Lonely Cory?


New Member
Jul 9, 2009
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Hi, new here...
So I have a ten gallon tank split between two bettas, around 3.5 gal on one side and 6.5 gal on the other side. On the bigger side I have a single tiny albino cory, and I wanted to get him a friend, and when i went to the LFS I fell in LOVE with some Sterba's cories. Would it be possible to house a pair of albino cories and a pair of sterba's cories in my tank?? is this setup at all a good idea?
i personally dont think that there would be enough room for 4 corys especially when the tank is divided as they are really lively fish and like nothing better than to dash about as a group, i also dont think the betta would appreciate the madness of corys about them as they like to chill pretty much by themselves..... if its a betta you really want then you could just keep 1 and add a few small non nippy tetras or similar and give your fish more room, make sure the fish added are not nippy otherwise you will upset your betta and stress him out.... i added a betta to my community tank and all he did was hide, i now have taken him out and added 4 corys (2 orange laser, 1 sterbai and 1 bandit) and they are great characters but i wouldnt keep less than 4 to keep them happy.....

hope this has helped, and if i am wrong with any of this im sure someone will let you know :good:

Ohh..thanks that was helpful. Would it help any if i removed the divider so they got the whole tank to themselves? Oh..and I only consider this because My betta's a pretty mellow guy, in fact sometimes he swims with the cory peacefully. But you're right, if it's going to be cramped maybe just one more cory? I've been told it's no good to keep a solitary cory =S.
with the divider removed you would deffo have to remove one betta otherwise you will only have 1 live betta, as you must already know because of the divider.... my 2 laser corys do hang out together as a couple more than anything else but it is advised to keep them in at least 6 but as its a small tank i think your single cory would love to have a mate, my corys do seem happy but i am planning on moving them to another tank and adding a couple more as they are so much fun and bonkers :hyper: not too sure how the remaining betta would handle them tho as mine are all over the tank and spend most time whizzing up and down, round and round etc instead of hanging around the bottom.... my betta didnt like anything too large going anywhere near him. the big woofter
Hi xFlx :)

You could keep a half dozen corys (without the betta) in a 10 gallon tank with no problems at all. The trouble you might have with the albino and sterbai is that the C. sterbai prefers warmer water than the albino, if it is a C. aeneus, which it most likely is. If you wanted a little variety, the bronze corys are also C. aeneus and they would get along well with the one you have already. :D

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