Search results

  1. emmettbaby

    Glow Light Tetras With A Betta?

    Will it work? I've added them and they seem to be ok... I do have a backup tank, but is there any reason other than nipping that I need to know?
  2. emmettbaby

    Stuck Between A Rock And A Wet Place

    So I have a male crowntail in a 10 US gallon tank (37ish liters I think?). I need to add something to the tank because I have some plants coming in, and the tank looks empty honestly. I was thinking a pair of those dwarf frogs or whatever? And maybe a shoal of cories (I don't need the basic info...
  3. emmettbaby

    Is This Normal? And Question About Feeding

    To build on this question, my betta does the same thing (resting on the bottom) but he also has dug under one of my rocks and hides under it. He even wedged himself between two rocks and needed rescuing. I've since changed the formation so he can't do this, but he always manages to dig a hole...
  4. emmettbaby

    Do I Need Fertilizer?

    I ordered some micro sword offline. I plan on putting it in my 10 us gallon tank. I know that fish usually provide nutrients, but the only fish in the tank is a lone betta. I had planned on getting maybe a little frog or two and some cherry shrimp, but I didn't want to until the micro sword...
  5. emmettbaby

    Betta With Shrimp?

    Ok thanks you all. I do have a backup 29 us gallon (with a pleco, kuhli loaches n scissortails) if it gets too bad. But I think Freddie will be cool with them... He picks at snails, but they are the size of his pellets so he does have an excuse i guess. But he seems loving compared to my last...
  6. emmettbaby

    Bn Pairing

    There's only one in the tank right now :\
  7. emmettbaby

    Betta With Shrimp?

    I have 1 betta in a 10 us gallon tank. I want to add some 3 red cherry, orange halo, and yellow fire shrimp. Will the betta be aggressive towards them? He's a pansy betta fyi.
  8. emmettbaby

    Bn Pairing

    sorry it has taken so long to reply! I couldn't get good pictures, the little thing's pretty fast! This is a good one of the nubs he has for bristles right now... And this is one that's not too much different then his color (give or take a shade of brown) I'm leaning towards male, but I'm...
  9. emmettbaby

    Help With Stubborn Pleco!

    Take the ornament out of the water, turn it upside down and shake it!!! :hyper: TOTALLY kidding. Play the waiting game or lure it out with a veggie or its favorite food. I may not know a lot about plecos, but just about any animal's gonna leave it's hiding place if it can get an easy, tasty...
  10. emmettbaby

    Whats Wrong With My Bristle Nose Plec?

    mouth rot for fish? I'm not sure, maybe he hurt himself in the tank and developed a bacterial infection? Might want to post in the emergency section too, just in case?
  11. emmettbaby

    Bn Pairing

    I bought a BN last week, it's about 3 inches long. It looks like it has little nubs for bristles, there's probably 5 or 6 of them right now so I'm assuming it's a juvenile? I've never had a BN before and wanted to get a pair but wasn't sure if I should get two and take the chance of them both...
  12. emmettbaby

    Your 20 Gallon Tank

    If you really have a julii, then you are extremely lucky as most julii cories are often confused with trilineatus cories. trili cories are the more common of the two and most likely what you get from the LFS. The easiest way I can describe the difference is that julii actually have spots...
  13. emmettbaby

    Can Fish Have Fits?

    My fish has been doing something similar to this for about a month now... Except mine spirals. He's a scissortail rasbora I rescued from my mother (and the toilet) about 6 months ago. Him and his buddy have been in my 10 gallon ever since. He had been doing great then one night I clicked on the...
  14. emmettbaby

    Your 20 Gallon Tank

    What species of cory do you have? As long as you don't have any more bottom dwelling fish, you can probably fit 5-6 cory cats comfortably in your tank. Depending on the floor space of your tank, the species, and who you ask, you can probably have anywhere from 5-10... If it was me, I would go...
  15. emmettbaby

    Is This A Good Stocking Plan? 38 Planted U.s Gallon Tank

    Well I don't know about the other fish, but you've got the right number of cories (6+ is the suggested). Just keep them all the same species and they'll be good to go :good: Odds are you'll get trilineatus because they are usually the more common species and commonly confused with true julii. In...
  16. emmettbaby

    Fish Id

    I've seen people take the fish out of the water, seems dangerous to me. My luck, I'd drop it. But I stand AWAY (few feet) from the take and zoom in on it, that keeps the fish calmer because they probably associate you with food (if they don't they will). When I get near my tank, my fish go crazy...
  17. emmettbaby

    Weight Question

    I have a standard glass US 10 gallon. It has approx. 15 lbs of sand and 5 lbs of large rocks. It has a couple fake plants, but they don't weigh much. The stand it's on is just plain metal and leaves the whole glass bottom exposed. SO I was wondering how much weight the tank can hold before it'll...
  18. emmettbaby


    I've changed my mind...again. So I went to my LFS and bought a huge wrecked boat decoration. I'm wanting to put a few live plants in eventually (small ones though like java moss or something). Anyway not what I'm wondering. The tank is US 29 gallon 30" x 12" x 18". I'd say the boat and bogwood...
  19. emmettbaby

    My 29 Us Gallon

    Okay then, mollies are definitely out :look: Soooo the 6 cories the 2 scissortails pair BN plecs trio cockatoo apistos 5 cardinal tetras could I perhaps add a pair of german blue rams? Or am I full? I'm totally fine if the above stocking maxes out the tank!
  20. emmettbaby

    Low Tech Planted Tank Help

    ok, will do! I guess I'll talk with you all in a few weeks (or months...) thanks for all the help everybody. Feel free to post tips or anything, I'll watch the topic until it gets off the first page!
  21. emmettbaby

