Angelgish Tank Mates


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2004
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
I'm sure this has been asked before so sorry if it has.

My tank recently finished cycling and I have the following inhabitants:

4 Angels
5 Cory Cats
1 German Blue Ram (male)
2 Malaysian snails (so far, hehe)

My question is, what other species would be good tank mates?

A.) Unrelated comment: your 20 gallon tank seems over and poorly stocked. :/ Silver dollars get very big and are schooling fish. Zebra danios are also schooling fish, and might like a few more danios to keep them company. Emerald cat = corydora cat? I'd suggest finding a home for the SD and getting more danios. *nods* Oh, you could move your other danios and have them all in one tank.

B.) I'd suggest other fish that are from SA and enjoy heavily planted tanks, which will help motivate you to heavily plant and beautify your tank. ^_^
My suggestions: black skirt/widow tetras (some people might disagree since they are potentially fin nippers, though mine never were)
Other suggestions need thought, and I'm tapped out for now, sorry. :/

C.) 7+1=8, not 6. :p

D.) Your sig is long, you might want to consider revision in case a mod decides to do it for you, though they are pretty good about notifying people before changes.
A. The Silver Dollars are still pretty small and I was planning on moving them into the 55 gallon at a later date but after doing more research I realize they will eat my plants. I'll have to come up with a different solution. My zebra Danios are very active and seem quite happy but I'll consider adding more. The Emerald Cat looks identical to a Cory Cat but it's bigger.

B. My main concern is fin nipping. I don't want any fish that will mess with the Angels. I'd also prefer fish that leave my plants alone.

C. I had moved 5 of my Cory Cats into my 55 gallon and forgot to update my math. My bad.

D. Sig shortened.

So, can anyone give me advice as to what tank mates Angels would like?


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