New To The Forum - Just Got A Betta


Fish Crazy
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Near Bristol, UK
Just joined the forums, I bought this tank around a month ago and just got the betta for it. Please let me know what you think, cheers!



he is a very pretty boy... Looks like a dragon too me...

But Im kinda new so wouldnt take my word for it lol...

Good work with him and the tank they both looks great
=) a Very pretty dragon..and a very nice home for him
Thanks guys, yea Bruno has loads of dragon scaling! I'm not sure what I can do about the photos, I've already uploaded them using imageshack Forestpisces.
Beautiful fish and nice tank! I think Bruno is a great name too. Welcome to the forum. Just be careful - the "betta bug" is very contagious... ; )
Bad news people!

I went away for a few days camping (entrusted a friend to feed Bruno) and got a text saying he was dead :(

He'd somehow managed to jam himself behind the internal filter and his tail fins had got sucked into it...

Wasn't pleasant to come back from a holiday and put my pet in the bin :(

Lesson learned though, I'm going to get some thin netting and put it around the intake, something like tights I guess. Anyone have any experience with this?

Hopefully going to my lfs today to look for a replacement, if not I'll get another off the seller I got Bruno from.
I'm so sorry to hear about Bruno,

R.I.P little man

As long as you use a new pair of tights then they should be fine to put over the filter intake.

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