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  1. X

    Shaggy Looking Ct Fins/tail

    I've heard it comes from hard water...I don't think it can be fixed, but it doesn't effect the betta in any way..
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    The Betta's Compatibility With Other Tropical Fishes As Tankmates.

    That's awful. But with TLC your betta will recover well. As for tankmates...I have to wonder if plakats are more aggressive than other tail types, because I have two halfmoons with various tankmates. One of them lives with a schoal of neons and a couple cories. I've never experienced fin nipping...
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    Platy Alone?

    Glad to know I was right haha. She was actually supposed to be food for the crayfish at the lfs, but silly me, I thought she was so pretty. They let me have her for 50 cents. Are sword tails on average more aggressive than platies?
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    Platy Alone?

    =) thanks for all the help, I'll keep them alone for now, then. Here is the one I suspect might be a sword tail. she's about two inches long..and the picture doesnt show it, but she has a faint green/blue-ish iridescent stripe running from her head to her tail. Sorry for the pic quality..
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    Platy Alone?

    Pretty sure...lack of sword on it's tail and no gonopodium...the anal fin is round.
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    Platy Alone?

    The other day I purchased a pair of platies, both female. But when I got home, I saw one of them was a much longer, streamlined shape than the other and was much more aggressive. I think she's actually a sword tail female. Anyways, she mercilessly chased the female platy around and stressed her...
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    2039litres Yes Its Huuuuge!

    O= this thread brings to mind this article I came across once.. has anyone seen Arapaimag from monsterfishkeeper's 50,000 gallon tank..? Haha I thought it was incredible... I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link articles or anything though X__x
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    Does Anyone Know...

    What makes a fish a cichlid? It's a question that's been burning in my head for a while now...what are the traits that classes a fish as a cichlid? it just seems like a very random and very large family of fish, and I'd like to know what similarity they all share XD. Sorry if this question seems...
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    My Lazy Fish!

    IMO there's no such thing as too large for a betta, or any sort of fish =P. And yes, it's perfectly normal for him to be that way. my halfmoons are exactly like seems sometimes the extra finnage gets tiring to carry. They'll perch on plants/on the bottom until they see you approach...
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    What Kind of Fish To Get?

    It should be fine, in my experience cardinals are more hardy than neons, and I've even had a friend use a schoal to cycle his tank :crazy: not advisable, of course. how long will transpo be?
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    Am I Missing Something?

    So less light/Fert, do you think?
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    Am I Missing Something?

    My cambombas are growing like weeds, i have to trim them often to keep them in check..but the only thing is i've noticed they've all gotten..less dense? The leaves have grown further apart and looks less bushy than they used I missing something? I add liquid fert weekly, and they all...
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    Help Newbie Trying To Save His Fish

    What's the temp/ have there been any drastic temp fluctuations?
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    Plant Id..

    Thanks so much!! now to find out the first one =)
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    Plant Id..

    It looks quite unlike my other cambombas...I don't know XD
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    Plant Id..

    My friend gave me a bunch of her plants as she's no longer keeping her tank and I jumped at the mention of free plants...but since I've had them for about a week I'd really like to know what they are...did some searching around, but couldn't find any of their names.. Any guesses/leads would...
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  18. X

    Cladophora Moss Balls

    I have 3 marimo balls, and I highly recommend them. they're so cute to watch bubble up when there's enough light, and they're very hardy...
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    Plant Id

    So a couple weeks ago I made two whimsical purchases on plants, and I'm not sure what they are. My only guess is some sort of hygro, and maybe a foxtail...can anyone put a name to these plants?
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    Huge Belly!

    My betta does this. He seems to be 10xs more efficient at finding the wafer than the cories, and when he does find it he drags it away and eats till he looks on the verge of bursting. I have to put him in a container now when my cories eat.
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    What Do You Put Under Sand?

    What is a good substrate to put under a layer of sand? I've heard loam and soil..but is this safe for fish? what's best for both fish and plants?
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    Urgent Help Needed!

    My pond is 1200 gallons, with I believe a powerflo max filter and a UV filter. there are about 11 Koi in it ranging from 10-20ish inches.The koi didn't make it, and I combed through and inspected the remaining fish... My largest koi has the beginnings of an ulcer and the vet has given him a...
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    Suitable Substrate?

