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  1. C

    Ammonia Spike

    No all plants are healthy and growing, i just added more to create more hiding space etc. I will do my best to try and rehome them over next few days
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    Ammonia Spike

    I have two filters, original juwel one plus Ehiem external one. All has been fine until this week. I havent added more fish or anything just more plants
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    Ammonia Spike

    Ok thanks, I will try and rehome some more then and continue with water changes again. I will do a small one now as I dont like to leave them in water like that and I will do a big one tomorrow and add the meds. Thanks for your help.
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    Ammonia Spike

    Hi, theres no redness to her eye at all, all gills are clear. Its like a clear swelling round her eye socket, so clear that you can almost see through it. The molly with the bad eye is flicking but looks like shes trying to rub the eye more than her body and a few of the guppies are also...
  5. C

    Ammonia Spike

    After my sudden spike in ammonia I carried out water changes over weekend and yesterday I had a reading of nil. Now my water has gone very cloudy ! I have rehomed 3 fish and a few are going to my friend on Friday. I have a guppy with a small patch of what looks like finrot. Do I treat whole tank...
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    Ammonia Spike

    The tank has a sand base and i always vac it during a change. I am now carrying out a 75% water change. Thanks for the advice
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    Ammonia Spike

    A 50% water change is carries out once a week, carry out regular tests, if ammonia was found an immediate water change was carried out but even with this stocking there has been no ammonia present for over a month. Tank is also heavily planted.
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    Ammonia Spike

    The tank is 240 litres - approx 55 gallons. The loaches are all small. All water stats have been fine until today
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    Ammonia Spike

    Fish are fed every other day, algae wafers are added every day but get eaten straight away. Tank is heavily planted and all plants are healthy. Dead fish were removed straight away. Filters appear to be functioning normally. Tap water shows no readable result for ammonia. Fish are ... 5 Black...
  10. C

    Ammonia Spike

    Hi, Im just looking for some advice as to why my tank would have an ammonia spike after a big water change. The tank is a 240 litre tank, quite heavily planted and all water tests have been showing as fine. I bought new plants for the tank yesterday and the tank had a water change. I lost a...
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    Neon Tetra With Odd Lump

    Right, I have got a pic that isn't particularly great. It might help a bit, here's hoping.
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    Neon Tetra With Odd Lump

    I have tried for a while to get a pic but the shutter sped is too slow and they appear blurry. If you can make some sense of a slightly blurry pic then I will put one up. If this thing bursts, like it looks like it could, then obviously I don't want that happening in a community tank, so I will...
  13. C

    Neon Tetra With Odd Lump

    The neons are more colourful now than they have ever been! They couldn't be any more red!! The lump doesn't look like an organ, the best way to describe it is as a zit with a very squeezable head. It is swimming with the others, there are no behavioural changes. I won't euthanase a fish for no...
  14. C

    Neon Tetra With Odd Lump

    Hi, I have a neon tetra that is going through a problem. It started as a small bump which started coming out of the body but not disturbing it's colours, about an eye's width back from the eye, if you get what I mean. It progressed to breaking the colour but not the skin. Now it has apparently...
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    Rip Bonnie The Pregnant Guppy

    Im so sorry. Everytime I logged in here I had to check up on Bonnie ! I have guppy fry that are 11 days old so one of them will now also be Bonnie !
  16. C

    Have I Jumped The Gun?.....

    I went through the "in the net, out of the net" problem when I had quite a few pregnant guppies. I then bought a molly who also looked pregnant and a few days later I found quite a lot of fry ! These are 3 weeks old now and I have also got new fry in my guppy tank that are very clever at hiding...
  17. C

    'yawning Fish'

    Would it be a stretch of the imagination to suggest that perhaps they had unhinged/damaged/broken their jaws from something? Maybe something lodged, a minor cyst, blockage etc or from simply yawning just too hard too often? Their bones must be very tiny in that region.
  18. C

    'yawning Fish'

    Does anyone know why the guppys' mouths stayed open preventing them from eating? I am just worried in case Spike yawns that one time too hard and finds himself unable to close his mouth. We can't tell what his normal behaviour is because we have only had him for 5 days and all he does is...
  19. C

    'yawning Fish'

    Okay, my fish have done this before, but none that did survived long after. I have seen it in guppies and others, but this concerns me little baby boy betta, Spike. He stretches his jaw as if to yawn the way a human does, but in slow motion with a lot of effort in it. In the guppies, their...
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    What Is The Best Way To Keep A Betta?

    He is on his own, but I am thinking of getting him something tiny for a tank mate, because he seems lonely. I was thinking 2 Panda Corys, but it is 17l and wondered if it might be slightly overcrowded.....
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    What Is The Best Way To Keep A Betta?

