Bolivian Cichlid Fry


Fish Fanatic
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
UK - Surrey
right, im getting a pair of bolivian cichlids, 4 glass catfish and tetras, i have guppies and platies already, im presuming that all these fish will eat the cichlid fry once they'v hatched? will the adult cichlids eat them once they reach a certain age?

Thanks in advance, im just worrying as i have a 200L tank which i think is 51 US gallons?

so obviously i want fry but not 300 every eight days lol, thought id get advice before i get myself and my tank in too much trouble
Don't add all that lot all at once. Add one lot of fish wait at least 3 weeks then add another etc. Do you have a quarentine tank? New fish should be quarentined if possible.

Glass cats will be terribly shy if you only have 4 - 6 is probably the minimum, and they need plenty of plants cover.

How many of which tetras?

By bolivian cichlids do you mean Rams?
yes bolivian ram cichlids, 6 glass catfish if 4 is to little, yes i have a quarantine tank, i was told bolivians would be compatible with the rest.

tetras not to sure yet, i was thinking 8, probably neons, but im having a look when i go to LFS, waiting a couple of days to see if water stats are still ok, they were still the same today as yesterday so looking good
Sounds good, Rams are lovely.

Do some research on tetras, neons can be a bit inbred and weak these days so check out some of the others, there are some lovely ones - rummy nose for example.

Be aware that glass cats are very sensitive to water quality, stress etc so I'd add these last and acclimatise very slowly.
ok thanks for that advice, do u have any good tetras in mind, i like colourful peaceful fish, also will the others eat the bolivian fry?
Other fish may eat some but the rams will protect them quite determindly.
do u have any good tetras in mind

Neons, Black Neons, Emperors, Cardinals, Lemons, Silvertips, Glowlights, Black Phantoms, Rummynose, Bleeding Hearts, Diamonds, just to name a few!
Flame tetra (hyphessobrycon flammeus) and green neon tetra (paracheirodon simulans) are both fairly colourful tetras. Can be a little hard to find though.

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