Sinking Catfish Pellets, Are They A Must?


New Member
Oct 14, 2009
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El Salvador
I got a Pleco, which comes out when I feed my fish tropical flakes, he eats the ones that go down it seems, he also is fed lots of cucumber, he seems to eat the leaves of my aquarium plant...and also seems to be eating the algae growth, which seems to be fast due to the tank being kinda close to sunlight, with all this, do I really still need to purchase the pellets? some woman on this forum went kinda mad at the fact I haven't given mine any, even said it was necessary, but hey, he's growing..and kinda fast might I add, to me that's a sign he's doing well, but I don't know, I'm still learning, so you people tell me...
Sounds like he's getting enough to eat as is. If there are scraps leftover and cucumber then you're doing good.
I got a Pleco, which comes out when I feed my fish tropical flakes, he eats the ones that go down it seems, he also is fed lots of cucumber, he seems to eat the leaves of my aquarium plant...and also seems to be eating the algae growth, which seems to be fast due to the tank being kinda close to sunlight, with all this, do I really still need to purchase the pellets? some woman on this forum went kinda mad at the fact I haven't given mine any, even said it was necessary, but hey, he's growing..and kinda fast might I add, to me that's a sign he's doing well, but I don't know, I'm still learning, so you people tell me...

What plec is it?.

A varied diet is always best, so yes pellets would be a good idea, also most plecs will benefit from a little protien source from time to time unless it's more a carniverous species which will require much more on a daily basis.. Try bllodworm, tubifex etc etc as a treat.

It's not the fact that it would need them, its the actual fact that a varied mixed diet would be better and thats the most inportant part
I got a Pleco, which comes out when I feed my fish tropical flakes, he eats the ones that go down it seems, he also is fed lots of cucumber, he seems to eat the leaves of my aquarium plant...and also seems to be eating the algae growth, which seems to be fast due to the tank being kinda close to sunlight, with all this, do I really still need to purchase the pellets? some woman on this forum went kinda mad at the fact I haven't given mine any, even said it was necessary, but hey, he's growing..and kinda fast might I add, to me that's a sign he's doing well, but I don't know, I'm still learning, so you people tell me...

What plec is it?.

A varied diet is always best, so yes pellets would be a good idea, also most plecs will benefit from a little protien source from time to time unless it's more a carniverous species which will require much more on a daily basis.. Try bllodworm, tubifex etc etc as a treat.

It's not the fact that it would need them, its the actual fact that a varied mixed diet would be better and thats the most inportant part

It's a common of course, they're just so..common most everyone has that kind, if you ask me, my favorite ones are the common and the sailfin leopard pleco, which look kinda the same, anyway I might get the pellets to give em a try but not frecuently as i'm not so satisfied regarding their price.
Fish food is pretty pricey, but on the up-side it lasts a LONG time.

I second the proposal for pellets. Plecos are omnivores and do need protein in their diet; algae and veggies are not gonna cut it.
Fish food is pretty pricey, but on the up-side it lasts a LONG time.

I second the proposal for pellets. Plecos are omnivores and do need protein in their diet; algae and veggies are not gonna cut it.

Well, then how about this? I've heard goldfish will actually eat the pellets, they already like eating the cucumber slices along with the pleco, but with sinking pellets...for some reason I get the feeling they might just devour it fast, i'm not sure about throwing the pellets at night either, what if they come across them and eat them in the dark? But there's one last possibility...I noticed after an hour of having lights off, my fish all..let's say they turn the auto pilot on, they don't notice ANYTHING, save for the Pleco of actually felt as if they were dead (the goldfish), but that's how they sleep, I could let the pellets sink at that time since they're all unconscious...yes...
Dude if you are keeping Goldfish and Plecos in the same tank you have got way bigger problems than who is eating what.

Put them in when the fish are asleep.
Commons do need mainly vegetables, but also need some protein. The flake floating down helps, a bit of bloodworms helps as well. Common plecs have a long digestive system designed for mostly vegetation, Too much protein will cause problems.

I would actually vary the vegetables a little more, anything in the squash family is good. Zucchini is a common one, pumpkin is in season here. If you are having peas or green beans with dinner, put a bit to the side, cooked, with no seasonings added. Romaine lettuce, or any sort of greens work as well.

The idea is to have some protein, but plenty of roughage to keep it moving through.

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