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    101 Tips To Fresh Water Fish Keeping

    Hopefully ok now!! :good:
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    101 Tips To Fresh Water Fish Keeping

    53. Never try and move a tank with water in it!
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    101 Tips To Fresh Water Fish Keeping

    50: Buy a gravel Vac'! The fishkeeper's best friend!
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    My New 5 Gallon Betta Tank.

    :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good:
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    My New 5 Gallon Betta Tank.

    Thanks mate! I'm really pleased with it!!! :good:
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    Is Your Betta Active?

    Love the names!!! :good: :good: :good:
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    My New 5 Gallon Betta Tank.

    Honeythorn you are a star! I knew I could count on you!!! :good:
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    My New 5 Gallon Betta Tank.

    Oh and I forgot to ask. Does anyone know what plants are on the right and left??? They are the same plant but I forgot the name??? :book:
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    Is Your Betta Active?

    Ahh, good. I thought I had an olympic Betta! :hyper:
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    My New 5 Gallon Betta Tank.

    Ok, here is the tank now!!! Hope you all like it!!! :good:
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    Is Your Betta Active?

    Mine keeps darting back and forth across the front of the tank! he he
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    Bettas In Community Tanks

    Corydoras would be fine with a Betta!!!
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    Is Your Betta Active?

    Mine is. He is forever swimming around and exploring. And there was me thinking he would be a lazy fish, he he!
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    My New 5 Gallon Betta Tank.

    I got some plants and two lovely Peppered Corys!!! Tank looks perfect, as I also added some new stones! Will post another picture! :good:
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    My New 5 Gallon Betta Tank.

    Was going to get some more plants. Maybe tonight. Was also thinking of a couple of small fish or shrimp to feed on the bottom. Any suggestions???
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    My New 5 Gallon Betta Tank.

    Thanks Victor! :good:
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    My New 5 Gallon Betta Tank.

    The Bare Bones! Getting there! Cloudy Oooh! Nice! He seems happy! Hope you all like it! :good:
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    What Would You Say Is The Ideal Betta Temperature?

    He he! Any idea on a good cave for a 22l tank. SOmething that looks natural???
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    What Would You Say Is The Ideal Betta Temperature?

    Just what I was thinking! My tank is nearly at that! Just adjusted it a little. Pic's will follow soon. Gonna get a nice cave to go in there too. By the way, do Bettas actually use the caves???
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    What Would You Say Is The Ideal Betta Temperature?

    What temp's do you all keep your tanks at???
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    I Gave In To Temptation And Got A Betta Only Tank!

    Thanks! I think it will settle down. May do a little water change before he goes in!
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    I Gave In To Temptation And Got A Betta Only Tank!

    Great stuff! I am now looking at the tank and hoping the cloudy water settles down and looking forward to getting him in there tomorrow! ANd before anyone asks, yes, I did wash the gravel! lol
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    I Gave In To Temptation And Got A Betta Only Tank!

    Cool, make sure you post some pictures!!!
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    I Gave In To Temptation And Got A Betta Only Tank!

    That's exactly what I plan to do! Am taking the Betta from my communtiy tank and have created a planted minimalist enviroment for him. The tanks has a nice flow rate, a big leafed plant, sone smooth stones and some lovely shells on the bottom! :good:
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    I Gave In To Temptation And Got A Betta Only Tank!

    Well, that is the tank set up. I used the media from my community tank where my Betta is now. I used the water too! Gonna let in run for a day and will pop him in tomorrow! Will psot some pic's too! :good:
  26. B

    What Are Your Favourite Tropical Fish And Why?

    Ok, here are mine. Ones I own. My Banded Rainbowfish, as he has the most amazing colours and features. Also, my Neon Tetras are sparkling and shoal really well. Ones I would like to own would be Red Belly Piranhas or Silver Dollars. Both very interesting fish and something very different from...
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    What Are Your Favourite Tropical Fish And Why?

    Tell all! Could be one you own, or one you would like to own. :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
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    Cheap Tanks

    Ok Aims cool! This may help! Look here!
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    Cheap Tanks

    Ah. The tank I got seems a little small for what you want but still a bargain. Got it from my very good LFS. Was a 22l Aqauel tanks, filter, Heater and light, he chucked in some free gravel and a background. All for £39.99. I thought that was a good deal.
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    Need Help Fast

    Not a good idea in the main tank as Gouramis are likely to nip at him. Are the water stats ok in the breeding tank. Maybe try some of this as well - Look here
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    I Gave In To Temptation And Got A Betta Only Tank!

    Hey Honeythorn! Yeah, that is what I was going to do! Use the other tank's water and some media! :good: Did you get my email the other day? I sent you the link an interview I did!
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    Cheap Tanks

    What size tank do you want, as I just got a really good deal on a 22l with pump and heater?
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    I Gave In To Temptation And Got A Betta Only Tank!

    Will take "Claret" out of the community tank tommorow. He will go into his lovely new Aquael 22 litre tank with soft pump flow, nice plants and a little more! Pic's to follow! :good: :good: :good:
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    Which Tank Would Be Better For My Betta?

    Thanks all! Looks like I will be getting tank number 2 tonight!
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    White Bump/mark On Cherry Barb.

    Just to add. It looks like the kind of thing near this Bettas gill.
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    White Bump/mark On Cherry Barb.

    Hi, all! Just noticed a whiteish bump that may be a little furry on the side of my Cheery Barb. It is near its gill! Any ideas?
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    Fish Died Gutted

    Sorry to hear that! I lost one of my Corydoras tonight!
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    Bristlenose graze on bogwood! Mine do it all the time!
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    Which Tank Would Be Better For My Betta?

    I have my Betta in a Juwel Rekord 120 litre at the moment. His tank mates include, Cherry Barbs, Pentozona, Barbs, Rainbowfish, Shrimps, Tetras and a bristlenose. I am thinking of putting him in a tank of his own, maybe a 22 litre, as I have seen a Aquael one I like. The reason for this, is...
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    Depressed Gourami

    Sounds like he is getting stressed by being chased.