Red Wag Platy

Is the white dot by her anal fin? it could possibly be her birthing tube coming out.
Yes it is, but I don't know if its always been there, or not because I just got her yesterday. Hmmm. I will try and post a bigger picture.
A better pic would be good :)

Males do tend to follow the females around pecking at the anal end to try and eat the fry :rolleyes:
Well get us a pic (i know how difficult that can be) and well see what we can do
This is the best one I could get, but you can see the white dot in it since its so small, but atleast you can probably tell me what I need to know from this picture:

well look's very close indeed, i can see what looks like the birthing channel but cant be 100% sure. I would suspect fry very soon anyway
I agree she's very close,could do with squaring off a bit,but then my mickey doesn't square off as such. :rolleyes:
I don't want to stress her out too much because I heard that can make them abort their fry. But I turned off the light, and when I did that the male started attacking her. I could hear rocks flinging everywhere too. I don't know if there's something wrong, or if he just wants the fry?

So you are both thinking within the week?
I reckon within the week,maybe the next few days,

If she's getting stressed by the male it might be worth putting her in the breeding net,although these nets won't protect them from the mum eating the fry.
not necessarily,if you don't stress her when you catch her,she may be ok,

Its a 50/50 chance, :)
Thats usually a good sign when they're pregnant,they tend to hide away,preparing themselves :)
Is she most likely to have them down on the gravel? Or in mid air? And aslo, do the fry usualy swim upwards or down to the gravel?

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