    Low Tech Planted Tank Help

    Okay, just read through one of the fishless cycle pins and I suppose I will try it. Will it hurt my wood or can I just leave it in there? Also, can I still do stuff to the tank while it's cycling or do this before (not that I'm too inclined to stick my hand in a tank full of ammonia), I thought...
  22. emmettbaby

    Low Tech Planted Tank Help

    ok thank you, actually this was one of the site I was looking at. Very good charts about plant care and such. I'm not sure about plant pricing, but it doesn't seem too terrible. Ok so I was thinking maybe I should get a few fish in the tank and a few plants and see how it goes. I read one pin...
  23. emmettbaby

    Low Tech Planted Tank Help

    K thanks so much you all, I've been looking in the pinned posts for places to buy these sorts of plants, but can't seem to find the plants people are listing, is there one or two good places to buy from? I'll keep looking though! --- Ok so I've been...
  24. emmettbaby

    Low Tech Planted Tank Help

    Ok so I have a 29 gallon. I do NOT have any fish yet. I have a light "for plant growing", not sure if this was a rip off or not, but it came with the tank. I'm planning on just having some simple, easy to care for plants. I want this low tech people, let's not get too crazy! I have Estes Marine...
  25. emmettbaby

    My 29 Us Gallon

    I agree with the scissortails. My mother bought them (I am happy to say she has given up fish keeping), then decided she didn't want them so I saved them from the toilet. I didn't want to send the severum back to the LFS but didn't have a choice. I'm sure they'll sell it though because it was a...
  26. emmettbaby

    Let's Stock

    Thanks for the replies! beautiful fish moochy! I really love the rams and apisto! I'll look into cardinals as well! So I've decided NOT to get glo fish (to expensive and it's illegal to sell the fry). I would really like to have guppies because they are very pretty and my other fish could eat...
  27. emmettbaby

    Heater Making A Loud Buzzing Noise?

    Thanks for the replies! The heater doesn't have a brand name I don't think, just says "100 Watt Aquarium Heater". It came with the tank as a setup deal, I just never used it until now. I submerged it past the "water line". The instructions said water had to always be kept above that line, but...
  28. emmettbaby

    My 29 Us Gallon

    SO sorry for the gigantic pictures last night! It was late and I didn't have time to resize! I've made smaller ones and will have them up shortly! Kat: Thank you for the replies! The tank is "standard" I guess. Um, it's 12"x30"x18" I think is how people put it (12 wide, 30 long, 18 high)? I've...
  29. emmettbaby

    Heater Making A Loud Buzzing Noise?

    I've just started using this heater so it's been plugged in maybe 3 days. I turned everything in my tank off today so I could add stuff and fix it up, when I turned everything back on, the heater began to buzz. I'm not sure what to do so I unplugged it. It's not a new heater, it came with the...
  30. emmettbaby

    My 29 Us Gallon

    So I have a new-to-me 29 gallon fish tank. I would like to have it as a community tank. Stocking IDEAS: Please note that I will NOT be getting all of these, but if I choose a species I will get the number I say below 6 trilineatus corydoras (I already have 1, lost the others to illness) 5...
  31. emmettbaby

    Let's Stock

    I have thought of getting glo fish and neons. Are rams aggressive? I don't know, I've never had them or even seen them in the stores in my area. I'll be buying my fish online also, because the stores around here aren't good for anything except taking fish no one wants. Oh and I'll look into...
  32. emmettbaby

    New Fish Tank, Is It Overstocked?

    Just a word of advice since I don't think anyone else posted it. Cory cats are shoaling fish, you need to have at least 4+ (preferably 6+) cats of the SAME species :good: Also, can you post pics? What kind of substrate/plants are you using? I'm just curious is all :)
  33. emmettbaby

    Let's Stock

    I have a 29 US gallon tank that I would like to stock. I will be using Malaysian wood, rainbow slate rock (I think), black Estes Ultra Reef sand (safe for FRESH water too). So I was thinking of... 3 MALE guppies I have 1 trilineatus cory in a 10 g (five died because of disease) So I'll be...
  34. emmettbaby

    Silly Question About Rocks

    ok thanks, that's what I thought! Thank you!
  35. emmettbaby

    Silly Question About Rocks

    I know this is probably a stupid question, but I've never done "real" things in my tank (besides fish :) obviously) but I KNOW you have to boil/soak wood (Malaysian bog wood is what I was TOLD it was, but it's probably a sort of drift wood). I'm boiling it now but was just wondering if I need to...
  36. emmettbaby

    Silly Question About Rocks

    I know this is probably a stupid question, but I've never done "real" things in my tank (besides fish :) obviously) but I KNOW you have to boil/soak wood (Malaysian bog wood is what I was TOLD it was, but it's probably a sort of drift wood). I'm boiling it now but was just wondering if I need to...
  37. emmettbaby

    Lost 6 This Week

    k thanks will do :) at the moment i have 2 cories n 3 scissortail rasboras
  38. emmettbaby

    Plec Crossbreeding

    lol mini genetics lesson, cool beans! :hyper: are pleco genes mostly dominant-recessive when it comes to physical appearance?
  39. emmettbaby

    "warts" On My Corycat!

    Well now I think I may be having the same problems that u did... Does this look like what your fish had? It's on my cory now too, like it was contagious via internet! :blink:
  40. emmettbaby

    Lost 6 This Week

    So this is the scenario: I hadn't did a water change for about a month in my 10 US gallon because no one would help me. Two fish died in my tank before this. I didn't realize any had died since they were cories and usually hide anyway, I hardly ever saw all 5 at the same time and they blend so...