Search results

  1. sami the cichlid

    Long Fins For A Female?

    hmmm ok, we'll have to wait and see, i'll leave her grow a bit and see what happens. :)
  2. sami the cichlid

    Long Fins For A Female?

    she is the same body size as the others but has fins almost twice as big, her ventrals and very big and long, double the size of the other females. she's very confusing!! but very beautiful male or female
  3. sami the cichlid

    Long Fins For A Female?

    hi! managed to get some alright pics of him/her! i dont know if they'll help but its worth a try. ok, well, first of all, he/she looks much brighter and colourful than the pics show! also, if it is a male, shoud he be making bubble nests at this age/size?
  4. sami the cichlid

    Long Fins For A Female?

    i only just saw it, behind some plants, but i would say it was big, and red. if i get a better flare i'll give more detail :) i think she is more likely a he now, but who knows!
  5. sami the cichlid

    Long Fins For A Female?

    i saw her flaring at one of the others! i just saw the beard, i remeber it being red and fairly big. i cant get a picture tho! she wont flare for the cameras. hmm, i'll keep people updated on his/her progress. :)
  6. sami the cichlid

    Long Fins For A Female?

    she is about 1.25" in size, rather small and cute! i cant really see the ovvie spot, at least its much easier to spot on the other two. here are some more pictures, sorry she is really fast and wont stay still! sorry, iphone camera quality isnt the best.
  7. sami the cichlid

    Long Fins For A Female?

    i thought she might have been a he! i bought 3 "girls" and thought he looked slightly.....male? yeah they are young, they are quite small so im hopeing if she is a he that he will grow out big a beautiful the other two deffinately look like girls
  8. sami the cichlid

    Long Fins For A Female?

    i was wondering, does she have long fins for a female or is it just normal?
  9. sami the cichlid

    So I've Ended Up With A 10G

    dwarf puffers!
  10. sami the cichlid

    Ich Glorious Ich

    ok thanks! i'll up it some more before i go to bed :)
  11. sami the cichlid

    Ich Glorious Ich

    ok, yay my three beautiful sap's have now got ich, not awfully, only like 5 tiny white dots on each, plus the barb and tetras have it now. i cant use protozin (or any medication) as i have been advised against it, it could harm my puffers? so yeah, im raising the temp to about 80F, doing daily...
  12. sami the cichlid

    My Green Spotted Puffer

    you could try cockles. i once tried a live mussel! they loved it but it made the tank murkyer than i had ever seen it! yeah so i say no to live mussels :P
  13. sami the cichlid

    Peruvian Puffers?

    he seems to be better now, using that fin more, and their appetite seem to get bigger every day! althought one did get stuck in the fliter bubble thing, i tried pushing him out but he was stuck, then he puffed up and got out, he's lost all his colour and is in hiding, but he doesn't looked...
  14. sami the cichlid

    Hitchhiker In Tank!

    fish it out with a net?
  15. sami the cichlid

    Mr And Mrs Rainbow

    yeah, bottom feeders arent as quite as the act... :P yeah mine headbutts and flicks, its just that he's a very big common he could do damage! i got my new sap's this week so no new fish for me for a while, plus i spent a bit on their other tank.... :P im still stuck on the sexing...
  16. sami the cichlid

    Mr And Mrs Rainbow

    the oscar normally eats first anyway so once hes off the others go as quick as they can before he's back....however the plec does seem to bat him away at the bottom with pellet food. honestly feeding time in that tank is like gladiators!
  17. sami the cichlid

    Mr And Mrs Rainbow

    oooooo thats the closest i've see to my acara! i think its the oscar, he's grown a bit, and is probably eating more, i shall feed them more now then. the oscar is an idiot, he's nearly choked to death on food.
  18. sami the cichlid

    Mr And Mrs Rainbow

    well, i dont know really, the shop said it was a wild fish, and i think its an acara, here is a pic of it. and as with the rainbows.....#41####. :P oh well, im sure i'll find out soon enough. experts....... :D
  19. sami the cichlid

    Mr And Mrs Rainbow

    hello, i've had these guys for a while now, and they are beautiful! i was wondering if they were male and female? if they are could i possibly breed them? anyway, here are some lovely pictures of the pair :) bring on the experts! :P
  20. sami the cichlid

    Any Ideas

    its up to you, but puffers are really fun! and you can choose form freshwater and brackish types. just a suggestion :)
  21. sami the cichlid

    How Do Piranha Keepers Gravel Vac Their Tanks?

    i used to have piranhas....vicious things. dont they sell longer gravel cleaners? so you dont have to put your hand in? anyway, when i had them, i think we just braved the hands in and watched the little buggers very carefully. (mine insisted on eating each other actually!) as with feeding....i...
  22. sami the cichlid

    Is My Puffer Ill?

    i bought 3, and one seems to have a white mark above its fin, now a day on the fin is clamped and flat against the skin, he hardly uses it, should i be worried? would this affect the other puffers and fish? a pic of the mark
  23. sami the cichlid

    Peruvian Puffers?

