New Fish Tank, Is It Overstocked?

And remember to add some pellets into the feeder for the corys
And remember to add some pellets into the feeder for the corys
Yep, I'm going to buy some bottom feeder wafer thingies!!! Thank-you so much you have been mucho helpful!!!! I<3THIS SITE!!!! :) I guess you can tell I'm really happy :):):):):):):):)
if you are only going away for 7 days, I would say that your fish could happily go without food for that length of time.
Well it ended up my friend took care of them and I just got 2 cory catfish! (Candy and Clyde) I can't tell them apart and it was stupid to name them because I won't beable to tell anyone aart after I get all of them!!!
in my opinion - you have alot of fast moving fish in this tank, along with other bottom dwellers...I would advise against having any ADF.

in community tanks they need to be hand fed or fed directly with tweezers or a turkey baster - - but even doing this method with other fish in the tank and other bottom dwellers may lead to problems when it comes to the frogs getting "their share"

frogs hunt by SCENT - so by the time this pokey little frog sniffs out the food, the quick swimming fish and cories have gobbled most of it up.

for most first time frog owners, a species only tank is recommended while you get used to their specific needs and habits
Just a word of advice since I don't think anyone else posted it. Cory cats are shoaling fish, you need to have at least 4+ (preferably 6+) cats of the SAME species :good:

Also, can you post pics? What kind of substrate/plants are you using? I'm just curious is all :)
in my opinion - you have alot of fast moving fish in this tank, along with other bottom dwellers...I would advise against having any ADF.

in community tanks they need to be hand fed or fed directly with tweezers or a turkey baster - - but even doing this method with other fish in the tank and other bottom dwellers may lead to problems when it comes to the frogs getting "their share"

frogs hunt by SCENT - so by the time this pokey little frog sniffs out the food, the quick swimming fish and cories have gobbled most of it up.

for most first time frog owners, a species only tank is recommended while you get used to their specific needs and habits
im not getting them... i never was...
Just a word of advice since I don't think anyone else posted it. Cory cats are shoaling fish, you need to have at least 4+ (preferably 6+) cats of the SAME species :good:

Also, can you post pics? What kind of substrate/plants are you using? I'm just curious is all :)
ok! i know about corys.
but i have them and one of them is dying. i dont think they are eatin! i think the other fish are eatin it all up (i see them eatin at it) and they are all fat, so i dont give them flakes, so the cories dont even get leftovers. wat do i do?
i am!
both my cories died, but i have a heater now! and a thermometer. great heater, i love it. the thermometer says 78 degrees. first time it was in the low sixties :drool: :hyper:
Would people on here please tell me if the water is too hot for corys?
What kind of Corys? You can find suitable temperature ranges by checking your species here, however broadly speaking, you're prolly ok there, maybe 1 or 2 degrees cooler
They are albino. I don't know how to get the heater colder... I just kinda let it do it's own thing and I check the temp everyday and it's 77-78 degrees. Should I forget the corys (because I haven't gotten them yet) and just get platies? But I bought a whole pack of bottom feeder wafers and they only ate maybe 3. I don't want to waste them! :blink:
They are albino. I don't know how to get the heater colder... I just kinda let it do it's own thing and I check the temp everyday and it's 77-78 degrees. Should I forget the corys (because I haven't gotten them yet) and just get platies? But I bought a whole pack of bottom feeder wafers and they only ate maybe 3. I don't want to waste them! :blink:
Cory cats are fine at 78 C. What are you using at the bottom? Rocks, sand, etc.

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