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  1. C

    Dust In The Water?

    The fix for this is?
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    Dust In The Water?

    er.. just looks like a powder floating in the water.... def not tanin... the bog wood I have in the tank stopped leaching (badly) a few months ago
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    Dust In The Water?

    Ok so my aquarium seems to have lots of brown dust floating in the water and the fine filter floss isnt taking it away.. suggestions?????
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    Water Chemisty Question

    I´ve been using tap/ro mix for 10 months now..... it was a sudden drop during a normal schedule.
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    Water Chemisty Question

    Ok so, yesterday I tested my water and all was fine, carried out a 30% water change as a finrot med has just finnished its dosage. During the water change I added a first dose of melafix to get the recovery going... (my water changes are 50% ro and 50% tap water where the tap water has a...
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    If You Had Ro At Home...?

    I know what you say makes sense.. but they sell them here as "clean drinking water"... this is mental..
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    Neverending Problem

    Is that just low use of sea mix?? can you explain it a little more.
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    If You Had Ro At Home...?

    I´m wondering, Here at home in Valencia, spain.... The water is shockingly bad, do drink and worse for fish. I have to buy RO from my LFS.... We´re going to install an RO filter at home for drinking etc.. Its got me thinking.. If you had RO at home, wouldnt it almost be easier to have marine...
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    Neverending Problem

    I have posted here before, about this same problem, but i´m starting afresh... I am based in Valencia, Spain. My house has a decalsfier in the water mains, will be buying an RO unit soon.. for now I buy RO water from LFS. I´ve had finrot in my tank, ever since it was set up, in September. so 7...
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    Stubborn Finrot.

    The member of the other forum who suggested parasites.. is because of this photo...
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    Stubborn Finrot.

    The corys HAD finrot but with the first treatment.. it healed.. as "normal" yes the tank has a heater....... The siphon is a gravel vac type.. so yes... Never seen a barb succesfully nip another... they chase a little but never seen a single "physical nip". Water changes WERE about 2 weeks...
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    Stubborn Finrot.

    I might see maybe one flick in a week... the tank is beside my desk where i work at nights.. so i'm with them a good 2-4 hours a night
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    Stubborn Finrot.

    Had this posted on another forum but about this problem.. Theyre not replying so can you explain what I should be looking for to proove or disproove this?? "Maybe it's just me, but the fish in the picture you showed looked quite mucousy.. So, I'm wondering, if it's not actually a bacterial case...
  15. C

    Stubborn Finrot.

    The scales on my barbs are slightly opaque. Its the actual spine thats redened..
  16. C

    Stubborn Finrot.

    so basically its a loosing battle i'm going to loose......... Think i can see redening of the spines...
  17. C

    Stubborn Finrot.

    Isolation is impossible.. i only have this tank. antibiotics? how/wherE?
  18. C

    Stubborn Finrot.

    Just to ask.. why do you suggest that treatment? whats the difference between this and others.. i only ask because this is all new to me..
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    Stubborn Finrot.

    Ordered some on ebay...
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    Stubborn Finrot.

    Can try via internet.... but postage in this country is extremely slow..... will see what comes up
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    Stubborn Finrot.

    ok but the finrot? :S i'm based in spain so you might not know the brands of treatments. 1st was JBL Ektol Fluid, 2nd were some tablet form treatments called "multicure" by Aquarium Products...
  22. C

    Stubborn Finrot.

    after writing all that.. i've just noticed something new in this "healthy" fish. notice the red marking at the base of the dorsal fin.. well its blood red.. and wasnt there before.. what could this imply??????
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  25. C

    Stubborn Finrot.

    Ok lets start with the basics. I'm posting here because i've posted in another forum for the last 2 weeks and theres still new improvements.. so lets see if we can work something out. 64 Ltr tank with Fluval 104 external filter. Tank is around 6-7 months old. 7 tiger barbs and 2 spotted cory...
  26. C

    Tiger Barbs Fin Nipping..

    I've got a 63ltr tank with fluval 104 external filter.. 3 spotted corys and 7 tiger barbs. The problem I have is that the barbs are fin nipping... where each cory may get a nip every few weeks.. one daft cory is trying to school with the barbs... so is getting a real beating!!! Not sure if...
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    Treatment Gone Bad!

    SO.. looks like all fish will survive... BUT If they react like this to fin rot medication.. how the £$% am I gonna treat it and what type of thing could caues this reaction?
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    Treatment Gone Bad!

    yeah i bought both today I do have it.. but going to leave it a little for the fish to recuperate from todays eppisode. Any ideas as to what could cause this?? ps.. carbon back in.... might repeat water change after a few hours....
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    Treatment Gone Bad!

    Ok in my new tank I have both finrot and velvet.. Tank has 3 corys and 7 tiger barbs. The finrot seems to be taking more effect so I decided to treat this first. I am using: I added the dosage as per instructions that came with the...
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    Multiple Symptoms

    aeration has been good since the start.. nitrite = 0 amonia = trace (not 0 but nowhere near reaching the first colour on the card of "0.5-1") ph 7.6 I do have hardness issues I know off.. tap water here is very hard but was reccomended by LFS to start with tap water (conditioned of course)...
  31. C

    Multiple Symptoms

    Just starting to notice a few symptoms in my fish... rarely they are "flicking", maybe one fish every 20-30 mins, POSSIBLE visible white spots but I only saw one spot on 10 fish and its now gone.... There are the very early signs of finrot.. The gills are a little red. Other than that...
  32. C

    Recommend A Small External Canister Filter

    i've been using a fluval 104 for years on my 13ish gal tank (64ltr) and its been a flawless few years. The best I can say about the filter is that its never ocupied my mind.... ie does what it needs to with no interaction! With a spraybar fitted, it is calm ish... but not "super calm" like...
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    Need To Rant About Work

    I was a retail manager for a few years, and at the young age of 25. I got there from hard work and dedication to the staff as well as the store itself. (i took over the shop with its takings at -50% and turned them to 150% on target in 6 months. It was 4 years ago and my fromer staff STILL call...
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    2 Sick Chocolate Gouramis!

    Yeah I was too relaxed after living with an edinburgh based shop very famous for EXCELENT advice... forgot what its like out in the "real world" agian ahhaa
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    2 Sick Chocolate Gouramis!

    Ie not great for a tank right out of its cycle in an area with pretty much unusable water.......... Starting not to trust this LFS.
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    2 Sick Chocolate Gouramis!

    well if it is.. they cant survive.. were in the middle of the most major bank holiday weekend and I cant get to any shops till tuesday night! Daily water changes till then I guess?? Many thanks for all your help wilder!
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    2 Sick Chocolate Gouramis!

    Valencia, spain I was more asking if you think its worth continuing to add the pimafix?
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    2 Sick Chocolate Gouramis!

    cools... already on it. Continue with the pimafix?
  39. C

    2 Sick Chocolate Gouramis!

    Sorry I wasnt clear enough.... The calcium removing machine in our building.. doesnt... It just adds Salt to counter-act the calcium sticking to heating elements, shower/tap outlets etc... I am very sure the tank has cycled... the spikes were very clear and now both amonia and no2 are just...
  40. C

    2 Sick Chocolate Gouramis!

    Test kit is one from aquarium pharmaceuticals... Ro water i'm not sure on.. none left to check.. Tanks 64 ltrs with a fluval 104 external filter.. To cycle I just set up.... added cycle... and fish food to give some "polutant" ... It cycled relatively quickly in 2.5 weeks with very clear...