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  1. angelkatelyn

    Im New!

    hey emma, something you havent been told, when u do ur weekly 20-30% water change you will need to wash the sponge in the filter, when you wash the sponge wash it in the last part of the aquarium water u take out as it will help cycle ur tank and it will also keep the good bacteria on the sponge...
  2. angelkatelyn

    Breeding Angelfish

    ok thanks hun :)
  3. angelkatelyn

    Breeding Angelfish

    hi guys/gals, I am going into breeding angelfish, i bought some last night, just waiting for them to be delivered and pair off. while that happens and before they ge to the stage they will breed is there any advice you could give me please? thanks alot, rach x
  4. angelkatelyn

    My New Platinum Angelfish

    i dont but im sure i could make one, thankyou
  5. angelkatelyn

    My New Platinum Angelfish

    ok thank you for letting me no, i do but i cant work out how to change it into URL form to upload it
  6. angelkatelyn

    My New Platinum Angelfish

    ok thank you
  7. angelkatelyn

    My New Platinum Angelfish

    they said it was either born like that or injured, so i dont no i am presuming it was born like that, thanks for replying. i wasnt planning to breed that fish sorry for not making it clear, that onei am leaving as i dont want to stress it out, i was hoping to find two more or buy a breeding...
  8. angelkatelyn

    My New Platinum Angelfish

    hey guys, i went into my LFS today to buy a few more glass catfish and saw this gorgeous platinum angelfish - new strain. only problem is it was born with its bottom fins missing :( anyway its still gorgeous and we were lucky to get it as its the only one they had,after looking up information...
  9. angelkatelyn

    Id Chilid Or Ram

    hey definitely a keyhole, they change colour depending on there mood, ie-stress,breeding,lonely,feeling threatened etc, at least thats my LFS bloke told me and my local LFS is really good, hope that helps
  10. angelkatelyn

    Bolivian Cichlid Fry

    ok thanks meguro ill check them out
  11. angelkatelyn

    Bolivian Cichlid Fry

    ooooh they're nice :) think i might have just found a winner lol, cheers
  12. angelkatelyn

    Bolivian Cichlid Fry

    lol thanks huni :) do u have any preferences?
  13. angelkatelyn

    Bolivian Cichlid Fry

    ok brilliant thanks for that
  14. angelkatelyn

    Bolivian Cichlid Fry

    ok thanks for that advice, do u have any good tetras in mind, i like colourful peaceful fish, also will the others eat the bolivian fry?
  15. angelkatelyn

    Bolivian Cichlid Fry

    yes bolivian ram cichlids, 6 glass catfish if 4 is to little, yes i have a quarantine tank, i was told bolivians would be compatible with the rest. tetras not to sure yet, i was thinking 8, probably neons, but im having a look when i go to LFS, waiting a couple of days to see if water stats are...
  16. angelkatelyn

    Bolivian Cichlid Fry

    right, im getting a pair of bolivian cichlids, 4 glass catfish and tetras, i have guppies and platies already, im presuming that all these fish will eat the cichlid fry once they'v hatched? will the adult cichlids eat them once they reach a certain age? Thanks in advance, im just worrying as i...
  17. angelkatelyn

    Compatibility Question

    ok thanks meguro, it was cichlid i was stuck on the pronounciation of lol
  18. angelkatelyn

    Compatibility Question

    yay thankyou :) someone that has just started fish keeping looked into it and said i couldnt so i thought id check because i love the colour of them and the fact they look after there young :) thanks hun also how do u say/pronounce it as im about to phone my LFS to see if they have any in...
  19. angelkatelyn

    Compatibility Question

    hi everyone by the looks of things iv just finished a fish in cycle, im going to check stats for a few more days, if stats remain ok im looking to buy more fish, i have platies (and fry) and guppies my partner wants to get 4 glass catfish as there shoaling fish, also were wanting to get tetras...
  20. angelkatelyn

    Angelfish Dying In Front Of My Eyes, Please Reply Asap

    oh god that sounds spot on, i was worried for that or fish tb, thanks wilder for that well the rainbow and fighter it was with are still in other tank not main one now and platies seem fine
  21. angelkatelyn

    What Fish To Buy?

    ok brilliant thanks for that guys
  22. angelkatelyn

    What Fish To Buy?

    ok thanks do you think its best that i wait then or if water is good for next couple of days go ahead?
  23. angelkatelyn

    What Fish To Buy?

