Tankmates For Cobalt Zebras And Yellow Labs

i went to my LFS today and they didnt have any food that didn't contain fish or fish meal. Even ones advertised as "veggie only" had fish meal in them. Is there a good place I can buy the right food online (USA)? Thanks!
Is there a good catfish that would be good for the tank? Something that's not too huge

Quote from Ferris "Synodontis catfish are one of the few species that are compatibile with Mbuna as they grow much larger than cories and have a strong bone stucture, which acts like armour to protect them."

Im Lazy. :shout:
The other day i got 3 Cobalt Blue...... But now after seeing that pic mine look different.
Mine are more of a purple color, and they have a few light black stripes going through them.
Are they still cobalt blue?
I went and got 2 Synodontis cats last evening and I reallylike these guys. They're very fun to watch, especially when they switch to swimming upside down!

Can anyone suggest a U.S. Online retailer to buy food that doesn't have fish meal in it? I'm looking for Algae wafers and flake for cichlids that is 100% vegetarian. My LFS does not carry it. In fact, even brands that advertise on the bottle as being "vegetarian" actually have either fish meal or whole salmon, etc. in them.

BIO-BLEND bottom feeder fish food, is just fine and very healthy. OSI is good too, so is HBH

do some searching yourself online, it's all out there. B)
OSI is a very good food thats all mine get apart from the odd bit of veggie i have seen a difference since changing from nls also they eat osi from my fingers.
Well I ended up getting the following:

3x Acei
3x Kenyi

And I'm now feeding them Spirulina pellets and wafers, which they seem to just love, as well as continuing with romaine lettuce, spinach and brine shrimp.

...I just wanted to update the thread...

So far so good! They all seem very happy!

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