Neon Tetra With Odd Lump


Fish Fanatic
Feb 27, 2009
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Hi, I have a neon tetra that is going through a problem. It started as a small bump which started coming out of the body but not disturbing it's colours, about an eye's width back from the eye, if you get what I mean. It progressed to breaking the colour but not the skin. Now it has apparently burst through the skin.
It looks like a very small mini pellet glued to the fish. It is only on one side of the body. The fish appears normal in all other ways, it behaves normally, feeds etc.
I am worried in case it's a worm/fluke, as now it has emerged from the body it could spread to other fish. I won't be able to get a very good pic because of their fast speeds, so hope the description is enough. I have treated with Interpet Anti-Internal Bacteria but with no effect.
If anyone has any idea what it is and if it will spread, please please tell me. Thanks.
Does it look like an organ that has pushed through the stomach.
I would put the little chap out of its misery.

Check the neons to see if there red stripe area looks bleached out.
The neons are more colourful now than they have ever been! They couldn't be any more red!! The lump doesn't look like an organ, the best way to describe it is as a zit with a very squeezable head. It is swimming with the others, there are no behavioural changes. I won't euthanase a fish for no reason, since this appears to be only a visual thing. Can parasites work their way out of the body like this? Or is it something completely different?
Is there a hole in the tummy as that What I was thinking by your post.
Spots have know to ulcerate into a hole.
Yes internal parasites have been know to break the skin and push through.

Is it possible to load a pic up onto the site.

I would isolate the sick fish and try a bacterial med.
If it bursts it can infect the tank.
I have tried for a while to get a pic but the shutter sped is too slow and they appear blurry. If you can make some sense of a slightly blurry pic then I will put one up. If this thing bursts, like it looks like it could, then obviously I don't want that happening in a community tank, so I will seperate it asap. This has been growing for about 2 weeks, so I am quite puzzled.
Right, I have got a pic that isn't particularly great. It might help a bit, here's hoping.
They look fine to me.
Hows the poorly one doing.

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