    ok it has changed, here goes PH - 6.5-7.0 Ammonia - 0-0.5 nitrite - 0 nitrate - 5-10 nitrate colour was in between and ammonia instead of turning slightly green if it goes a bit high it was clear but v.v.v.slightly blue by the looks of things :S unless it looks it because of the lighting in...
  24. angelkatelyn

    What Fish To Buy?

    ok guys thanks for the advice, denitrol is supposed to put in the natural bacteria to help cycle tank, at least thats wat it says, wat are the stats meant to be then?? im doing the tests again now ill update in a sec
  25. angelkatelyn

    What Fish To Buy?

    i am just about to test water again so ill post when i get results, hopefully they'll be the same :good:
  26. angelkatelyn

    What Fish To Buy?

    also man said a tank usually takes 2 weeks to be cycled, 4 max :S so very confused now as i thought i was sorted now water had eventually gone right, also wat does LFS mean iv been trying to work it out for ages, hold on, Local Fish Shop? pls dont say yes or ill feel so stupid lol
  27. angelkatelyn

    What Fish To Buy?

    ok thanks WD, well i put the fish back in tank yesterday and before i tested water yesterday i tested it 2 days before and stats were the same without doing a waterchange in between, i thought it was ok? ill give u a few ideas of how we tried getting tank in cycle which will hopefully help. we...
  28. angelkatelyn

    What Fish To Buy?

    i think i get why ur confused lol, when i meant i bought the fish and they died i meant angels and rainbow fish lol, not platies. they'v stayed alive the whole time and been brilliant, so it wasnt the platies that died. incase iv confused u more ill copy and paste bit i mean lol: only slightly...
  29. angelkatelyn

    What Fish To Buy?

    no we took the fish out for a week, the platies and guppies are in the tank. the man at fish shop said ammonia and nitrites had to be clear when its cycled and read 0 on colour chart and it does :unsure:
  30. angelkatelyn

    What Fish To Buy?

    ok thankyou, will these cichlids look after there eggs and babies for first few days or eat them?
  31. angelkatelyn

    What Fish To Buy?

    hey waterdrop thanks for ur concern. yes i have had alot of problems with cycling, originally was a platy cycle - so fish in lol, then everything was fine apart from nitrite, only slightly high so man at shop said it would be fine to add more fish, which we did, problem was 2 died morning after...
  32. angelkatelyn

    What Fish To Buy?

    tank dimensions im not to good with, i no its 50cms wide, 100cms long and thats about it, its fair size one, i like black convict cichlids, is there any others that would be better? we like colourful fish so its nicer to look at. Ammonia - 0, nitrite - 0, nitrate 10, PH - 7.5-8, KH i dont no...
  33. angelkatelyn

    What Fish To Buy?

    oh i forgot to mention tank size is 200L
  34. angelkatelyn

    What Fish To Buy?

    hi everyone my tank cycled about two weeks ago and we bought fish from petsmart then as well, unfortunately all ill, only ones that have survived are platies and guppies, so any suggestions as to what fish are compatible with them, me and my partner were going to get 4glass catfish as he likes...
  35. angelkatelyn

    Angelfish Dying In Front Of My Eyes, Please Reply Asap

    about 11 days, the man in shop said it was normal after every water change and said it would calm down after a couple of days thats why wen it didnt we moved the fish to other tank and started cycle again, the other water was fine as it perked up in there but then went funny the day before we...
  36. angelkatelyn

    Angelfish Dying In Front Of My Eyes, Please Reply Asap

    he died last night, theres no more angel's left so fighter will be ok, the angelfish had a red streak on the fin that goes up at thetop of its body (the one that gives it its shape) tank 200L tankmates - 6platies 4platy fry 2guppies which aren't in the tank the fighter will be in 1 blue rainbow...
  37. angelkatelyn

    Angelfish Dying In Front Of My Eyes, Please Reply Asap

    the fish has been like this for bout an hour but unbalanced 2 days, when we first got it it was like that but perked up later that day we did acclimatise the fish, and the tank temp is 28 but because of heatwave, its just coming down no aerosols near tank as we do it in kitchen away from...
  38. angelkatelyn

    Angelfish Dying In Front Of My Eyes, Please Reply Asap

    hi everyone, recently i had to move my fish into another tank as i had to re-cycle my big tank due to nitrites getting higher after every water change, i put the fish back in today and my angelfish is now laying on the bottom, i did the change over a week ago so waters perfect now, its trying...
  39. angelkatelyn

    Odd Death Of A Platy

    i'd say age as they only live up to 2 years, if u got it from a shop u dont no how old it was when u bought it, if it was a fry then i dont no, new to this :)