Stocking Questions


New Member
Nov 5, 2009
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Hello everyone!

I recently bought a 60 gallon tank, and it is all cycled with a Marinelaand Emperor 400 PowerFilter.

I just bought the following fish to go in it:
2 Golden Severums (about 1.5 inches each)
2 Kissing Gouramis (about 2.5 inches each)

While at my LFS I saw koi angelfish that looked really neat! I also really liked the Red Fire Gourami. Would these fish be okay, or is that over stocking? This is what the tank would be:

2 Golden Severums
2 Kissing Gouramis
2 Koi Angelfish
2 Red Fire Gouramis

Also, would any bottom-feeders go well with these fish, like some cories? Thanks in advanced!! :D

One other uestion: What kind of live plants would be compatible with these fish, if any.
Figured I'd post a picture of my fishies for the fun of it! :)
While they look little now, it was recommended to me that severums need a minimum of 75 gallons for one, probably 100 for two. They are BIG fish. I know the kissing gouramis get large as well. So I think you are stocked. I don't mean to be rude but you need to research these fish very carefully to know their minimum needs as adults and never rely on an LFS employee to steer the fish right. They just want you to buy, not all, but most.
I was aware of the size the fish got, and so was the employee at the LFS. She even showed me an example of one that was 2 years old and "over-sized".

What about some bottom dwellers, like 6 cories? Or are even they too much?

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