    Okay, I took some of him this morning. They aren't very good because my camera is rubbish but they show his colours well I will try to get more of him but as soon as he sees me he goes in to his house!
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    What Is The Best Way To Keep A Betta?

    Im either getting the cold shoulder early or hes shy :lol: . He is hiding in his house and peeping out of the window! He is in a 17L tank. I have tried to take pics ( when i can see him) but they are too dark, I will try again soon !
  23. C

    Who Do The Fry Belong To ?

    These fry are now going on for 17 days old and doing great but still no idea what they are :unsure: . There are 2 chubby ones and i can see a fairly large fin appearing on its back. They are still quite white. They have been moved into a larger tank with guppies after close observation on the...
  24. C

    What Is The Best Way To Keep A Betta?

    I got my new boy !!! He is a very dark red crowntail with a small amount of blue. I think he is very young as he seems alot smaller that our veiltail that we have had for 2 months. Hes being very moody at the mo and seems to be sulking ! :unsure:
  25. C

    What Is The Best Way To Keep A Betta?

    Hi, thanks to you all there for the advice, very much appreciated. I dont really want to split the 90L as this is my main tank and has been running a while now and everyone seems happy enough in there . Also i would be scared stiff incase the both males got together at any point by accident...
  26. C

    What Is The Best Way To Keep A Betta?

    I have a 90L as my main tank with 1 male betta. I would like to have another betta but not sure what is the best way to house him as many people have different opinions. Is it best for them to be alone ? what size tank does 1 on his own need ? Are they better off with a few tank mates ? Do they...
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    What To Do?

  28. C

    Filter Headache....

    Hi, I have gone and bought a new eheim 2224, is this overkill or a good decision? It was £70 delivered, and I was influenced by an interesting heated debate elsewhere on this forum. Seems asking which filter is best is like an invitation to
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    Ideas On Tank Mates

    I thought there was something wrong with the suggestion that they can live in just a 'fish bowl' and nothing else. I have read many places/articles that people say they have done this, but always thought it wrong. So to have a weak filter flow and a heater is what is required, now for the...
  30. C

    Who Do The Fry Belong To ?

    Hi, 4 are now a light grey and they were born 9 days ago, the other 8 that i found 7 days ago are still white and are quite chunky! they seem to have different eyes too, more prominent black spot with white edging (very much like molly eyes). I cant stop looking at them ! I really dont mind who...
  31. C

    Sex Of Silver Tipped Tetras

    Hi, as far as I know the females have a larger belly and more of a silver colour whilst the males are the copper ones. I have heard that they do change colour while resting though
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    How To Tell The Difference Between Male And Female Silver-tip Tetras?

    As far as i know the female has a larger belly and is more silver where the male has more of a copper colour to him. I have 10 in my daughters tank but still cant tell the difference. I have also heard that they change colour when resting
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    Endler's Livebearers & Bettas

    I did have 4 endlers in same tank as my betta. I am now down to one (but not due to betta). They seem fine together but the endlers i did have were nippers, often nipping guppies under the belly
  34. C

    Who Do The Fry Belong To ?

    Hi, thanks for that. I have tried to take a pic but they are in a 30L tank on their own and moving pretty fast so it hasnt worked! They are still quite clear and pretty big but some are a little darker, going a dark grey. 4 were found just after the death of the guppy, the others were found 36...
  35. C

    Missing Eyes On My Fish !

    Oh right, looks as if hes not as quiet as i thought then ! Its a 30L tank that I have been using for fry recently but they will be moving on soon. How many shrimps/corys would be safe? Sorry im a pain but Im new to all this
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    Missing Eyes On My Fish !

    My betta seems fine, he seems to much of a loner to do anything but often flares at the black widow. Its only the danios that have eyes missing and i find it very strange as they are quite fast and i think to fast for the betta to nip at. I am awaiting a new tank so looks like there will be a...
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    Missing Eyes On My Fish !

    Is it true that a betta is better off in its own tank? I think it seems a bit cruel as they look so lonely but if thats how they prefer it.........
  38. C

    Missing Eyes On My Fish !

    Hi, I have noticed today that 2 of my zebra danios each have one eye missing !!!! This must have happened in the last day or so cos I look at the fish closely every day. They are still very active, feeding fine and showing no signs of illness. Apart from other tetras in the tank there is a...
  39. C

    Newbie With Questions....

    Hi people. I would just like to point out that yes there are too many fish in the main tank atm, but there is absolutely no fin nipping going on, in fact everyone's tails are fine. Although I am slightly alarmed at my yellow tailed male guppy which seems to now have a clear 'band' occupying the...
  40. C

    Where Has My Snail Appeared From ?

    And there was me worrying about 1-2 ramshorn(?) snails that appeared in my fry tank and I wake up this morning to two big clusters in my main tank from my apple snails !!! Now what do I do ???. Dont even know if i have a male and female in the tank :unsure: