Tankmates For Cobalt Zebras And Yellow Labs

I don't know, I'm just using up the last of it. It's not in the original container. Don't worry! I'm switching to something suitable for both homnivores and herbivores. Perhaps you can suggest something! Does anyone have any insight related to my original question?
Rusties are great, not so aggressive, not so docile. they add a nice flash of color especially when their beefed up for a girl :hey:

acei would be a good addition too
Id have a single Ps.Demasoni.

Yep, Ginge talked me into a single demasoni for my 75gal and she is just lovely. (Yes, Ginge, you were right she's definately a female since she is currently holding. The other fish are going to get a nice snack when she spits.)

My tank is a 75 gal so you wouldn't be able to get away with the amount I have, but I have 7 labs, 6 cobalts, 6 acei, 1 demasoni. Here are a couple of pics so you can see them together.






As for food, I feed mine NLS (New Life Spectrum Cichlid Formula), algae wafers on occasion, as well as spinach, zucchini, and very occasionally frozen daphnia and brine shrimp.

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