Stubborn Finrot.

Can you load a pic up onto the site.

Any signs of flicking and rubbing, excess mucas, laboured breathing, darting.
Any white edges around the scales.

What the name of the test kit you are using.
Also I would buy a nitrate liquid test kit.
Had this posted on another forum but about this problem..
Theyre not replying so can you explain what I should be looking for to proove or disproove this??

"Maybe it's just me, but the fish in the picture you showed looked quite mucousy.. So, I'm wondering, if it's not actually a bacterial case of finrot at all, but, instead a case caused by a parasite."

What should I be looking for?
With finrot the fins can have excess mucas or not.

Causes of finrot.
Mainly bad water quality.
Bacterial infection.

Are any fish flicking and rubbing.
With finrot the fins can have excess mucas or not.

Causes of finrot.
Mainly bad water quality.
Bacterial infection.

Are any fish flicking and rubbing.

I might see maybe one flick in a week... the tank is beside my desk where i work at nights.. so i'm with them a good 2-4 hours a night
Does the tank have a heater.
When your preform water changes, do you also do a gravel vac.

If only one fish flicks once a week it dosn't sound like parasites.
Do the barbs nip each others fins.
Do the corys also have finrot.
The corys HAD finrot but with the first treatment.. it healed.. as "normal"

yes the tank has a heater.......
The siphon is a gravel vac type.. so yes...
Never seen a barb succesfully nip another... they chase a little but never seen a single "physical nip".

Water changes WERE about 2 weeks apart with RO water... now they are weekly with a 50/50 mix RO and tap water as the tap water here is so heavy...
The meds you have been using haven't cleared the infection up. So once you stop the med the finrot flares back up again.
Once fish have had finrot they are prone to it coming back.

You need a good med that will kill the bacteria infection.
Then once fins are healing add some melafix at half dose for a week.

Get you some info on finrot.

The link not working for me at the moment.
Type in the search engine finrot.
The member of the other forum who suggested parasites.. is because of this photo...


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Can you see tiny white spots on the barbs.

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