My New Platinum Angelfish


Fish Fanatic
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
UK - Surrey
hey guys, i went into my LFS today to buy a few more glass catfish and saw this gorgeous platinum angelfish - new strain. only problem is it was born with its bottom fins missing :( anyway its still gorgeous and we were lucky to get it as its the only one they had,after looking up information about them on the internet it said they breed 100% true. we want to get a breeding pair so were just wondering how u can tell the males and females apart? also the minimum tank size for two breeding angels, preferably in litres pls as i cant work out gallons lol, thankyou :) x rach x

i would post a pic but cant work out how to change pic into URL form
You cannot sex angelfish untill they breed. Then you will look at the ovipositor (correct my terms if i am wrong) on the female and it should be longer and more round than the males. The males will be shorter more pointed in shape. I hope this helps.
If you are sure it was born with missing fins don't breed it, this is a genetic defect. If it was caused by nipping or other situations they should grow back.

If it was born that way it should have never been sold to the store, or by the store.
they said it was either born like that or injured, so i dont no i am presuming it was born like that, thanks for replying.

i wasnt planning to breed that fish sorry for not making it clear, that onei am leaving as i dont want to stress it out, i was hoping to find two more or buy a breeding pair online. do u no the min tank size? i have a spare 35litre but i could always buy another if its to small
the fish was probably born that way.
most of the strains available of platinum angelfish are not too good. breeders have to cull a huge percentage because of deformities. this is what happens when fish are so far removed from wild blood!
it will still be a beautiful fish!
and if you breed it to another platinum you will indeed get 100% platinum fry, simply because both genes that go into making the fish platinum are recessive, and if both parents have both genes, then that's all they can pass on to their offspring.
and dont worry, if you do breed them, you have a good chance of getting some perfectly formed fry, but a good majority of it will have deformities of one kind or another. typically it will be missing or misshapen ventral fins or an incomplete gill plate.

do you have a picture of the fishy?
ok thank you for letting me no, i do but i cant work out how to change it into URL form to upload it
Do you have a photobucket account ? that probably be the best way to upload the picture as it easy to use and it provides you with the Img url you need to post the pick on the forums.

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