Let's Stock


Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2009
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I have a 29 US gallon tank that I would like to stock. I will be using Malaysian wood, rainbow slate rock (I think), black Estes Ultra Reef sand (safe for FRESH water too).
So I was thinking of...
3 MALE guppies
I have 1 trilineatus cory in a 10 g (five died because of disease) So I'll be getting more of those
I have 2 scissortail rasboras in the g as well (should I get more? Is a 29 even big enough for them?)

What else?

Please do NOT suggest ridiculous things. No bettas, barbs(might change my mind if you have a reasonable suggestion), large/aggressive cichlids, loaches. I want a peaceful, colorful tank.

I also want plant suggestions because I have no idea what kind. I was thinking java moss (i think it's called that). But I don't know.
You could do a pair of bolivian rams or dwarf cichlids... these live mainly in the bottom third of the tank. You could do a school of small tetras such as neons etc.

Easy plants include anubias, vallis, swords.
cherry barbs look good, stay small, are peaceful and cheap enough to buy a good few. i have a group of 5 in a 33G, and they look good, and i could have stocked some more. i also have a pair in another tank, and the light in that tank makes them glow bright red, they look amazing, much brighter than the 5 in my larger tank.

i wasnt convinced by rams for a while as they look washed out in shops. but i finally took the plunge and got a GBR, and once settled the colours are great, even when its only small like mine.
I have thought of getting glo fish and neons. Are rams aggressive? I don't know, I've never had them or even seen them in the stores in my area. I'll be buying my fish online also, because the stores around here aren't good for anything except taking fish no one wants.

Oh and I'll look into cherry barbs, are they fin nibblers? I don't want any fish that'll nip the fins of my corys :crazy:
in my experience cherry barbs are entirely docile and friendly. rams are considered good community fish from what ive read on here, and get suggested a lot for community tanks. mine are certainly fine. apistogrammas are much like rams in the tempermant and type of fish, though slightly different and both should be read up on to see what might fit best if you decide to go that way. dont take my word as gospel though, im far from 'in the know' about fish. this is just what works for me. i actually took an apisto in today from a friend who didnt want it anymore. i didnt plan on having one, but i couldnt say no. heres a couple of pics of the fish i suggested from my tank.

german blue rams

a cherry barb

my new refugee apisto
How about a nice big shoal of cardinal tetras? At least 10 would look great in that tank.
Thanks for the replies! beautiful fish moochy! I really love the rams and apisto! I'll look into cardinals as well!
So I've decided NOT to get glo fish (to expensive and it's illegal to sell the fry). I would really like to have guppies because they are very pretty and my other fish could eat the fry (hopefully).

So here's my updated possibilities:
6 trilineatus cories (this is going to happen)
2 scissortail rasboras (moving from my 10 gallon)
rams (looking into)
5 cardinal tetras
pair of bristlenose plecs
trio cockatoo apistos
5 guppies

This is the stocking I would like, but I think it's too much. I won't be buying the fish until probably january or later (trying my hand at the fishless cycle). I'm willing to drop the guppies (were mostly using fry as feeder fish) with hopes that the rest will work.

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