huney :drool:

Also my channa ornatipinnis fry,i miss the parents which i have sold due to a possible emigration but kept the fry :lol:

But i always have a spot in my heart for central/south american cichlids,esp oscars which i now have another pair :huh:
I can't pick only one. My ebjd is great with so much personality I love my severums they are perfect. My Hoplarchus psittacus I have only had for a little bit but he is fun and growing on me. My Cory cats are awesome my pictus cats are so funny. Then they plecos I love them.

I love all my fish.
would have to be my pair of angels my pair of kribs or my baby sev ohhhhh i cant choose :(
My first female betta, Dolly. She has a funny little personality, comes up to greet you when you go up to the tank, follows your finger along the glass and when you're cleaning hte tank/changing the water, she comes and rests on your hand.

Strange little thing :blush:
You will all be knocked over with surprise when I say my favourite fish is a Clown loach or a group of them.

Funny and hilarious antics I love them.

Of my group of nine Maggie has to be my favourite she is the largest of my Clowns one heck of a character :good:

Regards onebto.
It's a 3 way tie for mine between "Edwin", my green Severum, "Joe" my giant plakat male betta and "Eisenhower", my L134 leopard Frog pleco.
All have huge characters. Nothing do do with colour or fancy looks. Character is everything for me in a fish.
Definatly my Neolamprologus occelatus shell dwellers! They're only about an inch long but will take on other fish ten times their size. And if they can see its not goin they're way they shoot straight into their shells. Im always getting nipped by them anytime i get too close to their shells. They're big fishes in little fishes bodies.

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