*~welcome To My Nightmare~*


Fish Addict
Nov 8, 2005
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Southern Colorado
So this is more or less a RANT and I hope you guys can bare with me, first off any replies probably wont be seen by me because I'm moving and tomorrow is "kill PC day" and there wont be a phone line in the bedroom for a while...

ok so heres my nightmare...were moving only 9 miles from where we are now but it might as well be thousands of miles because the PH at the new house fluctuates between 6.8 and 7.3....ALL of the years of keeping africans I have NEVER had to worry about the tap water and certainly NEVER had to buffer besides the holey rock. NOW I had to go ut and buy a 40lb bag of crushed coral= $35.00 THANK YOU VERY MUCH.... :X

back on track... so were renting and over the past 3 weeks I had told the homeowner to leave the water turned on, we would simply transfer the name over and I even called the water co. to make sure this would be possible and they said no problem, they needed official word from homeowner though, (the reason I told her in the first place as she isnt very savy...)

WHAT DOES SHE DO? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ? SHE FORGETS TO GO IN AND OR CALL THEM TO HAVE THEM KEEP THE WATER ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now, this is a really super small country town and their water is questionable to begin with just imagine what happens when the system is turned back on.....can you sayyyy BLACK SLUDGE!!!!????!!!!???!!!!!!! :sick:

Well I tell myself "this is manageable, i've come across worse" 3 days ago.... hauling ass thru the story....

I go over to the new house today to run the pipes clear and TAADAAAAAAA no (*#$#!)$ water still............

oh yea, no one is to be found either.....

remember I have TANGANYIKAS....they dont do well with crappy water. as it is right now, i'm almost guarenteed to have a massive kill off.... I'm so upset and stressed my kids are giving me a wide birth when our paths cross..

We have to be out of THIS house by tuesday so it's not like I've got tons of time to cycle...that was burned up 3 FRIGGING WEEKS AGO!!!!!!!!

:-( :-( :-( :-( I'm not having fun at all!!!!!!!!! :-( :-( :-( :-( I'll see you folks when I sign back on, not sure if that will be a few days or a few weeks but I wish you all well and say a prayer for my wee brown fishies from a little lake called Tanganyika :fish: :byebye:
OMG - thinking of you and your fishes, finger's crossed it'll all come good in the end.

Kim :(
Good luck with the move...I'm taking bets on the kids and the husband not making it :lol:
First run down and get two plastic trash cans and one with the wheels that can be slapped on to it and a water pump (sump pump will work here too) hold on to the reciept :sly: . If you have power in your new place bag or bucket all your fish then syphon much of the water as possible without the muck in to the trash can on wheels. Then break down the tanks and move the tanks, contents to the new place. Set it up gravel rock and what not. Move the trash can with wheels full of water to the truck then pump or bucket all the water in to the trash cans without wheels in the truck. Now if you don't have a truck you'll need 30/50 gallon plastic bins with lids (Rubbermaide or Tuff-Neck) have them placed in the trunk and fill 3/4 of the way (you'll do more trips :X ) why not to the top? 'Cos of the spillage. Put the trash can with wheels and go to the new place then reverse the order. If you have stairs in to the new place the water pump will come in handy plug it in and hose it to the top of the stairs and fill the empty trash can. Do this until you're done filling the tanks as much as you can. Then bring back as much fresh water from your old place and top the tanks off using the method. It'll be like doing a water change with more steps :D .

Now if you have no use for the trash can for the near future take it back to the store you got it from after it drys (same thing with the water pump or the sump pump :sly: ). I only mention this because some of us don't have a water pump or a need for a big trash cans (and cash in the pocket is much better than something that'll be sitting). But trash can with wheels are very handy for our aquarium needs so is a water pump. If you have a basement fish room these will be very handy especially if you have a drain. After all water will have to be pumped up and out and the water pump will make this very easy (or 5 gallon bucket at a time :X ). Hope this will be of use?
or would it be cheaper and easier just to buy a lot of spring/mineral water? i know you can purchase 3 gallons at a time in big rectangular things.... yeah, that'd be a lot of waterbottles and $$$, but maybe some of us could help chip in? do you have a paypal account, mamafish? of course, using spring water might be just as useless as the black sludge... just trying to help.
wow :blush: wow

thanks for the generous offer pic but I have to say no. so very kind of you though.

update... it's RAINING LIKE CRAZY!!!!!! so no huge move BUT I did go by the new house and seems that the dolts running the water dept. "forgot" to turn it on last night before leaving work so it was on bright and early this am. when I turned on each faucet nothing but clear water came thru. No i'm not dense to think it isnt packed full of unsightly buggers.. I let each run for 10 minutes (gonna love that water bill)

I set up the 55 (that everyone is going into until the 110 is up and running) @ about 10 am and when I left @ 3pm the water was still milky with crushed coral....that stuff is a B*tch to clear!!!!

Soooo I'm still in much the same problem as before but atleast the water is on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

one more night in yee old house ....

thanks for all the well wishes & advice. since moving last year 835 miles with easily 100 fish and (knock on wood) NOT losing a single fish, I got the whole rubber-maid tub thing down, it's that unexpected wrench in the water parameters thats kicking my arse! :unsure: :unsure: :X
hey, TFF is a family, you know? we might not all get along all the time, but when its crunch time... :thumbs:

good to hear that you at least have *some* water! maybe if you do the drip acclimation thing, the swap won't be so bad.
Good luck mamafish. I've been through moving with fish way too many times, and I know how stressful it can be. :S I'm glad to hear the water is on though. Hopefully the rest of the move with go as planned too!

As pica said, if there is anything I can do, let me know. I'm always willing to help a fellow TFFer out. :good:
fingers crossed! :good:
I'M BACKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper:

and....knock on wood, the only thing I lost was a really old comon pleco!!

everyone is settling in great and amazingly enough the furcifers are dressed in their spawning colors again!!!


thanks for all the warm wishes guys & gals!!!

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