Help Newbie Trying To Save His Fish


New Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Help, I am new to this hobbie and I have tried everything to save my fish.

My fish are dying, they are staying still at the top or bottom of the tank.

I have check my ammonia thats zero, my PH is 7.2, zero nitrates I do water changes every week 20% with a gravel cleaner. I have just had to treat with PH up as my PH was low but now its ok. I have live plants but removed them to treat with the PH 7.5, should I add them back in?
What is the manufacturer and model of the test kit from which you are obtaining the measurements you are giving us?

What size is the tank and how long has it been since fish were added?

Check the nitrites. Also do you use decloronizer on your tap water? If they are gasping at the surface than that means that they need more oxygen.
what kind of fish do you have and how many are in there?

How long has the tank been running?
What's the temp/ have there been any drastic temp fluctuations?
Fish gasping at the surface or hanging at the bottom having trouble swimming are a sure sign of water problems, with or without a test kit. Do an immediate 50% water change using a dechlorinator and then, if you have a liquid based test kit, post your final water chemistry numbers. In the meantime, the water change may keep you from losing any more fish right away.

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