Stubborn Finrot.


Fish Fanatic
Sep 15, 2009
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Ok lets start with the basics.
I'm posting here because i've posted in another forum for the last 2 weeks and theres still new improvements.. so lets see if we can work something out.

64 Ltr tank with Fluval 104 external filter.
Tank is around 6-7 months old.
7 tiger barbs and 2 spotted cory

water measuring at:
amonia 0
no2. 0
ph 7.6
kh 107.4ppm
gh.. well not sure because my test kit is one that changes colour from yellow to green.. but it happened as a fade.. so couldnt fix in on a "change", so anywhere between say 8/11 drops..
anything between 143 and 196 ppm

Ok, so. I've had this finrot in the tank at least 3 months now. For the first 2 months, it appeard very slowly in just 2 fish and i tried basic treatments and nothing happened.. then in the last month its just been driving me mad... one fish is very bad, a 2nd has strong signs and all others have mild symptoms.
I've tried various medications, from various brands, I've tried raising salt levels. One medication I was given by LFS, I was told was the best of the best and if this doesnt do it.. nothing will....
All treatments just seem to stop the finrot getting worse, NOTHING is making improvements. All fish seem very happy and full of character.. 1 has very bad tail loss... most are just suffering from frayed fins.

In the other forum we have worked out that the original cause was because the advice I was given by LFS to add pure RO/DI water to the tank was not correct, we've now raised teh hardness and calculated that for my tap water I need to do 50/50 tap/ro water mixes for the tank.
I have also, replaced the coarse filter pads of the filter, doubled the "biomax" content in the filter to double that of the manufacturers "required level"..... made sure all the tank is totaly clear of solid waste.. its SPOTLESS now. I'd almost drink the water its so clean!

This is a pic of the worst of the fish.
This video also shows the fish in the tank as of 2 days ago.. as you can see they seem happy! Its just that they have finrot!

So. what on earth can I do!??! cant afford to just med the tank continually for the rest of my life!!


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after writing all that.. i've just noticed something new in this "healthy" fish.
notice the red marking at the base of the dorsal fin..
well its blood red.. and wasnt there before..

what could this imply??????


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What meds have you used.

Blood red at the fin bases is septicemia.

What is your location.



Fish may have reddening at fin bases, blood streaks throughout the fins and body, small hemorrhages around the eyes. Dull listless behavior and lack of appetite may also be present.


Systemic bacterial infection caused by various bacteria, including Aeromonas, Pseudomonas and Vibrio. The illness is often brought on by poor water quality or as a result of parasitic infestations or other infections. These bacteria enter the blood stream and circulate through the tissues causing inflammation and damage. Inflamed blood vessels in the skin and at fin bases stand out. Blood vessel and heart tissue damage cause hemorrhaging and consequently leakage of body fluids into the abdomen, which may lead to Dropsy.


Water conditions must be improved for all fish in the tank, regardless of how many fish are infected. Check your water�s Treat with Kanacyn or Tetracycline as well as with a medicated food if the fish will eat. If parasites are suspected, all the fish in the tank should be treated with antiparasitic medication. Using salt to help restore osmotic balance might be helpful.
ok but the finrot? :S

i'm based in spain so you might not know the brands of treatments.

1st was JBL Ektol Fluid,

2nd were some tablet form treatments called "multicure" by Aquarium Products
Active Constituent/s: 4mg/ml methylene blue, 2mg/ml acriflavine, 0.4mg/ml malachite green

3and current is tetramedica general tonic.

Currently using the 3rd at its recomended "severe case" dosage
There jbl med called furanol but it wipes the beneifical bacteria out in the filter.

Can you get hold of myxazin by waterlife.

Tonic meds are usually a waste of money.
Can try via internet.... but postage in this country is extremely slow..... will see what comes up
Let me know how you get on if you don't mind.
Good Luck.
Just to ask.. why do you suggest that treatment?
whats the difference between this and others..

i only ask because this is all new to me..
Myxazin a good med for finrot.
Not sure on the ingredients of the med. I know it has malachite green in the med, and that's all I know about the med.

But myxazin dosn't treat septicemia.
Once septicemia advances it hard to cure.
You really need antibiotics in issolation for septicemia.
Isolation is impossible.. i only have this tank.

antibiotics? how/wherE?
I wouldn't use antibiotics if you don't have an issolation tank. Or another tank that you could take a mature sponge from to kick start the tank again.

JBL Furanol 2. But wipes the beneifical bacteria out.
Don't know if antibiotics are available in spain from an lfs. In the uk there only available throw a vet or doctor.
so basically its a loosing battle i'm going to loose.........
Think i can see redening of the spines...
Is the redness beneath the skin or on top.

I would phone a vet.
The scales on my barbs are slightly opaque. Its the actual spine thats redened..

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