    Is this appropriate for using as a substrate? is it okay for plants and fish..? "Kiln-dried sand. 30 kg. Sieved and dried all purpose sand. Perfect as an underlay for patios, sidewalks or flowerbeds. Since this sand is dried, it does not freeze during winter and can be used to increase traction...
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    Urgent Help Needed!

    hm..he wouldn't actually fit in a 5 gallon..i have him right now in a 30-40 gallon tub with an airstone...I added some salt and pondcare melafix, but now he's gasping and floating on his side. can i save him??
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    Wanting To Do This Fish Tank Right....:)

    Thanks for replying. Yes, my hood was designed for incandescent bulbs. I currently have two 15 watt CFs over it, and my tank is 10 gallons...should put in a bulb with a higher wattage? oh, and I have what is either a water sprite or wisteria in there.. will it be okay?
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    Urgent Help Needed!

    This morning I found my smallest koi sort of drifting and looking listless, and when i brought him in for a closer look, i saw he had a horrible ulcer and what looked like fin rot on his fin. Does anyone know what this is, and how to treat it?? any help is appreciated ASAP
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    Wanting To Do This Fish Tank Right....:)

    hm..I know this topic is old-ish, but i wanted to know if you meant a 15 watt tube or an actual compact fluorescent bulb...I want to know if the bulb can actually grow some plants, because i have a canopy that only allows for bulbs, and i really want live plants.
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    Why Is It The 'done Thing' To Breed Sibling Pairs?

    x_X oh..I always thought F1 and F2 referred to the first generations of a certain line, with F1 being the 50/50 hybrid of two different types of parents.. didn't have to be wild. But i could be wrong...
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    Sand Vs Gravel

    Ahh...thanks alot. my tank JUST finished cycling, if i switch the substrate now will it upset the cycle?
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    Post Pic's Of Your Bettas And Its Home

    mm..maybe this isn't the place to ask this, but for those of you with sand in your tanks, why are there layers? is there supposed to be something different under the sand..?
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    Sand Vs Gravel

    Is there any advantages/disadvantages to either sand versus gravel (takes longer to settle, easier to see debris ect..)? I like the way sand looks, never used it... Is it harder to clean (does the siphon tube suck it up) and can you plant live plants in it?
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    Post Pic's Of Your Bettas And Its Home

    omg...Such pretty tanks..feeling so...insecure haha. are my 3 guys. Pompador Megatron Darwin in his 1.5 G bowl Pompador/Megatron's tank. one side is bigger because it has a couple corys ;P
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    Dying Plants

    This is actually a question for my dad's tank...plants just seem unable to thrive there. It's a 72 gallon tank with about 6 discus. The temperature is at 80 degrees with a PH of 7.0...his tank used to be densely planted and doing very well when it was a community tank, and ever since he...
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    Whoops, forgot to say Hi. I'm new to the forum, and relatively green about fish. =) I know more about Bettas than I do about other fish, but I'm hoping to set up my first community tank soon in a 33 gal, any suggestions and advice is welcome. Currently I have 3 Bettas and a cory, so hopefully my...
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    Lonely Cory?

    Ohh..thanks that was helpful. Would it help any if i removed the divider so they got the whole tank to themselves? Oh..and I only consider this because My betta's a pretty mellow guy, in fact sometimes he swims with the cory peacefully. But you're right, if it's going to be cramped maybe just...
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    New To The Forum - Just Got A Betta

    =) a Very pretty dragon..and a very nice home for him
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    Betta Always Flaring

    hm.. I have a CT who did that when I put him in a bigger tank with a black background. How long has yours been doing this? Mine eventually calmed down after the first three days of non-stop flaring at everything, and now he's fine. Is he hurting himself/ripping his fins?
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    Lonely Cory?

    Hi, new here... So I have a ten gallon tank split between two bettas, around 3.5 gal on one side and 6.5 gal on the other side. On the bigger side I have a single tiny albino cory, and I wanted to get him a friend, and when i went to the LFS I fell in LOVE with some Sterba's cories. Would it be...