Id Chilid Or Ram

cichlids change colour naturally, my pair which you may notice in that thread changed nearly everytime i had a picture of them, it a cichlid trait, my chocolate cichlid changes colours through out the far as i know there is one morph,however there has been lots n lots of interbreeding thoughout the years
I just didn't think they could change from blue/grey to an orange kind of colour (or the other way around). Snowyangel's keyholes look more like these ones
where as all the other keyholes posted in that thread have a more yellow/orange colour.

Maybe it has something to do with their surroundings? Snowyangel's keyholes are next to dark rocks/substrate while the others seem to be near lighter objects. Even in the link above they have a yellow-ish colour amongst the grey, and the substrate is light.
yes substrate has alot to do with colour differentual's....
Also age as they darken off as they mature, stress is another along with breeding as the colours often change or intensify
thank you and now i can get him a female:)

He is a male right ?
hey definitely a keyhole, they change colour depending on there mood, ie-stress,breeding,lonely,feeling threatened etc, at least thats my LFS bloke told me and my local LFS is really good, hope that helps

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