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  1. T

    Something's Wrong With My Fish (help!)

    Thanks for the response! I took the filters from my other established tanks and threw them into one of my HOB filters. The nitrate levels are down and the fish are acting normal again. Whew!
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    Something's Wrong With My Fish (help!)

    Hey guys, My fish are acting strange. I've got 12 Mbunas and 2 Syndontis cats. They all look like they're "gasping for air" and have been much less active than normal. Also, the food I gave them this morning which is usually gone within a few minutes was still in the tank when I got home from...
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    Switched It Up A Bit

    thanks guys!
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    Upload Your Cichlid Tanks Here

    made some changes to the tank:
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    Switched It Up A Bit

    I went up north to lake Superior last weekend and brought home a bunch of nice rocks, so i decided to go ahead and re-organize the tank a bit. I also added a Penguin 350. What do you think? Before: After:
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    Yellow Labs And Kenyii Friend Or Foe?

    i have 3 labs and 2 kenyi together (see sig). no big problems yet. it should be noted the kenyis are about 1/2 to 3/4 the size of the rest of the fish in the tank (including the labs) and they can hold their own in small squabbles.
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    Upload Your Cichlid Tanks Here

    copy and paste it
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    *~welcome To My Nightmare~*

    damn, crappy situation! best of luck to you and your fishes
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    Upload Your Cichlid Tanks Here

    You guys really think she's holding? How can you tell? Thanks so much for the comments!!!
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    Upload Your Cichlid Tanks Here

    Not the best shots, I know, but these are the good ones out of the ones I took. Hope you like!
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    Tankmates For Cobalt Zebras And Yellow Labs

    Well I ended up getting the following: 3x Acei 3x Kenyi And I'm now feeding them Spirulina pellets and wafers, which they seem to just love, as well as continuing with romaine lettuce, spinach and brine shrimp. ...I just wanted to update the thread... So far so good! They all seem very happy!
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    Tankmates For Cobalt Zebras And Yellow Labs

    Ok I found those online, but they all have fish meal in them. I thought that it was bad to feed vegetarian fish a diet with fish meal? - Flake - Wafers...
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    Tankmates For Cobalt Zebras And Yellow Labs

    is everyone here from the UK or what? :-(
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    Tankmates For Cobalt Zebras And Yellow Labs

    I went and got 2 Synodontis cats last evening and I reallylike these guys. They're very fun to watch, especially when they switch to swimming upside down! Can anyone suggest a U.S. Online retailer to buy food that doesn't have fish meal in it? I'm looking for Algae wafers and flake for...
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    Tankmates For Cobalt Zebras And Yellow Labs

    i went to my LFS today and they didnt have any food that didn't contain fish or fish meal. Even ones advertised as "veggie only" had fish meal in them. Is there a good place I can buy the right food online (USA)? Thanks!
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    Tankmates For Cobalt Zebras And Yellow Labs

    Is there a good catfish that would be good for the tank? Something that's not too huge
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    Tankmates For Cobalt Zebras And Yellow Labs

    Thanks for the suggestions (and photos) everyone. I sure hope my LFS has them.
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    Tankmates For Cobalt Zebras And Yellow Labs

    Is that this? I do have sand for my substrate, so it seems they would like that. Thanks for the help!
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    Tankmates For Cobalt Zebras And Yellow Labs

    This the one? I'll have to see if my lfs has them. Thanks!
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    Tankmates For Cobalt Zebras And Yellow Labs

    I don't know, I'm just using up the last of it. It's not in the original container. Don't worry! I'm switching to something suitable for both homnivores and herbivores. Perhaps you can suggest something! Does anyone have any insight related to my original question?
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    Tankmates For Cobalt Zebras And Yellow Labs

    I currently have 3 Cobalt Zebras and 3 Yellow Labs (1 male, 2 female each) still fairly young. I got them in May. 55g tank. Cobalt Zebras - Yellow Labs -
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    Silver Dollars With Mbuna?

    Good point. Any other input?
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    Silver Dollars With Mbuna?

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm just trying to make sure they're all happy.
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    Silver Dollars With Mbuna?

    I'm thinking this wont work, but I'll ask anyway. I have a dillema: There's a 20g tank at my work with two silver dollars (among others). I know that they will outgrow the tank. I also have a 55g Mbuna tank at home, with 3 Cobalt Zebras and 3 Yellow Labs (more soon). My question is can I put the...
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    Rams And Angels

    i have 4 angels and a german blue ram (male). they seem to get along just fine. they've been together for about a week, no problems yet.
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    I have 4 in my 55g, but they're still pretty young
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    Another Dead German Blue Ram

    makes me not want to even get a female for my male. maybe ill just stick with him.
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    Angelgish Tank Mates

    A. The Silver Dollars are still pretty small and I was planning on moving them into the 55 gallon at a later date but after doing more research I realize they will eat my plants. I'll have to come up with a different solution. My zebra Danios are very active and seem quite happy but I'll...
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    Angelgish Tank Mates

    I'm sure this has been asked before so sorry if it has. My tank recently finished cycling and I have the following inhabitants: 4 Angels 5 Cory Cats 1 German Blue Ram (male) 2 Malaysian snails (so far, hehe) My question is, what other species would be good tank mates? Thanks!
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    Bought A New Baby

    Rays are awesome!
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    New 55g, Sand, Cloudy Water

    Thanks, it's looking much better now. Not crystal clear but pretty darn close. Tommy Gunnz: that's pretty much the same thing I did but I used pantyhose instead of a t-shirt. Thanks for the help everyone. Can;t wait until it's done cycling so I can get my angelfish!!!
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    New 55g, Sand, Cloudy Water

    Alright, just did a 25%ish water change and it looks a bit better. I'll keep the pantyhose on the filter overnight and see how it is. If it's still cloudy I'll do another water change.
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    New 55g, Sand, Cloudy Water I was having problems with my site's FTP and sent my host an angry e-mail. :)
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    New 55g, Sand, Cloudy Water

    Okay, I'll give that a try. I updated my first post with a couple pictures, too. Thanks
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    New 55g, Sand, Cloudy Water

    10 days? Hm, I read 24 hours. I did test the water for ph, general hardness, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite before they went in and it was all fine as I expected it to be. Yes, I'm doing a fishy cycle but I have an old filter from my 20g tank hanging inside some pantyhose which should help speed up...
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    New 55g, Sand, Cloudy Water

    Hello everyone, I'm hoping to get some advice on my dillema: On thursday I set up my new 55g tank using Sand as the substrate. I washed the sand 5 or 6 times but I guess it wasn't enough because I now have very cloudy water. I researched on the forum before I went the sand route and found this...
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    My Bettas

    Love the blue. I have one just like it named rick james.