Mr And Mrs Rainbow

sami the cichlid

Fish Crazy
Oct 22, 2009
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hello, i've had these guys for a while now, and they are beautiful! i was wondering if they were male and female? if they are could i possibly breed them? anyway, here are some lovely pictures of the pair :)


bring on the experts! :p
mmmm, at a guess both male, but I am no expert in Rainbow cichlids. Just looking at the fins both of them (apart from fin damage) have pointy fins...does the yellow rainbow seem more dominant? I ask that because it might explain the yellow tint, whilst the other is not so happy with a lack of colour and fin damage maybe?

Maybe this I found somewhere else hints at this too?: "Sexing when they are more mature is pretty easy. The males are noticeably bigger (almost twice as large) as the females and in breeding colors are magnificent. Their finnage also seems much longer than the females, who, while they will color up for breeding, too, are not nearly as vibrant. My males gets a brilliant orange color with bluish fins while the female gets a mustard yellow color with much more black. "

Also how come the more silver of the two has so much fin damage, is he being pushed around by the other one or is it the oscar?

Hopefully I am wrong and they are a male and female, I did initially think the yellow one would be a female as it was smaller and in the first pick the fins seemed more rounded....but I am not so sure.

Like you said, "bring on the experts!" :)

edit: whats a wild acara? Could it be a port acara as in my sig pics (second from right)? Have I found someone else with one of them at long last?
mmmm, at a guess both male, but I am no expert in Rainbow cichlids. Just looking at the fins both of them (apart from fin damage) have pointy fins...does the yellow rainbow seem more dominant? I ask that because it might explain the yellow tint, whilst the other is not so happy with a lack of colour and fin damage maybe?

Maybe this I found somewhere else hints at this too?: "Sexing when they are more mature is pretty easy. The males are noticeably bigger (almost twice as large) as the females and in breeding colors are magnificent. Their finnage also seems much longer than the females, who, while they will color up for breeding, too, are not nearly as vibrant. My males gets a brilliant orange color with bluish fins while the female gets a mustard yellow color with much more black. "

Also how come the more silver of the two has so much fin damage, is he being pushed around by the other one or is it the oscar?

Hopefully I am wrong and they are a male and female, I did initially think the yellow one would be a female as it was smaller and in the first pick the fins seemed more rounded....but I am not so sure.

Like you said, "bring on the experts!"

edit: whats a wild acara? Could it be a port acara as in my sig pics (second from right)? Have I found someone else with one of them at long last?

well, i dont know really, the shop said it was a wild fish, and i think its an acara, here is a pic of it.

and as with the rainbows.....#41####. :p oh well, im sure i'll find out soon enough. experts....... :D
Looks like a Royal Acara to me, lucky if it is! Look at the 8th pic down on the first post here:
Star4 (the OP of the topic from the link) had/has (can't remember) one she called "Bailey"

Maybe it's the photos but I think that some of your fish have sunken bellies (this one and the yellow rainbow). If it is the case one particular fish is eating all the food and the others aren't getting guess which one is the most aggressive and the greediest!
Looks like a Royal Acara to me, lucky if it is! Look at the 8th pic down on the first post here: http://www.fishforum...y-fish-lodgers/
Star4 (the OP of the topic from the link) had/has (can't remember) one she called "Bailey"

Maybe it's the photos but I think that some of your fish have sunken bellies (this one and the yellow rainbow). If it is the case one particular fish is eating all the food and the others aren't getting guess which one is the most aggressive and the greediest!

oooooo thats the closest i've see to my acara!

i think its the oscar, he's grown a bit, and is probably eating more, i shall feed them more now then. the oscar is an idiot, he's nearly choked to death on food.
i think its the oscar, he's grown a bit, and is probably eating more, i shall feed them more now then. the oscar is an idiot, he's nearly choked to death on food.

quality, that'll serve him right!

Get yourself a turkey baster and use that to target food at the fish, they'll soon realise the turkey baster means feeding time and head for the nozzle, and if the oscar gets a bit bossy put some food where his fat belly can't squeeze into!
Get yourself a turkey baster and use that to target food at the fish, they'll soon realise the turkey baster means feeding time and head for the nozzle, and if the oscar gets a bit bossy put some food where his fat belly can't squeeze into!

the oscar normally eats first anyway so once hes off the others go as quick as they can before he's back....however the plec does seem to bat him away at the bottom with pellet food. honestly feeding time in that tank is like gladiators!
My bristlenose (~6") is a hard nut too, none of my cichlids get too close anymore! I watched him night before last and he was munching on some cucumber when a geo turned up wanting some too, he just kept flicking his tail at him whilst if to say get off, if he wasn't eating he would have gone mental with the head butts

New fish arrive tomorrow, a few juvie Rotkeil Severum
yeah, bottom feeders arent as quite as the act... :p yeah mine headbutts and flicks, its just that he's a very big common he could do damage!
i got my new sap's this week so no new fish for me for a while, plus i spent a bit on their other tank.... :p

im still stuck on the sexing front experts!!! :p

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