Bn Pairing


Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2009
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I bought a BN last week, it's about 3 inches long. It looks like it has little nubs for bristles, there's probably 5 or 6 of them right now so I'm assuming it's a juvenile? I've never had a BN before and wanted to get a pair but wasn't sure if I should get two and take the chance of them both being males. Or should I wait, see what gender the one I have is, and special order a partner? If I bought another, I would be fine with them both being females, but I only have a standard 29 US gallon tank and am afraid two males would have territory issues...
Without enough desirable hidey holes even females will get narky at each other. I personally would wait until the one you have has matured and then try to get the opposite sex, even if you do have to special order it. I was lucky in that the first few BN's I got turned out by pure chance to be 2 males and 3 females. The males where fine with each other until they matured and then I split them up into seperate tanks with the bigger tank also getting 2 girls and the slightly smaller tank getting the other male and reamining female.
I bought a BN last week, it's about 3 inches long. It looks like it has little nubs for bristles, there's probably 5 or 6 of them right now so I'm assuming it's a juvenile? I've never had a BN before and wanted to get a pair but wasn't sure if I should get two and take the chance of them both being males. Or should I wait, see what gender the one I have is, and special order a partner? If I bought another, I would be fine with them both being females, but I only have a standard 29 US gallon tank and am afraid two males would have territory issues...

At 3 inches you should be able to get a good idea of sex.... get a pic up and we may be able to help you sex it better.
sorry it has taken so long to reply! I couldn't get good pictures, the little thing's pretty fast!

This is a good one of the nubs he has for bristles right now...


And this is one that's not too much different then his color (give or take a shade of brown)

I'm leaning towards male, but I'm not sure!
At the moment i would stick to the idea of it been male.... is there other males in the tank?.... if so this is probably just a sub dominant one hence the slower growth of his bristles. If no other males then it's may just be an underdeveloped male.. it will soon catch up lol.
im thinking female atm cus the females only have bristles around the lip
im thinking female atm cus the females only have bristles around the lip

You could well be correct, however many (most) common female BN's dont have bristles at all. If this was in a tank full of BN's then the chance of it been a sub dominant male is very high.
im thinking female atm cus the females only have bristles around the lip

You could well be correct, however many (most) common female BN's dont have bristles at all. If this was in a tank full of BN's then the chance of it been a sub dominant male is very high.
yea its just one of things you could guess and near make yourself believe you are right then it all goes the other way hehe
yes i wud say definately female imo as males would have much more bristles and they have it not just round the lip but going up the way as well. and females either have none at all or can get some short ones but just round the lip and nowhere else.

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