Angelfish Dying In Front Of My Eyes, Please Reply Asap


Fish Fanatic
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
UK - Surrey
hi everyone, recently i had to move my fish into another tank as i had to re-cycle my big tank due to nitrites getting higher after every water change, i put the fish back in today and my angelfish is now laying on the bottom, i did the change over a week ago so waters perfect now, its trying its best to get up and has been breathing so slowly for the last 20mins - me and my partner have bought it to top for oxygen as its obvious thats wat its trying to get and it just wont give up, shall i just leave it to die which is prob the kindest option or try and keep helping it, i waant to keep helping it as its fighting so hard and just wont give in :(

Tank size: 200L

pH: 7.5/8.0


nitrite: 0

nitrate: 10



tank temp:

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
laying on bottom of tank, very laboured breathing, red eye? or outline of eye, yesterday swimming slightly to side (unbalanced)

Volume and Frequency of water changes:25% weekly

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

Tank inhabitants:
**4 platy fry
** 2 guppies

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):
How long has the fish been like this?

Did you acclimatise your fish?

What is your tank tempurature?

Have you used any airosols near the tank?

Does the fish show any discolouration or outward signs of infection?

Are the other fish behavingnormally?
the fish has been like this for bout an hour but unbalanced 2 days, when we first got it it was like that but perked up later that day

we did acclimatise the fish, and the tank temp is 28 but because of heatwave, its just coming down

no aerosols near tank as we do it in kitchen away from children

no discolouration to outside of fish except possibly a red streak and the red circle round eye

and yes the other fish are totally fine except a siamese fighter which we bought from petsmart with fin rot and didnt no so its isolated and being treated.

angelfish just gave up :(
the fish has been like this for bout an hour but unbalanced 2 days, when we first got it it was like that but perked up later that day

we did acclimatise the fish, and the tank temp is 28 but because of heatwave, its just coming down

no aerosols near tank as we do it in kitchen away from children

no discolouration to outside of fish except possibly a red streak and the red circle round eye

and yes the other fish are totally fine except a siamese fighter which we bought from petsmart with fin rot and didnt no so its isolated and being treated.

angelfish just gave up :(

Get that fighter a tank of it's own it will get ripped to shreds in that tank if there are anymore angels. What is its stocking and how big is it?

Where was the red streak? was it in the fins?

Has he passed away or still hanging in there?

If he is unbalanced and finding it hard to swim it could be swim bladder but the red streaks could be something seriouse.
he died last night, theres no more angel's left so fighter will be ok, the angelfish had a red streak on the fin that goes up at thetop of its body (the one that gives it its shape)

tank 200L
tankmates - 6platies
4platy fry
2guppies which aren't in the tank the fighter will be in
1 blue rainbow fish
2 algae loaches
How long were the fish exposed to bad water quality.
about 11 days, the man in shop said it was normal after every water change and said it would calm down after a couple of days thats why wen it didnt we moved the fish to other tank and started cycle again, the other water was fine as it perked up in there but then went funny the day before we put it back to re-cycled tank,

we bought two angels from petsmart but one died the day after we got it back so theres a chance it could of affected the other one as they were in same tank at shop.

guppies and platies should be ok shouldnt they, they'v been perfect so far

thanks for help so far u 2
I would add anti internal bacteria med by interpet to the tank.
Red streaks can be septicemia to bad water quality.
Septicemia hard to cure once it progresses.

The third type of infection produced by Aeromonas is by no means the least. This form is often the most virulent (potent) and can be rapidly fatal. This insidious form does not produce any noticeable external ulcers. The most notable feature is a behavioral change in which the infected fish generally become listless and lethargic. Some fish may lose color or appear darker. The fish do not feed, frequently seem off balance and may sink to the bottom laying on their sides. The course of the disease is rapid, and by the time the behavioral changes are noticed, the entire population of a tank may succumb, sometimes in a day or so. This is an internal infection, with the bacteria being found in the kidneys and blood of these fish. The bacteria produce potent toxins that account for the severity of the disease.



Fish may have reddening at fin bases, blood streaks throughout the fins and body, small hemorrhages around the eyes. Dull listless behavior and lack of appetite may also be present.


Systemic bacterial infection caused by various bacteria, including Aeromonas, Pseudomonas and Vibrio. The illness is often brought on by poor water quality or as a result of parasitic infestations or other infections. These bacteria enter the blood stream and circulate through the tissues causing inflammation and damage. Inflamed blood vessels in the skin and at fin bases stand out. Blood vessel and heart tissue damage cause hemorrhaging and consequently leakage of body fluids into the abdomen, which may lead to Dropsy.


Water conditions must be improved for all fish in the tank, regardless of how many fish are infected. Check your water’s Treat with Kanacyn or Tetracycline as well as with a medicated food if the fish will eat. If parasites are suspected, all the fish in the tank should be treated with antiparasitic medication. Using salt to help restore osmotic balance might be helpful.
oh god that sounds spot on, i was worried for that or fish tb, thanks wilder for that well the rainbow and fighter it was with are still in other tank not main one now and platies seem fine

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