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    Stocking Questions

    I was aware of the size the fish got, and so was the employee at the LFS. She even showed me an example of one that was 2 years old and "over-sized". What about some bottom dwellers, like 6 cories? Or are even they too much?
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    Stocking Questions

    Yes I did. :) My water is in good condition! Just looking to get a few more fish!
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    Stocking Questions

    Figured I'd post a picture of my fishies for the fun of it! :)
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    Stocking Questions

    Hello everyone! I recently bought a 60 gallon tank, and it is all cycled with a Marinelaand Emperor 400 PowerFilter. I just bought the following fish to go in it: 2 Golden Severums (about 1.5 inches each) 2 Kissing Gouramis (about 2.5 inches each) While at my LFS I saw koi angelfish that...
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    350 Deluxe Magnum Canister Filter

    Thanks! Marineland it is! ;)
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    Which Is Better: Hang On Back Filter Or Canister?

    Thanks for the advice.... Then, I shall just get an aquaClear or a Marineland.
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    350 Deluxe Magnum Canister Filter

    My LFS has helped me decide... She recommended either the AquaClear 500/110 or the Marineland *** (I forget the number, but it was for up to 100 gallons). The AquaClear was $80, and the Marineland was $65... Sort of leaning towards Marineland...
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    Which Is Better: Hang On Back Filter Or Canister?

    Ahhhh... I was looking at the magnum 350 canister filter, but was told it wasn't good... What's your opinion on it? IT'd be going into a 60 gallon tank.
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    350 Deluxe Magnum Canister Filter

    Alright, so, both of those filters are out? $80 was pushing my budget before, and I found the 2 AquaClears for my tank. The one is over budget, but the other is low-end budget. I know it's obvious that the larger filter would be better, but is it necisary? Here are the two filters: Aqua Clear...
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    350 Deluxe Magnum Canister Filter

    Well, its either that one or the Emperor Power Filter 400. Which is better? That should be my deciding factor. :)
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    350 Deluxe Magnum Canister Filter

    I recently got a new 60 gallon tank so I need a filter. I found this filter very cheap! It regurarly costs $160, on sale for $80. Is it a good filter? Can it be used with sand? Thanks in advanced! :nod: Is this everything need for the filter? I never used a canister before...
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    Fishless/fish-In Cycle

    Thanks! Ill be sure to post when/if I get my new tank, around christmas! :)
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    Fishless/fish-In Cycle

    Is there a thread where I can get detailed information on how to do each cycle, step by step? Thanks in advanced!
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    Gravel Or Sand?

    Would this sand work: It's very cheap!
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    Gravel Or Sand?

    Thank you Vidster!! :good: That was veryy helpful!
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    Gravel Or Sand?

    How many kg are you supposed to have per litter?
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    Gravel Or Sand?

    Im not sure how accurate it is, but I used the calculator at the top of the page.
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    Gravel Or Sand?

    The dimesnsions of the tank are 48-1/4"L x 12-3/4"W x 20-13/16"H That brings it to about 210 litres I believe.
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    Gravel Or Sand?

    And is the process for sand the same as gravel? Put in bucket, wash, wash, wash, wash, wash? Also, how much sand would I need for this tank?
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    Gravel Or Sand?

    :unsure: Uhhh... This is the filter: Top Fin 60 Power Filter with 2 cartridges I will also be using the filters from my 29 gallon, but Im not sure of their names. So if I want plants, which I do, I'll need a layer of gravel under sand?
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    Gravel Or Sand?

    A normal gravel filter can be used for sand??
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    Gravel Or Sand?

    Hi, I'm going to be upgraded from my 29 gallon tank late in December. I am going to be upgrading to a 55 gallon tank. I was wondering what is a better substrate, gravel or sand? Currently, I have gravel. I never used sand before... Are there any special requirements for it? Also, I would like...
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    Fry In Tank

    There are a total of 13 Red Wag Platy fry that are now a day old. As of right now, I don't know the filter's type. I will find out in about 30 minutes, or so. What temprature should I keep the water? Also, how do I clean the tank? I don't want to injure any of the fry?
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    Red Wag Platy

    And I saved 14 of them! She may still be going but I dont want to disturb her any longer.
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    Red Wag Platy

    The unofficial count is currently at 18! :)
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    Fry In Tank

    Now she is up to 18... Do you think that is enough to put in a 10 gallon? If so, do I need to cover the filter so none of the fry get sucked up?
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    Red Wag Platy

    She's dropping as we speak! She dropped 8 already, 1 got eaten by a guppy so I trapped her! Hopefully I didn;t stress her too much!
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    Fry In Tank

    My guppy or platty just recently had 3 fry, probably more to come. I was wonering if a 10 gallon tank will be too big for the fry? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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    Red Wag Platy

    Still no fry! :-(
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    Red Wag Platy

    Not that I see. I'm hoping by this weekend! :D
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    Red Wag Platy

    I just relized that the fish is a Sunburst Wag Platy, not Red Wag Platy. I don't think that makes much of a difference, just maybe explains why her stomach's white?
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    Red Wag Platy

    Now she's swimming up and down the tank in very corner, practically on the glass, and she's doing it non-stop! (I think I'm going to start calling her Platy from now on!)
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    Red Wag Platy

    Wow! She looks so much bigger than mine, or is it just her type. I hope that mine has hers soon!!
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    Red Wag Platy

    WOW! That's a lot. Hope mine has as many! Do you have any pictures of the fry, or her giving birth, or maybe even her birth tube, so I know what to look out for. I saw others, but I just want to make sure I'm looking for the right stuff!
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    Red Wag Platy

    Is she most likely to have them down on the gravel? Or in mid air? And aslo, do the fry usualy swim upwards or down to the gravel?
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    Red Wag Platy

    She's always in the bottom corner too. :no: Awwww. I dont know what to do! :S
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    Red Wag Platy

    Oh really! I can't wait!!! :nod: Wouldn't the breeding net just strees her out as much?
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    Red Wag Platy

    I don't want to stress her out too much because I heard that can make them abort their fry. But I turned off the light, and when I did that the male started attacking her. I could hear rocks flinging everywhere too. I don't know if there's something wrong, or if he just wants the fry? So you...
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    Red Wag Platy

    This is the best one I could get, but you can see the white dot in it since its so small, but atleast you can probably tell me what I need to know from this picture: