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  1. ApolloJ

    Make My Pleco Come Out During Daulight?

    I really like how they's a shame they are nocturnal, and mine's remained hidden since forever during the day, what did I do? I stopped feeding the usual cucumber for 4 days now, he comes out a lot now! Is this a bad thing?
  2. ApolloJ

    Healthy Pleco...Excrement

    SO how do you know they are eating well, what's a good color for the excrement to acquire?
  3. ApolloJ

    completely LOATHES Plecos now.

    completely LOATHES Plecos now.
  4. ApolloJ

    What Do You Go By?

    U.S. Gallons ovbiously
  5. ApolloJ

    One Of Its Eyeballs Fell Off!

    I never said my goldfish were on a warm water tank...and I got 2 tanks right now, I actually got 2 because I bought two Plecos who wouldn't get along, so for the second tank I bought a Gourami, but he's solely with the Pleco in there. For my 25 gallon right now (which is only temporary), I got 1...
  6. ApolloJ

    One Of Its Eyeballs Fell Off!

    My goldfish (and yes I know this is the tropical section, but almost NOBODY responds immediately in the cold water fish section) lost one eyeball today...well it's still there, but i'm sure it will fall off soon, i'm not sure how this happened...I have NO sharp objects in the tank, just a plant...
  7. ApolloJ

    Tetramin Sinking Tablets

    I'm not sure i've seen algae waffles-er wafers around the stores I visit, but I'm sure one of them must have that type of food, I'll check next time I visit, but at least I can feed it these tablets I bought once in a while, not a complete money waste at least...
  8. ApolloJ

    Can Pleco Fights Cause Death?

    If you unfortunately mix up two Plecos that don't like each other, and start to fight, yet you don't have anywhere else to re-house either of them for looong time, and keep the fighting up will either of them die? because i've seen some youtube videos regarding this matter, it doesn't seem...
  9. ApolloJ

    Tetramin Sinking Tablets

    They told me it was "high in animal proteins & designed more for meat eaters than herbivores like plecs." and said if I gave it to my Pleco daily it would cause digestion problems and also death, it seems quite over the top...but if that's true I wouldn't wanna take the risk, mine's a Sailfin...
  10. ApolloJ

    Tetramin Sinking Tablets

    So...I went to my pet shop, asked for Pleco exclusive food, they gave me this Tetramin sinking tablets product, turns out someone told me they're not meant to be eaten by Plecos, I'm really boiling mad right now...still, I see how they got mistaken, it has a picture of a Pleco on the cover, but...
  11. ApolloJ

    Sailfin Pleco Losing Scales

    XD that's some HELPFUL response Smig, sorry, you forgot to type in your response there, I couldn't resist.
  12. ApolloJ

    Tetramin Sinking Tablets Problem

    So I finally decided to buy special Pleco tablets, I dropped one into the tank, the Pleco's come across it a couple of times, I think he munched a little and then kept wandering around the tank for what i'm guessing to be topical flake leftovers (Which are for my Gourami), he's used to eating...
  13. ApolloJ


    The ones I saw are already kinda big, I need to save up for the 55 gallon first though, but I just love how they look, they're also pretty intelligent from what I hear.
  14. ApolloJ


    I saw a pair of Oscars last time I went to the fish store...I don't know why, but I just felt I had to get one regardless of the price, if I do decide to bring it home, I need to know what's the minimum tank size, in gallons if it's okay...if they are hardy fish and what temperature I need for...
  15. ApolloJ

    Anyone Not Wanting Their Betta ?

    Um, if you want another one why not just get it at your closest fish store? IMO importing it would be a lot of trouble...what will you do with the one you have right now though? in case you get the new one I mean..
  16. ApolloJ

    Who Else Can'T Wait Till Christmas?

    I'll just be getting my goldfish a heater to keep them healthy during the winter, and probably Pleco pellets, but not much apart from that, I will be mainly focussing on things which will make me happy, probably getting some new video game titles and a few other things...
  17. ApolloJ

    My Pleco'S Chasing My Blue Gourami

    It's been happening for the last hour now, and it's getting annoying, I hear Plecos chase sick fish around, might this be the reason?
  18. ApolloJ

    Save My Pleco

    Heh..I know how that feels, I got many things going on that I sometimes forget...but it's kinda necessary, so I try not to get lazy with it to avoid more deaths and disease, also this topic should be in: 'Tropical emergencies', I'm not much of an expert, so there's other people who can give you...
  19. ApolloJ

    Save My Pleco

    Don't Plecos tend to jump out of the water when something's really bad about it? or so I to your fish continuosly dying, it reminds me of myself when I started the fish keeping hobby, they just kept dying til' I finally got a community that survived for over a year now, includes...
  20. ApolloJ

    Sinking Catfish Pellets, Are They A Must?

    Well, then how about this? I've heard goldfish will actually eat the pellets, they already like eating the cucumber slices along with the pleco, but with sinking pellets...for some reason I get the feeling they might just devour it fast, i'm not sure about throwing the pellets at night either...
  21. ApolloJ

    Sinking Catfish Pellets, Are They A Must?

    It's a common of course, they're just so..common most everyone has that kind, if you ask me, my favorite ones are the common and the sailfin leopard pleco, which look kinda the same, anyway I might get the pellets to give em a try but not frecuently as i'm not so satisfied regarding their price.
  22. ApolloJ

    Sinking Catfish Pellets, Are They A Must?

    I got a Pleco, which comes out when I feed my fish tropical flakes, he eats the ones that go down it seems, he also is fed lots of cucumber, he seems to eat the leaves of my aquarium plant...and also seems to be eating the algae growth, which seems to be fast due to the tank being kinda close to...
  23. ApolloJ

    Can Gouramis Live In Unheated Tank Without A Problem?

    And by the way old man.. I've heard of 'Giant Gouramis', but supposedly the three spot (the one I own) just grows mostly to 5 inches or something around that, oh well...we seem to be completely the opposite on this matter, because I absolutely love big sized fish or medium sized, which I...
  24. ApolloJ

    Can Gouramis Live In Unheated Tank Without A Problem?

    I figured a moderator would show up sooner or later here...I'm glad someone else sees how uncivil this topic got, I mean really...if people wanted to try and convince somebody else about something, it should be kept as polite as possible...and try and not show signs of getting extremely worked...
  25. ApolloJ

    Can Gouramis Live In Unheated Tank Without A Problem?

    You're just spreading Drama.
  26. ApolloJ

    Can Gouramis Live In Unheated Tank Without A Problem? don't really need get pumped up about this Honey, the simple fact of the matter is the pet store just won't accept him or any other fish back, even if I wanted to, many would agree the pet store just cares about the money, but that's business for ya, I seem to have been just one of...
  27. ApolloJ

    Can Gouramis Live In Unheated Tank Without A Problem?

    I'm aware the Pleco will get that big, besides I find them to look pretty cool once they grow into adults, so I'll buy a new tank when I see more growth, about the heater, I may think about getting it if it isn't expensive
  28. ApolloJ

    I Found A Snail In My Tank

    I'm not exactly sure snails come out of nowhere you know...i reckon when they handed the plant to me there were a coupleof snails in the tank, probably they mated and left eggs on the plant...that's the only explanation that makes sense to me, because no matter how you put it, I find it...
  29. ApolloJ

    Can Gouramis Live In Unheated Tank Without A Problem?

    It's a common Pleco, growing moderately...the tank is 10 Gallons, however my store said there wouldn't be any problem without a heater, in fact they said as long as I keep the water's quality, he would be ok, but i'm not sure I could trust them, I mean that's why I asked if a heater was a must...
  30. ApolloJ

    I Found A Snail In My Tank

    I noticed 1 little snail a week ago or so...but now they're like 7...and getting bigger each day, i'm getting excited about their growth, though I heard they can be pests because of how fast they reproduce...which seems kinda true, anyway my guess is the plant I bought had snail eggs and they...
  31. ApolloJ

    Can Gouramis Live In Unheated Tank Without A Problem?

    My three spot seems to be doing fine so far...i'd say he's adapted, but some people insist in using a heater...also while we're talking about Gouramis, I was wondering, I had to keep mine in a separate tank because it's extremeley violent, however, the tank feels so lonesome with just a gourami...
  32. ApolloJ

    Black Moor Issue

    Hi, it seems my Black moor rests in the bottom of the tank at times...I wonder if there's something wrong, my two other goldfish are fine though, there's good filtration in the tank, but there's also a 6.5 cm pleco, I was told they shouldn't be put together, others said it was fine, so far I...
  33. ApolloJ

    I.d. Please, And A Few...other Things

    20 gallons atm, but I plan to get a bigger one later on
  34. ApolloJ

    I.d. Please, And A Few...other Things

    Approximately 10 cm now, but when i got it a year ago it was about half size than that..
  35. ApolloJ

    I.d. Please, And A Few...other Things

    As you know, i'm still as clueless as you are...just what in the world is it?...hope someone will eventually come and tell me...
  36. ApolloJ

    I.d. Please, And A Few...other Things

    Alright...for over a year I've been wondering, what the heck my fish is, it was given as a present to me, hence why I really don't know much about him...or her? firstly i'd like to know if it's a tropical fish, secondly if anyone recognizes this species, let me know their name, thirdly, What in...