How Many?

sami the cichlid

Fish Crazy
Oct 22, 2009
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how many bettas can i put in a 10g/40litre tank? i want 1 male and however many females.
how many bettas can i put in a 10g/40litre tank? i want 1 male and however many females.
Will you be putting a divider in to keep the male away from the females?

I tried six females in a 10-gallon and they ripped each other to shreds. Actually, only three were aggressive and were the ones who initially did that. Two of the other three were fine the first night and then had a few nips by the next day. One was left without a mark. It was a disaster and I kept my original female, kept a second and took the rest to the store to be healed in their hospital tank. I really wanted to keep the red one who was taken back, but feared her fins would become infected.

I think most (on TFF) are supportive of multiple females in a tank, but IMO, you need to have a back-up plan in case one of them gets seriously injured.
well, im gettin the 10g for the fry so im goin to get a single male betta for the 5g (once i get another heater)
you cant keep male and female betta splendeds together but you could get a pair of bette imbellis or some other wild. you could divide the 10g into 2 and keep a male and some corys on each side.

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