Recommend A Small External Canister Filter


Fish Herder
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Warwickshire, UK
Having issues with filtering my betta sorority tank.
Initially I had a small internal but it was too small.
Then I used my stingray but with the horror stories of these having stray voltages (and just because mine hadn't yet, doesn't mean it wasn't going to), so removed that.
Replaced it with a Fluval U2 but it's just too powerful. While you can change it to different outlets and such you can reduce the flow.

So, after much umm'ing and ahh'ing we've decided the best idea would be to get a small external.
That way I can still be sure of good circulation by having the inlet and outlets in opposites sides (double hex connnected tank) but the girls still get the full space in their tank and a suitable flow rate (I hope).

Any suggestions?

My other option is to use my Eheim 2224 on this tank - but will the flow rate be too much again?
Can I reduce the flow of the Eheim?
Not sure on the exact flowrate of the 2224, but Eheims aren't that powerful and you could always dampen the flow with a spraybar or similar if it is.
The 2224 has a (theoretical) flow of 185gph on a 13/14Gal tank :unsure:
Do I use what I've got and hope? or get something smaller? Oh decisions LOL
You can always give it a go, don't forget that even if the fish are unsteady in the current at first they will get used to it in a few days.

The 2213 is pretty small, there's the Tetra 600 external one but I haven't used one so can't comment on the flowrate. Also remember that the stated flowrate isn't what you're going to get, actual output depends on media and suchlike.
True enough.
Poor girls get knocked almost sideways if they get caught in the output of the Fluval U2.
I think I'll give the Eheim a go later on, if it's worse I can always switch them back for now :good:
Eheims stated flow rate is correct, they are one of the only companies that state the flow rate after taking into account media etc.

Most externals give a 'theoretical' flow rate but eheim give an 'actual' flow rate.

I think most externals will be too big for a 15 gal tank if you are wanting it calm

i have a tetratec and you can change in the in flow and out flow (amount being taken in and out)

and its REALLY quiet too
I know you are asking about externals, but for an internal filter check out the aquaball they come in a range of sizes and you can set the flow from very low to strong. I have 2 of these and they are excellent. They also have a "breather pipe" that allows you to add air to the water, they are just brill.
i've been using a fluval 104 for years on my 13ish gal tank (64ltr) and its been a flawless few years.

The best I can say about the filter is that its never ocupied my mind.... ie does what it needs to with no interaction!

With a spraybar fitted, it is calm ish... but not "super calm"

like someone else has said... externals will have high flow rates.......

Or you can make your own? Just needs a decent waterproof container... hose, submersible pump of the flowrate you require and a generic spraybar etc.. youtube diy canister filter....
Maybe something like this?

Mini external

Not sure if it's suitable for the size tank as suggested though since the flow rate is meant to be like about 200L/h.
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I would also recommend an Eden501 style Canister, Brilliant Filter for its Size.
Ebay Item 370115912895
Ooh some good ideas there - thank you.
In the end we've gone for the Resun one - looks like it should do just what I want :good:

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