    OK slightly worried now, the puffer with the mark has now got a clamped fiin on that side.....well i doesnt move now, just flat against the skin, should i be worried??
  24. sami the cichlid

    Peruvian Puffers?

    the tank is at about 24C so no worries, and i plan to move the sa's out into my empty 22G when its set up and cycled. For now they seem fine, and they are settled and happy by the looks of their behaviour. :)
  25. sami the cichlid

    Peruvian Puffers?

    no, mine seem very settled, every now and then they may chase a tetra for a second, but otherwise they seem fine, infact the barb seems to annoy them more! they are very new though, but i think they are settled in.
  26. sami the cichlid

    Peruvian Puffers?

    hi, just saying there all settled in now, and are happily eating and buzzing around the tank! but i saw this on one of them, the white mark near his fin. i think its just where its been bitten by another puffer (they were rather crowded in the store) but i'll just post it here to get other...
  27. sami the cichlid

    Puffer Wanted...

    hi all :) i have had red eyed puffers and they bullied the hell out of each other and the tankmates (including barbs) and were very territorial (especially the male!). i had to give them up in the end they were so bad, well the ones that survived.......! i have litteraly just bought some...
  28. sami the cichlid

    Peruvian Puffers?

    Thanks :) well im going to keep them, i have learned about them, and learned that i was told a load of rubbish at the store! they will have their own tank soon enough
  29. sami the cichlid

    Peruvian Puffers?

    i was told these were congo puffers......i dont think they are now......
  30. sami the cichlid

    Help Me Name My Upcoming Pet Shop

    good luck with the "health issues" hows bout: Animal Antics Animalia hows the shop comin along? any website?
  31. sami the cichlid

    Help! - Territorial Agression

    ill also try the treat thing sounds v good. yes she does love her food. she was adopted and was a stray so i no wht u mean........abused by men background possibly. we know she is bad around other dogs and are trying to tackle that to so this new issue is just not on as she is really a brilliant...
  32. sami the cichlid

    Help! - Territorial Agression

    she is/was the most placid dog, this just arose a few weeks ago, she first did it when my grandad was swinging his leg in the kitchen (his "exercieses" for his back!) and she growled and got up. she has a huge pillow for a bed. problem is shes always in the room when men come in.
  33. sami the cichlid

    Help! - Territorial Agression

    out of the kictchen and she seems to be fine with women
  34. sami the cichlid

    Help! - Territorial Agression

    we got our dog kali in august and she used to be fine with strangers but in the past few weeks any men that she doesn't know who come into the kitchen (where she sleeps) get growled and barked at and sometimes even a little lunge. but, she will let them pet her and once they do she stops, but if...
  35. sami the cichlid

    Every Pet You Have Ever Owned...

    um cant remeber the numbers exactly so....: goldfish hamsters giunea pigs (sp?) rabbits gerbils eels puffers piranhas terrapins giant african millipeads stick insects triops cichlids livebearers cories catfish plypterus (sp?) crabs dog and im only 15.....
  36. sami the cichlid

    How Many?

    well, im gettin the 10g for the fry so im goin to get a single male betta for the 5g (once i get another heater)
  37. sami the cichlid

    A Fry Update

    here they are at 13 days old, no deaths for a week now so all is looking good, the 10g will have to wait till sun and im goin to let some main tank water get flowing in it b4 the babies go in
  38. sami the cichlid

    What Do You Go By?

    wow, lotta replies! well just sayin beacuse a online conversion gave my 40l either a US 11g or UK 9g! bit of a difference
  39. sami the cichlid

    How Many?

    ok, i my rethink bettas
  40. sami the cichlid

    Fry "Friendly" Fish

    hello all, as you may know im upgrading my nursery tank to 10g very soon, when the fry grow up i want to have something in the tank to keep it flowing and to prevent any spikes for the to be fry. are their any fish that will tolerate and NOT eat newborn fry? or am i being crazy?