Red Wag Platy

Well i can only go by my platies,but 3 of mine stay near the gravel,and the majority of fry i catch are hidden on the bottom of the tank,they're very good at hiding in the gravel and under plants and ornaments etc. :rolleyes:
My 4th blue platy,tends to swim up and down the side of the tank whilst she's dropping at this point i catch her and put her in a floating breeding trap,last month she had 62,month before she had 71 fry!! :hyper:
WOW! That's a lot. Hope mine has as many! Do you have any pictures of the fry, or her giving birth, or maybe even her birth tube, so I know what to look out for. I saw others, but I just want to make sure I'm looking for the right stuff!
Have a look at the pinned thread from steady at the top of the page,it shows some good pics on there.
When you look at the birthing tube in the very centre a black dot will appear when its opening up ready for birth,i didn't have a clue what i was looking for at first,but once the first drop happened i realised what it was about :lol:

This is my blue platy,not very good pic.doesnt show her birthing tube,

Pic of her fry,they're very small

Wow! She looks so much bigger than mine, or is it just her type. I hope that mine has hers soon!!
Now she's swimming up and down the tank in very corner, practically on the glass, and she's doing it non-stop!

(I think I'm going to start calling her Platy from now on!)
I just relized that the fish is a Sunburst Wag Platy, not Red Wag Platy. I don't think that makes much of a difference, just maybe explains why her stomach's white?
The body color only makes a difference on the body color. It does not affect the fish or how it will act in different situations.
Hopefully she will drop soon :good:

My red platy surprisingly dropped fry today,its her first drop since i've had her and it was only because i noticed her birthing tube out that i realised she was due to drop so i trapped her :)

Heres a fuzzy pic of her rear end,showing the white birthing tube,

She's dropping as we speak! She dropped 8 already, 1 got eaten by a guppy so I trapped her! Hopefully I didn;t stress her too much!
Fab Job :good:

Keep the lights off will keep her calm,i also put a tea towel over the front of the tank if the room is bright,stops them getting too stressed :)

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